Anyone know how long you should use nicotine patches for? I use them but not every day and they are starting to irritate my skin😬
Nrt: Anyone know how long you should use... - Quit Support
Hi, i used patches (currently fallen off the wagon 😩)
If you start on stage 1, 2wks
Then 6wks stage 2.
Talk to your nurse if you get irritation (shoulders seem less likely to get sore) change site each day.
Good luck. Vx
Thanks I tend to put them under bra strap or around waistband as they seem to fall of after an hour anywhere else! I can’t seem to find the stage 2 patches anywhere so still on 1! Thinking of changing to gum so I just use it when I crave a cig instead X
That could be the reason why they are irritating you, I used back of shoulder or underside of arms, that way there was nothing holding it on! Don’t use body cream or you could use micropore tape to help it stay in situ???
I couldn’t get on with the gum but I know others on here have
Hi There Splash here is a link about patches from the pinned posts
Hi splash I gave up with patches, in theory you can stay on the higher patch for as long as you need. Make sure you use different side of your body each day and a different location. I also took mine off about an hour before bed to help the weird dreams. I smoked about 10-15 a day so I started on the second level!
Is there a reason why you don’t use them every day??
Good quit, keep it going 🚭🚭🚭🚭
I take it off before bed too, some crazy dreams been going on lol🤣
I don’t really know why i don’t use them everyday, I sometimes wake up n smoking is the first thing I think about so I put a patch on, other days I don’t even think about it so I don’t bother with a patch x
I kept forgetting to put them on when I was in the second stage so I ended up leaving them off?? Then I had no nicotine at all after a few days..... horses for courses!!
Sorry i just checked back of box... step 1 6wks. Step2 2wks step 3 2wks.
Ive not used the gum, hope it works for you.
I used to see the nurse & she gave me patches, so not sure if Boots sell them.