I think that i've got the weather forecast right today, the sun is blazing down on me here!! and i hope that you all get some of it!!!!
Jillygirl, i now know that your nuttier than i am, after all those flippin hair doooos you had yesterday i hope your keeping smoke free!!
Andi, I hope you had a good nights sleep gal have you got them running shoes on yet!! Hey you have a nice smoke free day toooooo eh.
Wonder, you get younger looking everyday gal if thats what quitting smoking does for you, i should have done it years ago!!!! i hope you and your family are all ok
I hope everybody is in good spirits and that today brings good energies to all
Please use our daily chat to let us know how you are doing with your quit attempt, at whatever stage you are at - Planning, preparing, quitting, staying stopped and even relapsing....
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Remember, that any questions that you have may help others wondering the same thing
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Morning Pete hope your doing great and keeping those piggies away, kick them out the door, we have sun as well but not as warm as it was yesterday, thought i'd dye my hair to brighten it up except it's turned out bright red :D, not quite what i had in mind lol, i'm finding it hard today,would normally go shopping with my dad at this time, thankfully i don't have any pigs in the house, am determined to stay strong though, hopefully i'll manage, hope everyone has a good day today and stay's strong x
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tosue52
Morning Suepagal, i'm so glad your still with us, and you stay in there gal, cus i know that your a strong Lady, and that you can do it!!
So your a red head now then gal, just super!! have you got a blue and white dress to go with it!!!! would be very patriotic eh!!
Morning Sue, Well done for keeping your spirits up. I think you are marvellous. I know what you mean about about routine things you did with your dad. I still want to phone my mum when I need a chat or advice, and thats over 15yrs ago. At least they are in our thoughts, and I do believe they still watch over us. You have a lovely day, and good luck with the hair. xx
Morning Pete, and nice to see you back Sue. Glad to hear that you're managing to stay strong - it makes all the difference not having any about the house to give you temptation.
Ah well, it's your turn for the sun today - not sure if we'll get any today - am debating whether to put the heating back on as it's only 10c outside - brrrr.
Pete, am not running today - apparently you have to recover in between runs otherwise that's when injuries can happen but might walk or bike later.
Have finally started telling people over the last week about giving up smoking and most people are amazed and seem very pleased for me.
Jilly, hope you've got the sunshine up there too
Lenne, (wherever you are) hope you're enjoying your weekend and managing to get out and about a bit.
Have a good day without any piggies and see you all later.
Hi andi , same as you very cold up here. got a little bit of sun but also some very big black and grey clouds. So it could go either way.
Going to pamper my feet today. Going for a walk, then when i get back am going to soak and massage my feet in foot spa. then put them up for 30 mins. Got oedema in feet( fluid on ankles makes em swell up) so got to try and exercise and relax. At least it takes my mind off them there piggies. Hope you have a lovely day. And it is a good feeling when you tell people you dont smoke . Carry on the good work. xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Morning Andi, sorry about the weather you've got today, it was about 10c here yesterday butttttt with rain aswell!!!! so your recovering today, yer you have an easy day gal, you deserve it, you've done loads the last few days, you dont want to overdoit do you!!
Just cooking dins at the moment, so speak soon, and you have a munch if you want tooooo
Morning Pete. Guess what I slept in until 8.30. not bad for me eh!
Bet your kitchen is sparkling . As for the weather its a hit and miss day. Hope you enjoy the sun make the most of it.
No hair dos today. Just thought Id keep your brain going yesterday.
Take care Young man! xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tojillygirl
Morning Jillygirl, sounds like you had a good nights sleep then, you cant beat it gal.
As for yesterday, you lost the plot completely gal, i've just put it down to your age!! your at that loopy time, what you Ladies get!! us men dont get that
As for your feet, whats up with your hubby massaging them for you?? wont he do it?? if not i will nipp over and massage them for you, hope your not ticklishshshshsh by the way i'm 5' 6'' tall, if your hubbies bigger than me!! perhaps i will stay in and wash my hair instead, it may be safer!!
Hey everyone! Aaaaaah I have properly missed you folks! I've been at The Lake District, I took my phone and iPad with me so I could check in with you all and see that you're all okay... However, there has been no signal whatsoever! I'm now in the car and on my way home so the first chance I got signal I thought I best show my face!
I'll have a good catch up over a cuppa and pop on properly tonight. Looks like there's plenty going on, hope you're all okay. Felt really strange not being able to get on here!
