DAILY CHAT / SATURDAY / 16/06/2012 - Quit Support

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DAILY CHAT / SATURDAY / 16/06/2012

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
22 Replies

Good morning all!

Yes its me again, anyone got some good sleeping pills, seem to wake up at 5.30 every morning , very rarely sleep in. I think its when I used to get up early for work, still not got it out of my system.

Anyway less of my moaning. WELL DONE! :) to Hayleymarie, Hope you enjoyed your night. You did really well keeping off those piggies. bet you felt really proud of yourself. Keep positive.

Everybody have a lovely Saturday and enjoy your smokefree day. :) :)

Time for my boiled egg and soldiers, tummy is rumbling. will catch up with you all later.

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jillygirl profile image
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22 Replies
andi22 profile image

Good morning Jilly and a nice sunny but blustery one at that. Just had my brekkie - weetabix - cos am off to the gym soon. Shame at the weekends they don't open til 8 but during the week it's 6.30.

Went to bed early last night and slept right through til 3 before I woke up first so for me had a really good night's sleep. Be nice if it stayed like that but I seem to get one in the week and they go downhill from there. The norm lately is I wake up, think it's 2 or 3, look at the clock and it's only half an hour after I went to sleep! :o Don't know what that's all about. Anyway, have a good day, catch up later. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to andi22

Morning andi, glad its not just me with weird sleeping patterns.

weather up here is normal rain rain and more rain.

Anyway going to the shops later, hubby wants some new shoes, and I might treat myself to a new top.

Have a lovely day . see you later. xxx

jarvo profile image

Morning all

How's everyone feeling today?

How was your night out Hayley, hope you enjoyed yourself.

I'll be popping in and out today but I'll keep checking for ant questions.

Enjoy your day and well done to everyone :-)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to jarvo

good morning Claire, seems we all have funny sleeping patterns. may be you are the normal one here.

in fact you must be all the rest of us are daft after yesterdays blogs. :D

Seems Hayley did well last night , if you look on yesterdays blog she logged in on getting home.

catch up later. xx

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner

Hiya Jillygirl. I woke up at 5am, 6am and 7am, then decided to give up on the idea of a lie in! I had a great lunch yesterday, loads of food, shared a bottle of wine (didn't share the after lunch liquer though ha ha) NO cigarettes, it chucked it down in the afternoon, my friend was soaked, I was dry and self-satisfied ha ha ha. Off swimming now to make the most of the fact I'm up so early. A great, happy Saturday to all and will check in with you later xxx :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to Finley2012

morning Finley, seems the topic today is sleeping patterns. what are we all like. anyway enjoy your swim. :)

catch up later. xx

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to jillygirl

Hiya Jillygirl. Just back from swimming - well, came back and cooked bacon, fried egg and fried bread - always starving when I've had a swim. Taking dog out now so will catch up with everyone later xx :D

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to jillygirl

Oh Oh - bacon! It's those piggies again - lol :D

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Wakey ! Wakey ! Pete.

not like you to sleep in. :D

catch up later love.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Morning Jillygirl, yes i'm finally awake and up and about :o

When i work nights i only seem to sleep for a couple of hours a day, so fridaynight is my catchup night :) I got to sleep about 9.00 last night - awake this morning at 9.30 :D and i feel tip-top now gal :)

That was a record daily chat yesterday, wasnt it, hmmmmm who's joined us?? Finley!! :D :D Morning Finley, think i may take a leaf out of your book gal and i will have a bacon & egg buttie!!

Think i had best scarper before Finley gets back from her dog walk :D

Speak soon Pete :)

Finley2012 profile image
Finley201230 Months Winner in reply to monky

Shouldn't forget the fried bread Pete - scrummy, cooked in dip (bacon fat), crispy, delicious and just fab when dipped in the egg. I took the dog out but going out again in a minute, going to try a jog/walk/jog round the park outside my house, with the dog - he'll probably be confused/think I'm barmy etc but who cares :P Then taking my daughter to work and then ????? dunno. A bit of cleaning maybe, or something else to eat :D Will catch up later all xxx

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee in reply to monky

Hi Pete, didnt mean to wake you this morning, will tiptoe next time. :D

Been shopping hubby got shoes, I got sandals, didnt see a top i fancied.

hope you enjoyed your bacon & egg buttie.

