Today is my 10th day and I am struggling with quitting, I have not given in but it is one of the hardest day I have yet. I was hoping it might get easier by now.
10th day struggling : Today is my 10th day and... - Quit Support
10th day struggling
Don't give in! 10 days is a lot of work you put in so far! If you can get through this, every day not as bad as this one will be easy! Stay strong and kick butt! 🌹🌷🌸
Thankyou, I have the inualtor I know they say a craving lasts 5minutes it seems a hell a lot longer that.
I won't give in but I am strugglinthanks for responding, I am being very grumpy 😡 my wife has told me if I am going to be like this forever i should smoke to chill out.
I just want this to end
Hi Brummie, days like this are sooo hard but dig deep coz I know you can do this. Keep thinking of your beautiful daughter and how much better it is for her to have a smoke free Dad. No stinky hugs and kisses for your little girl coz you're doing brilliant🚭👍🏼
I know time seems to stand still right now and the cravings actually seem longer than they are😩 This is only your mind tricking you into lighting up so don't be fooled. Turn those negative feelings into positive ones and you're NOT grumpy, tell yourself you're happy that you're winning this battle. It's mind games and YOU are in control.
Please tell your lovely wife that it won't be like this forever. Make her a cuppa and tell her you luv her, that's gonna be worth a few brownie points😉 Seriously we really do know how hard this addiction is to beat. Weekends can be extra tough with more time on our hands. How about a walk and that will help take your mind off this struggle. It will get easier so please be patient. Hang in there for better days ahead🚭😊
Great reply Briar👍
Aww brummie you're doing fab on 10days your daughter must be so proud and I am so pleased you're gonna take briarwoods advice and go for a walk cause it will clear your head. keep going it will get easier you just need to try and fight these tough days 😄
Hi Brummie,
The first month is hard trying to break the habit and deal with different emotions and physical changes. The people on this site made it possible for me to quit smoking .. all the best from Canada 🇨🇦