Thanks for continuing to support each other. You are all fab
Speak to you all properly later xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toEmJay
Aup Emjay, you havnt eloped then!! i was getting a bit worried about you cus you normaly show your face on a weekend gal!! just come in for 5 mins, after mowing the lawns, cream crackered now
The lake district is lovely isnt it, nice and relaxing, you ought to go in the autumn when the leaves are changing colour!!
I hope you had a nice break.
Had a couple of hard days but the gals have helped me out, and seems a bit easier today!!
Glad you had a good break emjay. also glad your back keep our friend pete under control. lol. looked on web site about award night looked really great. good site to look on for info too.
catch up later got my grandaughter here at the mo.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tojillygirl
Hey Hey!! flippin Jillygirl, whats this about Emjay keeping me in control!!!!
Who tried to keep you under control yesterday, and who's kept the others in order over the weekend then????
Yes Emjay you've got it, it was me, dont know how you found out, cus i dont shout about it.
Hi Pete, You know we only tease you, anyway your the only man brave enough to come on this site. Yeah all these women you talk to day and night. Surely we take your mind of those piggies. By the way talk about keeping us under control, can I borrow you for my neighbours grand kids, Not too bad last night they went to bed at 1.00am. Hence why i am awake early this morning. see you soon , xx
Morning Jilly - I thought I was up early today (as usual!!). Went out at 6 for a run before the rain sets in for the day. Went where I go by the beach - a lovely headland - where I was going for walks before. Nice fresh air and not too many dog walkers around yet, they seem to start appearing more from about 7!
Have you got plans for today with family for the Jubilee?
All back to normal now for me, it's so funny how not having any phone or network connection can bother you isn't it....? I felt so out of touch 8)
I cant believe you've been up and out for a run already Andi, how disciplined are you?! I'm well impressed Sounds as though your still confidently moving in the right direction too by telling everyone that you've stopped smoking. It's a great step forward. Some people tell everybody as soon as they quit so that they are less likey to smoke for fear of being shown up should they go back to it. Some people feel a bit under pressure if they tell everyone so they tend to 'do it on the quiet' until they think they've cracked it. Which decision to majestic all depends on your own confidence at the beginning when you set your quit date... Well done to you
Sue, glad all went as well as could be expected for you on Friday. Time is the greatest healer and I hope you've plenty of support around in family and friends for you. You've been fantastic throughout such a sad time and have managed to stay strong. You can do this and we're with you every step of the way
An early start for you too Jillygirl, you sound like your always busy... Grandchildren keeping you on you feet, lovely neighbours testing your patience and of course when you get to bed.... A snoring husband! Hope you gave your feet a well deserved pamper yesterday, you cant geat a oovely soak! Glad you found our main website of interest. Theres plenty of information to help anybody who has to deal with lung cancer. We are also just in the middle of updating our Fag Ends stop smoking website too as it's now a bit dated. Lots of fab work going into it over the next few months hopefully
Pete, thanks ever so much for starting off the daily at over the weekend and holiday, a great help looks like you've been kept on your toes with the ladies, bet you love it though ha ha how are you doing today? It really is nice to hear that you've felt supported by everyone as this is what this site is about
I hope Lenne is okay and having a lovely bank holiday time with her boyfriend and that Wonder is as still motivated and as confident as ever.
I have so much to try and catch up on here, got sidetracked yesterday with a houseful of family when I came home, so shall have a look at what you have all been unto. Looking quite busy on here though which I really am made up with.
Thank you all for being such a lovely bunch of people
Morning Emjay, nice to see you back. I see you're not quite used to those new nails you got for your bash last week! Glad you enjoyed the Lake District - I've never been there - one day! (Oh dear, that's what I always said about stopping smoking! ) It's gone so cold down here I had to put the heating back on again this morning. Enjoy the rest of your Bank Holiday. Andi x
Morning everyone, it's a nice sunny day here again, would be a lovely day for a walk, if i could, must have been lovely for you Andi to walk along the beach, don't think i could get up that early though sorry your not getting a good nights sleep Jillygirl, i know how you feel i had noisy neighbours as well till i reported them, hope things get better for you, i know i keep repeating myself but i really am grateful for all your kind words; they've really helped me, apart from my husband and kids i haven't seen any if my other family, either before or after the funeral, you all helped me so much hope you all have a great day, whatever your doing, stay strong and keep those piggies away xx
Hi Sue, so its you thats gor all the sun. its not raining here in yorkshire but it is a bit chilly. Anyway had a walk this morning now going to tackle the ironing. at least thats a warm job.
