Good Morning Everyone.
I am a happy jumping bunnie as I have not had a ciggy for 100 days.
Woo Hoo!!!!!. Very happy. So onwards to the next marker 6 months
Hope you all have a cool smoke free day
Sue xx
Good Morning Everyone.
I am a happy jumping bunnie as I have not had a ciggy for 100 days.
Woo Hoo!!!!!. Very happy. So onwards to the next marker 6 months
Hope you all have a cool smoke free day
Sue xx
Hi bunny big well done. love the picture. You will notice that we have 2 daily chats as Jonathan had opened up but on yesterdays daily chat. So I re posted it on todays. obviously same time as you opened yours. sorry. I now have to explain to jonathan what I`ve done.
have a wonderful 100th smoke free day.
Well done Sue, you've come this far, you can do it. Haha love the picture, are you feeling that energetic this morning.
Good Morning Everyone, looks like we still have access to the site but please remember that we are expecting it to go down at some point.
BunnySue, 100 days smokefree! Bloomin' marvelous. Love the jumping bunny too
Morning JillyGirl, hope you're not having to do too much work in your new home at the moment in all this lovely weather
Hey Super Shiny Sink owner Sin Have a lovely day
Big waves to everyone else
Hi everyone,
It's awful quiet on here today, are you all hiding
I love you pic bunnysue wish i had that much energy :D, a big well done on 100 days smokefree, that's brill
Hi sinfree, Emjay, and Jillygirl, I hope you've both had a good day
I'm having a break from decorating, I've got all the old wallpaper off at last, so tomorrow the painting starts, how are you getting on Jillygirl, hope your not working too hard today
Have a good one everybody, catch up later
Hi Sue, You enjoy your break from the decorating. We must be twins I too said right today we are having an easy day. Went shopping bought hubby some new trousers, myself some new jeans, and 4 lamp shades. Then we are off out for a meal later. The flat is getting there. nearly got rid of all the rubbish etc apart from the flooring which will be replaced after decorating. Have a lovely day Sue.
Hi Jillygirl, That's my favourite past time, spending my hubby's money :D, I'll be doing that soon, need to get some stuff for the house, funnily enough, i also need lamp shades, not joking,
Have a lovely meal Jillygirl
The lampshades I got were only a fiver each at bhs. So didn't get robbed there. I did pick up a beautiful cushion, looked at the price tag and put it back again. £38. I certainly aren't that rich.
Haha,I remember the days when BHS prices were on a par with littlewoods, now they think they're Harvey Nicks.
That's daylight robbery, I wouldn't pay that for a cushion, well maybe if i won the lottery :D, till then i couldn't afford
Think i need to make a trip to bhs, that's my kinda price
I agree about the cushion wouldn't dare put it on a chair or sofa , I wonder what sort of people use them. ?
Ahh I know a lady who may have one for sitting on.
I think it must be people who have show houses, they never really live in them, there for display only
Sorry, i was just trying to decide which onsie to wear, what do you think?
Oh defo the black and white one. very fetching.
Fetching what I don't know.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Love it!
I have been in meeting after meeting after meeting today. Just having a quick catch up now and then off home but I will be around later tonight
Well I am back from my meal out. I am so stuffed with eating , it was only at the local beefeater pub, but it was gorgeous. So I shall chill out now with the lap top at the ready.
as for hubby >>>>>>>>>>>> you guessed it
Awe Sue I love your new picture of Nairn , what a beautiful smile. How is he and his mum doing. Bet you cant keep away.
Hi Jillygirl, glad you enjoyed your meal, isn't funny how men always nod off after eating
I just had to use that picture, it was taken this morning, they are both doing great, i'd be there every day if i could
fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.... he's giving us all a wave
He warms my heart <3 <3 and he does have a gorgeous smile, thank you Jillygirl
Good evening everyone,
Sue, your grandson is gorgeous. Don't babies change so quickly. I can really see why you want to spend as much time as you can with him. That smile of his is very engaging.
Hi Sally, thank you
I hope you've had a good day and your putting your feet up now
Hi everyone,
Just got visitors so in case i don't get back on I'll say nite nite , have a great sleep, see you tomorrow
Just got some visitors so will be off line for a while, just in case I aren`t back have a lovely evening.
well visitors gone. nothing happening on here. So I am going to wish you all a good night loves ya. night night and sweet dreams. xxx
A massive big well done to you gal, 100 flippin days smoke free, and you got through those hard times too, thats just sooooooooper gal
Ha ha ha love your pic as well