I've been saving my smoking money from day 1 and never dipped in it (that was hard) lol. This was my massive treat to myself, well to me and hubster but mostly me haha
Woohoo, 9 week present to myself :D :D - Quit Support
Woohoo, 9 week present to myself :D :D

Fresher, I cant fault you 1 little bit gal, cos that is 1 hell of a lawn mower you bought there and in go fast black as well
I suspect hubby will be using it more than you though eh
Nite nite Fresher, loves ya gal sweet dreams and happy snapping
Wow that looks the business, well deserved xx
Thanks Bets it was lovely buying it and sticking two fingers up to Mr tobacco company and saying haha, it's my money now pal. X
** Bethjayne lol I'm a numpty lol x
Yes I had noticed numpty
Aaaaaaahhhhhh you just called me a numpty you twit hahahaha,
made me laugh that ya even cheesier monkey
Meant cheeky not cheesier ,, stupid predictive texts lol, now your gona call me a numpty again
I am not going to call you numpty again numpty
I think I prefer cheesier ..... By the way fresher you do realise your suppose to take pictures with the camera and not take pictures of the camera
What a great feeling that must be, well done you
Lol x
Well done...is t it nice to do that....I did the same thing a few weeks back ...bought a designer bag and designer coat....I was happy
Oooohhh, LOVELY.How good does that feel and thinking that a while ago you would've smoked that money and not really thought about it. I'm excited for you.BE VERY PROUD. Hugs H x
Thanks so much snowdrop, it feels great spending so much and didn't feel quilts cause as you say it would have normally gone up in a puff of smoke without a thought. Makes you think how much we've wasted over the years though, god could be living in the west wing of a massive house now if I'd have put it all away for the last 30 years lol....ooooooohh on second thoughts lets not think about that haha xx

That is brilliant well done, and think of the memories you can capture too
I bet it feels like a huge win, and one in the face for ciggies
Well done, and good that you treated yourself. I stopped almost 2 years ago, one of the best things I ever did. I still treat myself!