I gave up in 2008 diagnosed with copd soon after. Did have a couple of blips on the way. But finally gave up. Hubby kept saying he would give up he's not allowed to smoke in the house which thought would help me. But last year I was taken into hospital twice and I think it was the wake up call he needed took a bit of time but he's done it.
Hubby smoker: I gave up in 2008 diagnosed with... - Quit Support
Hubby smoker
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4 Replies
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
Good morning Lizzric, Well done to both you and your hubby. You must feel better now you have stopped smoking ,especially both of you.
If you need any info or advice please ask away. xx
TheTabbyCatAdministratorLONG TERM WINNER
Hi Lizzric, that's a story with a happy ending. I hope you both enjoy your smokefree lives together.
cryogenics5 MONTH WINNER
I am a smoker of 40 years and on 4th day …..using electric cigarette
just make sure his heart (organ) and all the piping carotid arteries each side and legs, BLOOD SUPPLY to the legs and head NOT PLAQUED, MY husband had one artery 80% clogged up and he was a smoker for 40 years...reduce any "funny' turns or any potential stroke damage as MUCH HARDER TO RECOVER..and NOT WORTH IT, get him check, it starts with higher bp, diabetes...
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