Used my e cig feel like ive let myself and everyone else down
Feel a failure: Used my e cig feel like ive let... - Quit Support
Feel a failure

You are not a failure and you have not let ur self or anyone else down hun you are doing soooh very well and in such a short space of time so please don't worry
if it keeps you off the real smokes then that's ok honestly, it really is. Please please feel good about yourself coz you're doing a great job and it really is a hard thing to do. Stay positive and you will get there, it will feel better in the morning, trust me
Thank you for your support just feels really hard at the moment x

RIGHT there!
Did you spark up an analogue?
You did NOT!
Therefore all you have done is taken a teeny-tiny bitty of pure nicotine on board.
NOT the thousands of horrendous chemicals in a cigarette.
By my reckoning, that makes you a total winner!!!!!
You could have gone back to smoking.
You chose instead to vape.
Well done.
You deserve hyoooge congratulations and a massive pat on the back.
I believe e-cigs are a great way to stop smoking. Recent research has applauded the use of e-cigs so don't feel bad. I use mine all the time, if not for the need to have something in my hand.
You're doing good. I vape and every day I am grateful that it's not a real cig. I feel better,smell better and am better. The 1st time I gave up I got fanatical about giving up the gum and in the end picked up a cig. It took me over 3 years to try again. Easy does it. You're doing good.

Dont feel like a failure, i use my ecig everyday too, and i dont feel like a failure at all. At least you didnt spark up a real one hun x
Hi all
Please don't ever feel you are a failure, I have just completed a year without and the other day fancied a smoke while under pressure, at which point I picked up my nicorette inhalator and this did the trick almost immediately.
No way you are a failure....I use my e cig most days and could not have done it without that!!!! I don't feel a failure at all for using mine!!

You are certainly not a failure! If that were being a failure, I would have been failing for the past 2 months I've been attached at the hip with mine since I quit smoking analogs and I wouldn't have made it this far without it.
Stay strong, I to use my e-cig every day, couldn't have got to 9 months without it,

As your post name says - its smoke free and you!! I still use my e-cig but consider myself a non smoker!! I smoked for 40 + years and managed to get lung cancer after I stopped!! You are a success - so stop beating yourself up - be kind to yourself as you would to others who have done the same. No one in the proximity of you is smoking ie YOU!! If you have fagged it for years then at least give yourself some time to fade off the substitutes. The government want their hand in e ciggs - probably because they are so successful!! I smoked for a long time, and as long as I don't have the real thing with all those poisons, I can give myself time to come off the e cigg at my leasure. I use it less and less, but I like my dummy and my fix if I am in need. So carry on doing what you're doing - you have STOPPED SMOKING!! YO!! Well done
You are not a failure. I still use an Ecig after 18months of not smoking proper cigarettes.
Ecigs help me, I still get nicotine craving.
You mustn't think you are a failure, you will get there in the end. I wish I could stop the Ecigs, and I am determined to do so, however long it takes. They are far, far less harmful than all the poisonous cigarettes. Feel proud if you've stopped smoking. Well done.
If you'd posted that you'd bought a pack of 20 and smoked them all then I might've agreed that maybe it was a bit of a blip but to feel like a failure for using an Ecig !!!!!!!!!! C'mon,half of this lovely community are using Ecigs quite happily and none of them feel like a failure.I quit using an Ecig and have days (like today) when I truly wish I was still using it. Think maybe you're being a bit too hard on yourself.
Whoa your doing really fantastically....... anything is better than smoking a real cig. You should feel proud of yourself and you are NOT a failure, as long as your not smoking the real thing then your doing real good girl