I can't believe I'm here again I am smoking again after nearly 3 years of being smoke free. My husband of 28 years left me on July 4th. The night he left my sons girlfriend gave me a pack she found and said maybe have one to calm me down. Ive been smoking ever since. I am beside myself with grief and broken hearted. I miss my husband so much Its unbearable. I hate smoking and now I'm left with that to deal with as well. I'm so sad.
Smoking again after 3 yrs: I can't believe I'm... - Quit Support
Smoking again after 3 yrs

that nicotine stick will not help you destroy the griefs madam.
and no worries for the hiccup please.
I’m 4 months smoke free
but I putted one cigarette on my day 70 and felt so bad. Just get back to your track and nothing bad is gonna happen to you <3

Stop killing yourself because of him. He is not not worth it, Believe me. You will be ok ❤

Hi juliema,I'm sorry to hear that life has dealt you such difficult cards.
Please don't beat yourself up about picking up that 1st cigarette,it could have been any one of us.
Yes!! You managed to quit for 33 months,according to our database. I'm sorry your badge wasn't updated,sometimes we miss one hun.
But we need to know...............I'm sorry I know it's hard,have you quit again or are you still planning on doing so.
I see that the 1st time you quit you used champix,maybe if you stop now,after only smoking for a month you could go cold turkey.
Let us know,we will support you all the way.
I'll put a temporary badge on for now. If you quit straight away you won't necessarily lose all your 33 months.
Keep in touch.

I haven't quit again yet. I'm so grief stricken I cant wrap my head around it yet but I know I have to.

Dear Juliana, I'm sorry to hear your going through a rough time😢 . do you think you are ready to quit smoking? How did you quit the first time ? We are here for support if you need us💟

Hey Julie, don't worry about falling off the wagon. These things happen, especially if you experience traumatic events like you did. Please don't beat yourself up over it. Those 3 years smoke free already had a huuuuge positive effect on your health, no one can take that away from you. You will find a new time when you're determined enough to quit. I think we're all mad about your son's girlfriend, that old stereotype "one to calm you down". is really funny
Well, she didn't know any better it seems. For now, take care of yourself and don't worry to much about smoking. You know how to quit again when you're ready for it, and then you'll be smarter and more experienced. Let us know here how you feel from time to time, will you?

In difficult times many people revert back to the old familiar comfort of lighting up. Don’t be so hard on yourself, smoking is an addiction.
Think of all the cigs you didn’t smoke over the last 3 years and you will get there again. We will be here for you when you’re ready to try again xx

I know I would be tempted myself under similar circumstances. But remember, you are so special and important... you take care of you!!! Blessings.