changing habits: I am a week smoker quiter... - Quit Support

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changing habits

jodie2011 profile image
10 Replies

I am a week smoker quiter, this week was about changing my habits, all about smelling and tasting and yesterday for the first time I run in the morning!! was fabulous and unbelievable for me!!! But still I need to find something to do in the morning as soon as wake up, to avoid the first cigarette..

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jodie2011 profile image
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10 Replies

Get a little minty mouthspray, breath freshener. Spray it in your mouth and hold it till the taste has just about disolved. It gives your hand and mouth something to do, lasts long enough for the craving to subside, and it freshens your breath!

Hi jodie Well done on your 1wk quit your doing great. Mornings are the worst time for me so I have an e-cig on standby. Would definitely recommend having some form of NRT just to take the edge off but if you have gone cold turkey try and completely change your routine first thing as this may help. Good luck and welcome to quit support :-D

Mazzie14 profile image

Hi Jodie, and oh yea you just reminded me of the days when the my morning routine involved coffee and a ciggie whilst putting make up on for work, I would then follow this up with at a couple of roll ups on the drive into work (only a 25 min journey :D. Must have smelt wonderful to my collegues and clients when I got there! :P.

Like you I started changing my routine before I had that final smoke, so for a couple of weeks, I stopped the within 5 minutes of waking up ciggy and any smoking at all in the car. I told myself I could have my first smoke of the day once I got to the office and had made a round of drinks. I couldn't compelety change my routine as unfortuantly don't think work would agree to an early retirement! :) :)

I found that this along with Champix helped. I now have hot glass of lemon drink rather than coffee upon waking and have switched to drinking more decaff as coffee was a trigger point for me, my car, bag, office dawer etc and full of tic tacs - I was amazed at how many different flavours they do and now I have them all! lol :) :) and beleive it or not - I don't miss that early morning routine I use have, I did really really worry that I would, but I don't.

I don't think Oh boy I want to smoke but rather Hey this is so nice not having that bloody smoke going in my eyes whilst trying to do my makeup (hastened to add that bit is minimal - only takes 5 minutes :) plus couple more for hair :D

Three months ago I would have been amazed at how I feel now about that early morning smoke, in many ways for me it was the best one of the day, but I really really don't miss that one (others still rear their ugly heads at time and call my attention) but I can now go and sit in my garden at weekends with my coffee (just got back in from doing that,it's beautiful morning here) and not WANT that ciggie, oh I will think about it, but it's along the lines of I don't bloody need or want it, and for me that is an amazing feeling and YOU will get there honey, even if you don't believe it now as I didn't 3 months ago :) :) :)

If you can change a routine then great but unfortuantly for many of us who smoked so much it simply may not be possible but you can try and make small changes to it, like for me drinking hot lemon rather than coffee first thing :) but what you really need to change is your mind set/ thinking towards smoking. So instead of thinking when you wake up, I want a cigarette, tell yourself your how great it bloody is not start the day with a lungful of poisons - in time - as well as saying it, you'll find you also believe it!! :) :)

Take good care Jodie and keep in touch to let us know how your doing and how we can help :) :) :)

jodie2011 profile image
jodie2011 in reply to Mazzie14

Really nice and inspirational!! thank you

Maddyg profile image

Well done Jodie, I found that the hardest to deal with. I would get up in morning with just enough time to get ready for work, instead of 1 hour early to smoke several cigs and drink coffee. Habit hard to break. But it does get easier day by day. The best descision you can make for your health. Stay close to this site and shout out if you need help, Someone will always be here for you :) congrats again and take baby steps one day at a time xx

Neicy1977 profile image
Neicy197710 MONTH WINNER

hang in there

Harkut profile image
Harkut21 Months Winner

Hey Jodie, I can so relate to first thing in the morning ugh!! I wish I had some amazing advice for you :) it's hard yes but get up and feel great about 1 more day smoke free, yay you! I do lovethe breath freshener idea from desperate-dad!

I'll try it!! ❤️

BestWayIsColdTurkey profile image
BestWayIsColdTurkey9 MONTH WINNER

@Maddyg - the getting up an hour early to feed the coffee + cigs addiction - so true! One of the least-expected benefits of quitting for me has been more sleep, as a result of now rolling over and having another hour rather than getting up to feed the addiction.

Hey Jodie ... Welcome to this very friendly support site💐

One week is just fab!! Sooo hard the first month for many of us.... I was physically sick with muscle aches, nausea, sweats, aching teeth, peeling roof of my mouth.. Yuk hey but the members encouraged and reassured me that all that would pass and it did👍🏻 I still keep my reason close why I cannot smoke anymore.... And we go by a mantra... Not One Puff.... EVER

Have a good day🌷🌹🌺

madametobacco49 profile image

Jodie--Jump on here in AM and hang on--It is 6:40 am --Ive been here since 5am---it will pass--read some posts and you will find yourself replying--and gaining strength by knowing you are not fighting the battle alone--Don't let boredom drive you back to something so toxic it will eventually take its toll--even kill you--Go for a walk--even if its raining--I like taking my umbrella out in the rain--Find a diversion--for that first hour or two--and any other times that trigger you--Hang in there--you can do this--I week is fantastic--it is "The Great Jumpstart"--and you have done it!! Good for you--Now keep on going and come back and tell us it is a week and a day--and then 9 days etc--Pats on the back feel good from people who have been there and help propel you forward--xxx MmeT

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