Just had cheese on toast. But we are of for fish & chips, where Harry Ramsdens used to be. (now wetherby whaler)

well love have a good day . catch up later. xx :)

Hayleymarie profile image

Good morning all!!

Wish I could wake up earlier sometimes Jilly, I feel like I'm missing half the day haha! But then again I suppose if it's every morning I may get a bit sick of it lol!

Last night went really well thank you everyone :D! I felt annoyed with myself for smoking the e-piggie but then I remembered what alot of you said, it's just nicotine not an actual cig! The main difference was when I woke up this mornin, I didn't reek of smoke and I could breathe normally haha!! My chest didn't feel tight at all so was really chuffed! Feeling a little poorly today though so off to get a burger and beer from the food and drink festival that's going on at the racecourse!

It's a nice feeling when that happens isn't it Finley lol! Sitting all dry when your friends are wet from going outside! I feel like that in work when my friends go to the smoking area haha!!

Hope everyone has a great day and I'll pop back in later.

Speak soon


andi22 profile image

Well, good morning to all you other lazy people! :) (Well not really - wish I could sleep in sometimes. :o )

Went to gym, workout ok, then did a spin, ok again, then as I just start walking back to the car my calf seized up again! Will have to get something done about that if I want to carry on with this running lark! :D :D

Have a good piggie-free day, speak later. Andi.

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

Good Morning Andi, i didnt get up until 9.30 gal :D :D sleepy head or what?!

I'm glad your workout went ok gal, sorry about your calf seizing up again, have you asked your p.t. what he thinks about it??

I could always nip down to you and give it a massage if you like!!!! :o

I hope the weather is better there than it is here, but just heard on the radio, ''nice for next week'' and getting warmer :D :D

Watchout for them piggies gal and speak soon :)

Pete ;-P

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Aup you lot where you all got tooooooo then???? ahhhh i know, your all worn out from taking the p--- erm micky out of me yesterday !! :P thats what it is, serves you all right!! I'm a ma- erm a mou- erm an old boy then if you like, so i can take it !!!! :P :P or is it cus you've all gev in to the piggie!!!! :D :D

Rite then i will go and play on my own, huh not bothered :(

Am going now, i am :P

Pete :)

andi22 profile image

Good evening Pete and everybody (anybody?) else,

A bit quiet on here today isn't it? I think we all wore ourselves out yesterday. I'm sure they've all gone out enjoying themselves. :) It is Saturday night after all and not everyone is as old as us!! :o :D :D

Well Pete, you'll be pleased to know that I've spoken to my PT and he says I've got to ice followed by warm so..... I've just come back from the shop! I bought a packet of peas, a hot water bottle, a packet of pistachios and a toblerone (Thorntons on offer had sold out :( ). I was supposed to be going out to a bbq tonight but as weather so grot and in view of my calf am staying IN - yet again!! On Monday I'm going to make an appt to see a physio to try and get this fixed before I can run again. Good news is that I can still go spinning tomorrow. :)

Speak later (if you're still up, old man! :D :D )

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to andi22

I'm up till about 8.45 young Lady !!

Pitty about the Thorntons chocs gal :( you should have bought a load while they were on offer eh :D :D

Your not the only one staying in gal, as in me tooooo :( :(

Maybe speak later, if not nite nite and sweet dreams gal, and try to get some sleep!! please :)

Pete :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

OK everyone, i am full now after having fish & chips.

I am going to sign off now, and see you in the morning. Got a cuppa, NO piggy , and a lottery ticket. gonna put feet up now. and watch tv.

Nite Nite. xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jillygirl

Jillygirl, i'm glad your full up now gal, so that means they will be no snacking then eh :D :D

Nite nite gal, see you in the morning :)

Pete :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to monky

Nite nite Pete

Nite nite Jilly

Nite nite everybody else :)

madametobacco49 profile image

Hi Jilly---what are soldiers??

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