So, I have been talking to myself quite a bit lately. Talking myself out of a smoke. The weird thing is that I'm using a British accent!!! Lol!! Omg! I'm not British!! It's official...I've gone nuts! I'm blaming you all for this! Lol!
Talking to myself: So, I have been talking to... - Quit Support
Talking to myself

U r funny, where r u from. Im not british either Im from Canadian yet to meet my own kind (canadian) sounds like u need a sounding board (someone to listen) so its me for now. We talked before I thought u found a newbie to talk day to day about what is going on. If not then tell me, what are u experiencing in your quit, how r u feeling? r u using an NRT or cold turkey. Drinking lots of water makes u pretty too, all the stars say so at my age it makes me peeeee!!!!!!. Beauty is for the young. Leelee is a pretty name I had a friend along time ago with that name but it was a nickname is yours? U r doing good so dont beat yourself up take it slow its a long road. How long did u smoke and how many lets start there
I am great one second and then scared the next. I smoked 1 pack a day for about 20yrs and 1 or 2 packs the past year. I started chain smoking because I have a job driving and could smoke anytime I wanted. I am not using NRT's. I tried the ecigs before and ended up losing it or it died on me. It just didn't work out. I am drinking water and exercising. I am eating 24/7.
My job suddenly got slow so I'm home all day to think about cigs. Hopefully work picks up soon!!! I get confused with who I've talked to. I was extremely confident with my newbie this morning!! Lol! I probably annoyed her!! I don't know what happened to my confidence, it's gone. I need to go jog or something.

Oh blimey, you've definitely lost the plot😂😂 yep it's just another side effect of quitting and there's probably someone living here and talking to themselves in an American accent😳😂
Scouse actually!! :O)
Lol!!! Probably so!
That was meant for Briarwood!
I will definitely be saying "oh Blimey!" And
"Lost the plot"
Only reason I put this is because I didn't know what scouse was...not picking on anybody! 😘

That's what an English-mostly board full of wonderful people will do to you: they get you quitting and using terms like fags, ciggy, hun. Given the right amount of time, we'll all be non-smoking and cockney-speaking.
Well done on that first challenging week, LeeLee! The only way is up now.
Omg leelee I am the same as you, I ALWAYS talk to myself and its in a British accent ....... I have obviously lost the plot too 😱although I am actually English does this count😊😂😂😂🚭🚭🚭🚭🚭