Should I reset......I'm my own worst critic and in many ways has helped me on my quit....but by vaping I have delivered nicotine into my body again....and i can't stop vaping...every f$kin hour I need to go out again...what shall I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok so I'm vaping: Should I reset......I'm my... - Quit Support
Ok so I'm vaping

I sincerely don’t have experience of vaping , but I believe they have high Nic , low Nic and no Nic options .. why not you go to low to no Nic options ..
second vaping and patches work under a Time and quantum based therapy .
It’s Important to seek help of some GP or JILLY can help you some one from our community help support to guid you a structured program under vaping
Please stick to it and do not beat yourself, better control yourself.

Hi NMCE, First of all the amount of nicotine you are getting is still far safer than smoking tobacco. The only thing the nicotine does is gets you into a habit. You can get low doses for vapes I believe you can get zero nicotine. So you need to do the same as you did before when you quit the cigs. Keep busy, avoid places that you know you will be tempted , and like I say vaping is still better than tobacco.
Get that punch bag out again. xxx
But I feel the need to go out every f$kin 30 mins!
Give that vaping to your boss and ask him or her that when you beg only then he or she should give you back 😜
But on serious note , don’t feel guilty .. make a plan that not more than twice in a day for next week and then once in a day next to next week and so on you will use vaping .
Today it’s like a hungry lion got some raw meat to eat scenario for you .. so don’t beat too much yourself.
Start a planned vaping and quitting program from tomorrow
I have never had that attitude....standing here with the vape gives me a freebie to vape when i want....i don't need to go out.....i can even go in the toilet and do it sneakily....that's the problem

Until a couple of weeks ago I was wearing patches! Nicotine patches..... My hubby used electronic cigs for nearly 3 years. Many of us on here use nicotine replacement therapy to stop. You've still stopped smoking! STOP BEING SO TOUGH ON YOURSELF!!!! YA TUMCHY!! (Scottish expression, numpty or idiot, meant in the nicest of ways! Lol) If it helps its okay! You do it not need to reset!!! Lecture endeth here! 😘Xxx
I have never had that attitude....standing here with the vape gives me a freebie to vape when i want....i don't need to go out.....i can even go in the toilet and do it sneakily....that's the problem
Hi mate, I used patches, like you used caping to get if the cigarettes then patches to get of the vape, worked a treat I used the the 24hrs patches from boots on the 10 week course, good luck matey
Vape smoking with nicotine is smoking. There is only one way to stop smoking: Stopping Smoking! Do IT!
Actually no it's not the same as smoking! Nicotine isn't the main killer of some that smoke cigarettes. The 1000's of other chemicals in the cigarette is what kills you. Just like Caffeine and nicotine are similar drugs! My doctor told me, after he studied the vape vs cigs he said start vaping away! He said as your doctor I rather you not do any or drink soda or eat certain foods. But we both know that's not realistic. So if you are having a hard time quitting smoking then yes vape, and work your way down to a zero nicotine lvl. He even explained vaping is no different from one who wears a patch, or chews nicotine gum. So stopping cigs and vaping instead is a much healthier way of life. He has a few paitence who have been vaping for 9 yrs and he said the X-rays of the lungs show as if hes a nonsmoker. The blood work also shows proper levels of oxygen going through the blood stream. As to where as a smoker this all has the bad side affects.


You did it once! You can do it again.
Be true to yourself and your goals.
Be brave. Bite the bullet. Get on with your life.☺

I was a very heavy smoker who stopped two years ago. Without vaping I'd still be smoking. All the practitioners I've spoken to are happy for me to be doing this despite my COPD diagnosis. Perhaps you just need a break every 30 minutes. I wonder how it would be if you were 'allowed' to vape at your desk?
I agree with lizbeech that you do not need to hide secretly and be ashamed of vaping! Vaping is a great tool to quit smoking, even if you are the heavy smoker. Vaping is truly different from smoking the analogic cigs. As jillygirl already said, with zero nicotine doses, vaping is safe for you and other people around. You can read more information on such sites as VapingDaily to be sure that you are doing well. Don't blame yourself and start enjoying life! You really deserve it!