Making a change: Hi everyone, Today is my... - Quit Support

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Making a change

itangy profile image
39 Replies

Hi everyone,

Today is my first day without a cigarette, I am determined to try stopping smoking because my health lately has had a funny turn, cough and cough at night time, short breath and a strange chest pain, I am now 40 and I start smoking when I was 16, so definitely now it s time to try to quit, hopefully I ll made it! My deadline is now a week smoke free, then I'll see what benefits or not I will have.

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itangy profile image
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39 Replies
shenan profile image

Well done and I hope it's your first day of many. Are you using anything to help you or doing it alone?

I think that a deadline of a week for benefits may be a little optimistic as you need to factor in that the effects of smoking for 24 years can cause withdrawal symptoms, plus nicotine replacement/Champix etc. may also affect you.

I'm a mere learner at stopping smoking, but I'm sure that someone knowledgeable will be along to help you.

Very best of luck

itangy profile image
itangy9 MONTH WINNER in reply to shenan

Hi Shenan,

I m not using any nicotine pouch of any e cigarettes as I really wanna try to teach myself that I CAN DO IT!!!! I never smoked that much really, but I can now see the bad side effects of it.

I think I ll stay in as much as possible because going out and having a drink will give me the desire to have a puff.

Thanks for your support :)

Briarwood profile image

Hiya Itangy and welcome to quit support😊

Congratulations on making the best decision you can for your future health. Take one day at a time and you'll get to where ya want to be, smokefree👍🏼

Your determination will be tested so stay strong and you can do it.

Our mantra is NOPE not one puff ever🚭🚭🚭

Have a read of some pinned posts on the right to help you and please be patient as our bodies take time to heal from the 4000plus chemicals we have inhaled for years😩

Good luck and if ya need anything, just shout🍀

itangy profile image

Hi Briarwood,

thanks for your support, at the mo I absolutely hate touching another cigarette again! I ve been watching people with lung cancer on u tube and that has scared me to death! Ill go to doctor in a couple of weeks time because I want to make sure that there's nothing wrong with me and get an x ray done on my chest.

I ll keep you posted, I really like this blog, I found it very helpful to talk to people that like me want and have stopped!

Speak soon xx

jesseker profile image
jesseker9 MONTH WINNER in reply to itangy

Good luck with your quit - I am awestruck that you're doing it 'cold turkey' and have nothing but respect for your determination. Honestly though (says someone with very little willpower), if you find yourself struggling I can highly recommend e-cigs as a great form of NRT. I hope you manage it without though, of course! xx

Ryan2308 profile image
Ryan230816 Months Winner

I no how you feel mate I ain't got really much advice as I'm on day 4 but if u want a better life and a healthier life u will do it msg me if u ever need to talk 😊

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Ryan2308

Hi Ryan,

Well done on you day 4 quit..does this make the 16th your quit date?

Are you using any NRT or going old turkey.

Do have a read of some of the pinned posts to the right as there is a wealth if information on the symptoms of recovery and how to make it easier :) :)

Ryan2308 profile image
Ryan230816 Months Winner in reply to glolin

Hi I am using patches and micro tabs that you put under your tongue there helping me apart from the weird dreams lol I wouldn't be able to go cold turkey lol I would have properly gave in within an hour nice to talk to u 😃

itangy profile image
itangy9 MONTH WINNER in reply to Ryan2308

Hi Ryan

I tell you what, staying in is helping me a lot, at the mo, I don't miss it, I ve been coughing all day, and that's why I relly wanna quit, I might need patches in the future , I don't know, best of luck to you as well, what I found useful is going on u tube and watching tstories about people with lung cancer, that's definitely gives you the idea of why we need seriously to dtop before is too late, nice to talk to u mate, I really hope to keep this up :)

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to itangy

Well done on your decision Itangy. Sometimes, rather than finding a good reason to quit, it pays to consider a logical (not emotional) reason to smoke. The reality is, discounting the "perceived" benefits of smoking, all it really does is pacify an addiction to nicotine. And on that note, if you can get through the first 2 weeks without NRTs, you will have purged your body of nicotine & the physical symptoms of withdrawal will have abated. Using any NRT after that serves no purpose other than to re.establish your nicotine dependence. You'll still have many other battles to fight in your quest to stay smoke free but keep reminding yourself....what are the REAL benefits of smoking?

