So nearly a month now smoke free. The cravings have subsided completely, dont even want to smoke after a drink now! Fitness had improved no end, friends have noticed the disappearance of the coughing fits and my endurance increased no end.
Still coughing up a bit of crap, especially after a few drinks but its reduced a lot now.
NOPE is definitely the way forward but.... if you're a long term smoker, easing off onto vaping and reducing that way makes life so much easier. Just have a plan, dont swap one crutch for another because vaping still effects your health but it is a great stepping stone to being smoke free and that is worth it!
Everyone will have different tolerances for withdrawal, just try and remember smoking isn't helping to resolve your stress/problems/anything else, it is just a crutch that's slowly poisoning you!
Smoke free is freedom and a happier healthier life
Use this site when things get difficult, the mods are great and always on hand and the end result is so so worth it!