Do I have to update here each day I don’t smoke? I’m rubbish at using these forums and always lose my place!
Help: Do I have to update here each day I don’t... - Quit Support

Good morning , No you dont have to update , we update your badges. You just pop on here when you feel like it, its not compulsory. If you should relapse (hopefully not) just let us know so we can adjust your badge. xx

Hello Ollie
As Jilly says no you don't have to update every day. Just take what you need from the forum to keep you on the straight and narrow. Read posts, write a post, give support, ask for support whatever is good for you😊😊😊

Hi Cheeseman, no pressure here to post as Jilly has said. Just whenever you feel like it. It’s good to know you’re not alone👍
Hope you’re doing ok🚭✅xx

Dear Cheeseman2, no you don't have to come on everyday, but why not?! We are a great group! 😁 lol. Seriously though, when you need to talk, vent, or ask questions, this is the place to come.🌹😊 Best of luck with your quit😊💪