itangy profile image
itangy9 MONTH WINNER in reply to roneo

Hi Roneo

thanks for that, unfortunately my decision to quit is purely due to health probs, I don't want to cough anymore and I want to keep my sinus under control and smoking does not do that, if I did not have any of the above I can guarantee you that I will probably still smoke( not sure if I ll quit now!), I never smoked a lot max 10 a day but I think has been the length of time I did it, however I think you are right, no benefits what so ever, just feels good when you re out in a pub having a drink and then you light up one! Anyway don't wanna think about this now, cheers and good night :)

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

Hiya Roneo, blimey I mention you and beardy Chris in a post and up you both pop 😊 Great to hear from ya and glad your doing sooo well with that 10 month quit under your belt😊 Well done hun hope your diddling OK 😊

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to droopyJ

G'day droopy. I'm firing on all 5 cylinders at the moment. 5 weeks to the wedding and I need to lose 3-4 kgs to fit into my suit without having to hold my breath. First time I haven't considered smoking as fall back option for losing weight.

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

Oh Roneo there's gonna be a few broken hearts in 5 weeks time I can tell ya💔💔😕

Can't believe how quick that has come around 😊 And you've had a great weight loss too👏👏👏 your gonna look and smell gorgeous on your wedding day 😊 We will all be there spurring you on (in spirit coz we ain't been invited 😩😩)

It's all coming together nicely for ya Roneo and I truly am DELIGHTED for you and nearly Mrs Roneo 😊😊💛💛💛

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to roneo

How did I miss this Ron???? Coz I'm broken hearted 💔💔💔💔💔💔 and can't see too good with all the tears in my eyes😥😥😥 seriously delighted for ya and the good lady who won your heart, although somewhat disappointed it wasn't me😂😂😂

11 months winner makes me really happy for you, so sending you both my very best wishes for your future happiness together😘😘

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

Hey Roneo have you and lily tied the knot yet?... It must be very soon unless I've missed it 😟

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to droopyJ

Oh yeah you missed being Mrs Roneo alright😜 Maybe you could be A bridesmaid instead😂😂😂😈😈😈

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to Briarwood

Now now girls, no nasties!  Lily knows & accepts that I will continue to other "special'" women in my life.

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

What do you mean 'other' special women...... Hmph and there's me thinking it was just lily and me 😜😀😀😀😀

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Briarwood

Always the bridesmaid sis 😟😟👰🏼👰🏼👰🏼

glolin profile image

Hi Itangy and welcome to quit support.

Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking :) :)

Having a strong determination to succeed will hold you in good steed for managing cravings.. Drink plenty of water as this helps flush out all the toxins out of your body.

All the very best of luck on your quit journey :) :)


monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Itangy :) just love your name :) :) and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support family we are all here for you :) :)

I am just loving the reply's you've had from some of our lovely members :) :) and I am loving your determination to quit :) :)

Rite, down to the nitty gritty Itangy, we are all different, our bodies are all different and therefore we all have different times of feeling the benefits of quitting smoking :o sooo please dont expect tooo much in such a shorter time eh :o if you see what I mean, it just dosnt happen over night :o

Itangy, your a young Lady of 40 and smoked for 20 odd years, soooo, please be patient and let nature take its course :) :)

I bow down to you for going cold turkey :) :) cos I could never do that :o sooo, your stronger than I :) and I just love that gal :) :)

Hope to speak soon and any questions you have, just you fire away and we will try to answer them for you :) Good luck :) :)

Pete :)

itangy profile image
itangy9 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Hi all,

many thanks for your advices and support, I m trying todo it as cold turkey now because I ve tried e cigs before and I found them disgusting! I ll post again soon to update my progress, my prob is that I really need to stay away from the pub for a little while !! ;)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to itangy

Itangy, smoking and drinking are the best of pals :o they work together :o sooo, if you can miss the pub out for a short time, I'm sure it will be to your advantage :) :) :)

Itangy, if you have any probs, you just come a flippin shouting and we will try ta help ya gal :) :)

