Having given up for 4 months earlier this year I started to lapse again. Smokiness lot over the summer and now have all the ailments back associated with smoking. Most noticeably a horrendous chesty cough. So am quitting again for good. Using patches and affirmations. Yoga and exercise. Anyone got any other tips to help me?
And off I go again!!!: Having given up for... - Quit Support
And off I go again!!!

Well done on giving up be a regular in here to get the support and encouragement to keep going I'm 10 days now and thats on patches I think whatever works for you try it anything is worth a go if its going to help you kick the habit xx

Sounds like you've got it covered Lily! Though maybe do some prep for those damned cravings?!! Stay strong and well, much love Poll x

Good luck Lily x

You seem to be determined. Thats all it needs.

Lily your doing fine, Have a look at our pinned and related posts for ideas. Stay positive and keep this site close to hand. xx

Great that you're back😊
I like getting my lungs deep breathing and my heart pumping, really helps with any cravings. A bit of stubbornness and determination will get you through this too!
I'll reset your badge for you. Let me know your new Quit date 😊