ME! πŸ˜€: Day 28!!!! I want to be honest as I don... - Quit Support

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Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner
β€’13 Replies

Day 28!!!! I want to be honest as I don't want to be fooling anyone, most of all myself.

Day 16 at a friends BBQ I had about 6 puffs on a vape that had nicotine in (although unsure of the mg) & then on day 19 I had girlfriends over for dinner & one of them smoked, after running around all day & then prepping the food & drinking wine my guard was down & I puffed on a shared menthol with her, when she left I sneakily asked her to leave me one (as you do) & smoked it as fast as I could outside so hubby wouldn't catch me. In the morning I awoke & straight away was consumed with self hatred. I saw that dirty nub end outside & thought to myself......I am going to win this battle!

So am not sure if any badges should be awarded to me.

It's been tough, tears, tantrums & fights in my head! The thoughts running through your mind are crazy! Inviting parents round for dinner cos you know they have ciggies on them, visiting friends in the village that smoke, crazy thoughts but they are getting less & less.

Anyway the point of my post apart from being honest with you guys & myself is to give positivity to the newbies starting out, it's tough but CAN be done.

Am off for my Couch to 5k run that I started the same time as my quit journey, Week 4!

Happy Sunday everyone xx

PS Can I still keep using the NHS smoke free app after 28 days??

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Sammo70 profile image
11 Weeks Winner
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13 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Sammo, Yes by all means keep your NHS app. and no you wont be penalised with your badge. We like to give people a chance here on quit support so we wont be changing your quit date. (explained under the pinned posts). As for vaping we dont count that the same as smoking tobacco.

As for parents and friends smoking , why not ask them to refrain from smoking near you , as your trying to stop. If they are true friends they should respect your wishes.

Enjoy your Sunday run. :) xx

Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner in reply to jillygirl

Thanks Jilly, had good run, feel positive for the day ahead & the sun is shining 😍 x

Briarwood profile image

Well done Sammo, you've been honest and given out lots of positive vibes to others as well. You should be very proud of yourselfπŸ‘πŸΌ

It's not easy when others are smoking around you but those crazy thoughts will get less and less as time goes on. Keep fighting those battles and you'll win the war,

Enjoy your run and those lungs will definitely thankyou now you can breathe better without those dirty smokesπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜Š

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to Briarwood

Hi Sammie, being honest by telling the group you had some puffs of a friends cigarette, and having one before your husband found out (Does he smoke, did he smell it on your clothes afterwards) you are not the first, and I doubt you will be the last to falter, you seem to be determined to quit so I wish you every success.... have a nice Sunday. xx 🌺


Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner in reply to Veteran250

He's a non smoker Don, to be fair he's great in summer as everyone outside, it's winter he moans when I keep nipping out! He's seen me try to quit so many times before so he probably a bit skeptical at the moment but can't blame him really. I have to do this for me & no one else x

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to Sammo70

It's winter you say, does that mean you live in Australia/New Zealand/Falkland Islands or somewhere else in the southern emisphere. xx 🌺

Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner in reply to Veteran250

No Don Sunny Midlands! Lol

Just mean in Summer I could smoke more as being outside with others I wasn't sneaking off.

Keith-Bam profile image
Keith-Bam9 Weeks Winner

Sammo70, I'm new to all this and have not had a real cigarette for 12 days... I really believe your on the right track to stopping because you are being honest with yourself(the most important person) With even the best support system only you have total control of your actions. You got this and move forward positively after a slip. 2 1/2 years ago I had to do something about my weight and have since lost 130 lbs. I am approaching to stopping smoking in the same determined manner, but unlike dieting their is no cheat smoke (day/meal) . Stay strong and continued success !!!

Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner in reply to Keith-Bam

Thanks Keith πŸ˜€

MAB5 profile image

Sammo, what a beautifully honest post! You should be so proud of yourself! You are going to succeed in beating this nic Devil! It is hard to be around smokers and takes all your will power to overcome the cravings. I relate to every aspect of your story. We have all been through the same things. So proud of your success, just keep on fighting and stay strong. xxx

Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner in reply to MAB5

Thank you xx

Tamian profile image

Bless. Your honesty is refreshing. No shaming intended here, 'cause I did the same thing, just a thought to keep in mind. Each time you sneak a smoke, or a puff, know that you are only prolonging the agony of what you are going through.

That's the realization I came to at some point. I thought, this is tough, but it 'aint gettin' easier by dragging it out.

The "last one" I asked my friend to leave for me sat in my cupboard for 6 years before I finally threw it out. That one must have been totally nasty by then. EEeewwwwww!!

That app is soooo cool! I wish I'd had that when I quit. How much have I saved in 9 years???

Soldier on Sammo! You've got this!

Sammo70 profile image
Sammo7011 Weeks Winner in reply to Tamian

Bank holiday walk with the family, wine, sun & no cigs! You guys keep me going xx

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