So I started smoking again I had a bereavement and I've taken it really badly but now I'm starting again
Feel stupid
So I started smoking again I had a bereavement and I've taken it really badly but now I'm starting again
Feel stupid
I'm so sorry to hear of your bereavement💐
You are NOT a failure. Just think of all the cigs you didn't smoke during your quit. Every day smokefree is a bonus. When you're ready you can try again and we are here for you. We are human and humans make mistakes but it doesn't make you a failure. Thinking of you at this sad time😊
OHH Bev, don't feel stupid - I am so sorry to hear of your bereavement. Sadly, smoking doesn't change the situation, all you can do is move on and learn from the experience. coping mechanisms are the hardest part of quitting.
Thank-you for your honesty - you can do this again - baby steps 🍀🍀🍀🍀
Hi bev I am so sorry to hear of your bereavement. A lot of people have to try a few times befor the stop for good. Don't think any less of yourself. When you feel ready try again. We are all here for you take care x
Hi Bev so sorry about your bereavement . Your not a failure, don't be too hard on yourself, like Briarwood says you can try again when your ready, and am sure you will succeed . We are all here to support you . X
You are not a failure!!!! Life is difficult and bereavements are awful so you did all you could to get through it. Don't be too hard on yourself and don't rush into anything until you are ready.
Bev, dont you ever ever feel stupid cos I suspect most of us on here have been in your shoes at one time or another, myself included.
I'm so sorry to hear of your bereavement and sending you lots of warm comforting huggs your ways
Just take it as a practice run and try to learn from it eh Bev, please let us know when your ready to start your quit journey again and I will sort you a Winners badge out
Good luck and take care now
We are all here for you Bev, if and when you need us
So sorry to hear about you're bereavement.
Please don't think you're a failure, let yourself grieve and you will know when you feel ready to try again.
So sorry for your loss bev.
Your not a failure and neither are you stupid, you just had a trial run 😊 Now just get back on that horse and try again, that flippin monster nic will always try and tempt you back.
Remember that smoking does not improve anything, it will never make things better and will never make you feel better once you stub it out..... So there's no point setting fire to good money... You can do this and we are there with ya..... In cyber space at least 😊💜🚭🚭🚭🍀🍀🍀
Hi Bev sorry to hear about your bereavement. Hope you are OK. Don't feel bad it happens to us all. Just try again when you're ready and ull know what to expect. Take care 😀
Good morning Andrew ☕️☕️☕️☕️4:15am🇨🇦
Hope you're doing well.... Think of you often on your quit journey😊
You are not a failure. Just pick yourself up and start quitting again.
Oh no Bev you are not a failure far from it . Look after yourself - my condolences to you on your loss allow yourself to grieve and be kind to yourself and you will quit again when you are ready - don't worry
Hi Bev You are NOT a failure - get that out of your head! I personally quit many times from when I FIRST decided to quit and I was 65 yrs old - it took at least 2 years to wrap my head around NEVER smoking again!! I felt I was losing a dear friend - the same dear friend who stole my right kidney! How dumb is that? Once you get your head around how smoking is so NOT your friend, you can start your journey again and you WILL win. I thank all the wonderful and wise people on this forum for all their help and advice.
Good Luck
Ngaire xx
Yay Bev🎉🎉🎉🎉 welcome back to your journey with us... The ride is a roller coaster ... A lot of us are challenged with health problems and mental health problems like depression and anxiety .... We all stick together no matter what👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫👫 xxxxxx
Failure doesn't have a leg to stand on unless you give it yours. Onwards and upwards....can't tell you how many times I've fallen off the wagon, both fags and booze.
take care.
Don't waste your time feeling stupid--just gives you an excuse to have another one--It is not uncommon in addiction that when things like loss etc happen people fall off the wagon--Just get back on--That's all that really matters--Not that you fell but that you go forward and don't look back--we are here to encourage and listen--Get going now--forget the little blip u had--Blessings,MmeT