Andrew-S profile image

Hi itangy, well done on decision to quit brilliant. Let us know if u need any support 😎👀

dunn profile image
dunn15 Month Winner

All the Best, itangy!!!!

itangy profile image

This is day 2, I need to keep myself busy otherwise the desire start kicking in, I am determined not to touch a fag at least until my doc appointment on the 4 th of March, I hope to be able to do it, I ve tried to quit before and I managed to do it for 2 weeks, this time my determination is greater, wish me luck guys love you all ♥♥♥

jesseker profile image
jesseker9 MONTH WINNER in reply to itangy

Hope you've had a good day today. <3 <3 xxx

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to itangy

Welcome itangy😊 Well done for giving up hun 😊

Well you know what to expect as you have had a trial run before....... But each quit is different so your lung function has improved and your circulation is also improving...... But the side effects can last a bit longer than a week☹️ You need to be patient, the nicotine will be out of your system so it's just the cravings you have to deal with. Just do whatever you need to to stop them.... Drink water, go for a walk, do a bit of exercise and that should see you in good stead😉

Good luck with your quit and keep us close 🚭🚭🚭🚭🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

itangy profile image
itangy9 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

Hi Droopyj,

day 2 almost gone and no cigarette touched!

I ve been smoking for a very long time but I never consider myself an heavy smoker, however there times of the day that I really really really want a puff! I want to stick on it at leasr until beginning of March when I ll have a doc appointment and I also want to have an x ray scan to make sure that my lungs are clear.

Majority of my probs are due to a cronic sinus and rhinitis that I always had associated with breathing probs, so I really need to quit, my sinus will never go away but hopefully I might breath better? Also lately I ve been having a really bad cough that keeps awake at night, but last night I cough less than the night before, anyway, I m trying... xx

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to itangy

One day at a time hun 😊

nana14 profile image
nana1415 Month Winner

Give yourself more than a week. You are going to need the timr, but don't give up. Take it from a 36 yr smoker quit 4 months ago cold turkey. Yes it rough but going to be worth it.

itangy profile image
itangy9 MONTH WINNER in reply to nana14

Hi Nana

Yes I re probably right, I just put this deadline on my head because honestly I ve got no idea if and how long I will stay without a puff! At the mo I m not too bad, I might end up having a smoke and then feeling really guilty, but for now I try to stick on the quitting.

I know it takes long time, I m just a bit impatient, would like to feel better straight away, thanks for your support :)

adidas1961 profile image

Well done you are doing the best thing!!!! Take it one day at a time and remember why you decided to stop smoking

itangy profile image

i m on rock n' roll!!!! WOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I start feeling better taste/smell more and for 1st time in 4 weeks I haven't cough last night !!!YEAHY !!!! e fag is working, mind that I m only using it my crave is that huge that I would like a real one! so far so good, need to keep up now I m on day 5 not sure why it appears as 5 weeks??? ( I wish I was!!! lol !!!!!!) good day folks ;)

Andrew-S profile image

Haha that is so funny it says five weeks and ur on five days lol. Well you soon will be on five weeks and then the worst month will be over. You're in the thick of the worst part at the moment so hats off to you. U could try some nic gum for cravings I can assure u it gives u a good kick. Haven't ever tried e cig so don't know what they like. Used inhalator that too is good.

Good luck with it not long and the first awful week is over 😀👀🚭🎂🍾

Welcome itangy,

I didn't see any benefits until 9 weeks when the color came back in my cheeks..... Some people feel great in a week and some feel worse......Not One Puff

1 puff = 1 pack

itangy profile image

Hi Andrew and Arizonasand,

I ve got to say that @ the mo I do not miss smoking real cigs and the e one as I said is working, now wheather or jot e cig is safer I do not know, a lot has been said and apparently they re not so good for you neither, however I never was an heavy smoker and my prob was just on a weekend night out where drinks flow and you get drag into that bad habit of drink drink and smoke smoke, but being out of work now I can't afford to go outno more every weekend so I m on safe side @ the mo :)

Hopefully I won't get into it ever again!

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to itangy

Every cloud has a silver lining itangy😉

Keep up that great quit as your days are adding up nicely now, well done🚭

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