I have read of people getting copd / emphysema years after giving up smoking and although some probably already had it mild some did not .I have purchased an E.cig I have had generalised anxiety disorder for a great number of years with panic disorder and I have graved disease so chose the vapourlites e cig .I am 56 years old and have smoked since age 18,so what are the benefits of me giving up? am I still likely to get copd? have no symptoms of it .I am not looking for reasons not to stop,just want to think quitting will have benefits.
Giving up.: I have read of people getting copd... - Quit Support
Giving up.

Hello Bev and welcome to quit support๐
Congratulations on making the best decision for your health and there are lots and lots of benefits๐๐ผ
You will feel better, smell better and look better plus you'll have more money, so it's a win win situation. Quitting will give you the best chance of a healthier future. This really is the best thing to do and I suppose none of us know what will happen in the future. But I do know that not putting 4000 plus chemicals into our body every time we light up, our bodies will most certainly thank us for it๐
Your ecig will help you with your cravings and you can look forward to feeling healthier and happier. Just remember NOPE not one puff ever and you can do it๐x

Hi Bev and a big welcome to quit support
smoking has absolutely no benefit to your health at all, so by quitting, you are giving yourself a good chance of improved health
Like Briar said, we can't predict out future health, but quitting is certainly going to be an advantage should we develop COPD etc.
I do not know about the ecigs but many of our members have quit successfully using them
I would suggest talking to your GP as many people experience temporary mild depression and anxiety as part of the quit process.
We have a great support network that is here to help and support you
Hi bev and well done for quitting๐ as the girls have already said giving up smoking benefits your health,your skin and your pocket.....hopefully by giving up now it will reduce your chances of serious illness or killer diseases.....
carry on smoking and who knows what will happen although your family could save a few quid on formaldehyde for your funeral as there will be soooo much of it in your body you won't need it....๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง๐ง blunt I know but true......
We are all here for you, each of us have been where you are now so we know it can be a struggle.... keep us close and we will support you ๐๐
A bit too blunt I think.....
Hi again Bev
I dont think Droopy meant it to sound so scary
Bev, please let us at least try to help you eh
I use an e-cig myself and so do many others on here
sooo, come on gal, lets try to get you where you want to be, thats healthier, smelling of roses and not of flippin fags
looking better, feeling better, whiter teeth, having more money to spend on yourself
We are all here for you Bev

Aup Bev, its lovely to see you here and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
I see some of our lovely members have given you some great advice already
and all I can add to that is that you really have to want to quit to be successful
if you havnt already, then perhaps make a quit plan, cos this will help you when you get bad days
If you have a look to the right of your post, you will see TOPICs, have a nosey through them, they may help you Bev, quitting smoking has got to be the best option for you and everybody
cos I tell ya gal, you just dont want to know what toxins are in a cigarette
Bev, if you need help, please, please dont hesitate and just ask gal
If you want any help with your e-cig, just give us a nudge in the ribbs eh
and we will try to help you with it
Good luck and take care now Pete
Hello Bev, We hear what your saying, non of us know what the future holds for us, we just have to take each day as it comes.
My quit thinking was after 45 years of smoking it had to Stop, I so want to try and be a Healthy Older person, and not be dependant on others through my own stupidity !!
I to use a vapour e-cig, just when I may feel over anxious, it's got me to this point in my quit.
Good Luck with your quit plan, Here's to a Healthier, Wealthier future.

Bev, I'm most certain to have COPD before I leave this earthly world. But if quitting will give me any additional 'quality' time to spend with the wife, kids and grands, I'll take it. I quit 73 days ago, after a 40 year habit, and have had a heck of a time with anxiety and breathing, but just this last week things are starting to get better. Only advice i can offer is "DO IT" you wont be disappointed.