Sorry to hear your family not been. sometimes i think they dont know what to do so they keep away. suppose everyone is different. Anyway love keep strong we are all here for you. Your superb. xx
Hi Jillygirl yeh that's one for the books, it's Scotland that has the warm sunny weather lol, it probably won't last much longer, your probably right about the family but i could have done with some help, need to see to my brother as well as he has several health problems, makes this not smoking harder but i'm determined not to give in and just take it a day at a time, sometimes hour by hour, and read all the posts on here, that helps me stay strong, hope the ironing warms u up, have a great day xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply tosue52
Hi Suepagal, because thats what you are gal, i get down on my knees to you Sue, because your one hell of a Lady, a lot stronger than me, i lost it when my Dad died, even with my family around me, so i do know somethink about what you are going through, you keep you chin up gal, because i know your a winner!!!!!
Hi Pete no going down on knees lol i'm just the same as everyone else, sometimes i struggle, especially lately,then i remember how proud my dad was that i stopped and that keeps me going two weeks for you now, woo hoo that's brill you'll do it this time, i know you will, keep strong, keep your mind busy xx
Hiya everyone, hope you're having a lovely long weekend! It's been nice, and horrible, and now nice again for me because I've been tearing my hair out feeling completely rubbish and managed to finally work out what was wrong with me; I didn't need a smoke, I needed a giant juicy BURGER! So, I had one. With chips. Cravings all gone now thank goodness was about to tear my own throat out trying to work out what I needed. I've decided I won't count any more calories but I will be more careful on what I am snacking on and the meals I have but if I start getting twitchy it's back to McDonald's for me! I seriously don't think I was in smart-mode when I decided dieting at this time was a good idea, yes I want to be healthy but at the moment the most important thing to focus on is kicking the ciggies to the curb not slimming. Silly mare aren't I. xxx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toLenne
Hi Lenne, no your not a silly mare at all gal, far from it gal!!!! But like you Lenne, i know that i cant kick ciggies and drink into touch at the same time, so we have to consentrate on kicking the ciggies outa that door first, and when we've mastered them, then we can go for other things.
I loved the way that you worked out for yourself, that it wasnt a ciggie you wanted!!!! but a burger, a big juicy one at that I just cant fault you one little bit gal, you want a burger!! YOU GO GET ONE !!
Thanks Pete, guess it's no good trying to run before we can walk huh? I feel so much better now, less stroppy (my boyfriend is happier too because I've been a complete monster with the cravings)! xx
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toLenne
I bet you aint half given him some hastle these last couple of days gal!!, you give him some a your lovin now gal, and cheer him up too.
Hi everyone, nice to see Sue and Lenne back and Pete now back from work.
Weather's been so horrible, cold and wet down here today, that's why I got out early this morning before it set in.
Lenne, I know how you feel cos I'm having these terrible cravings at the mo. I've just got home, fully intending to cook a nice healthy meal and all I want is something nice and savoury and not necessarily healthy!! Have got half a tin of baked beans in the fridge so now tryng to work out what to go with them.
Sue, glad to hear you've got (had?) the sun up there today. Shame about the family but great that you are still managing to stay off the piggies!
Jilly, I caught up on my ironing yesterday - kept putting it off til the next load! ended up with 20 tshirts etc. whoops.
Pete, tomorrow will be the start of week 2 for you WOO HOO! (Of course I know this cos you're 4 weeks behind me now. )
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Aup Andi, yer yer you rub it in gal, huh not bothered
Hmmmmm baked beans eh???? you got any pistachio nuts to go with them???? i have, ner ner ni ner nerrrrrr.
Andi try having a savoury snack, while you are cooking your healthy meal!!
Good evening Pete, unfortunately I do not have any pistachio nuts to go with my baked beans! You would not believe what I actually put with them ( so I won't tell you ). It was healthy though but I'm now full up so maybe I won't have any chocolate this evening (see that pig flying by?!? ).
As I'm sure I've said before - you are officially MAD.
PS I love the new hairstyle - you grew that pony tail pretty damn quick.
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer• in reply toandi22
Please pretty please tell me what you put with them beans, cus like you said i'm mad, so i might like it!!
Hairstyle, Hmmm put that on for you, now that you are running, thought you might like it for yourself
Its chuckin it down here, so i've been messin on my computer, going through cliparts to keep me occupied.
As for chocs, i know you will have a nibble or two
Well, it was (don't laugh - this is the truth) smoked mackerel, asparagus and roasted yam & onion. This was followed by a fig yoghurt and melon. The things you eat when you live on your own and haven't been shopping for a few days! I was then on here doing last blog when this went on a go-slow then crashed so had to go and eat 4 Ferrer Rocher in disgust!!!
Anyway I'm sure you'll be off up the wooden hill any minute so I'll say nite nite.
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