Ok so enuff bitchin right?? So far my headaches have left--I can breath- and nightmares have stopped(knock on wood)-and Im looking forward to a new life once I get my health issues addressed--Hope you all join me
THE UPSIDE: Ok so enuff bitchin right?? So far... - Quit Support

Good luck getting your health issues addressed. You are doing great! Every day you will get stronger and it will get easier. I rarely think about smoking these days and feel so much better for it.

So happy to hear you're getting some benefits from your quit and feeling positive, well done hun, we're with you all the way😊
Good for you madame I didnt know your headaches were gone. I wish mine were. here is to hoping. ? do e-cigs come in different levels of nicotine like the vapping does. Itried vapping with nic for fun but kept burning my lip on the mouth piece it got hot "ouch" Did your headaches just go away or is it from using an e-cig?
Headaches just went away--Some e cigs are only 1. something nicotine--the one I got now is a little higher--it is called Vuse but has very few chemicals in it--for 7.99 you get the cig and a usb connector so when the one u r buying is done you can get a refillable cartridge for 5.99....you can plug usb into your computer port or any other usb port=---It blinks red while charging--and stops when done--also when you are using if the cartridge is getting empty it blinks white---I would be happy to send you pictures--I have tried several but this is my favorite--I was just buying an occasional disposable but your head about caved in trying to get a drag... With these e cigs you don't sit around and smoke like a reg cigarette--at least not me--Just a pull once in a while if its getting rough for you-- search.aol.com/aol/search?&... <----here is a long ass link on Vuse or you can just put in Vuse in web search I rarely use mine--last me 2-3 wks or a month- and as time goes by Im using it less--nothing replaces the crapiness of a good,filthy smoke right????--these feel clean and your lungs go "wheres that heavy acky feeling .How come I can breathe?" To each his own but this is one of the better cheaper ones-put out by RJ Reynolds--If Im on it forever so be it--but it don't feel like that--any other questions let me know XXXX
I wish my headaches would go away, what Im asking is did they go away because of the Vuse or just by themself. It would seem your symptoms are leaving but mine are stronger than ever. I will look up Vuse on the internet and see if they are even sold in Canada as I dont remember where u live and products here are different as are prices. We are coming up to 11 weeks, 1 more week and if no relief for me I will have to rethink what to do
no they did not leave because of the vuse--or any e-cig--god it sucked--every morning up about an hour and id get one and it would last till mid afternoon--Don't give up--Are you using an e -cig now??
no madame using 0. see u had an hr break before your headache started mine is there from when I wake up if I slept and it stays all friggin day and nite and goes on and on no reprive. I was told e-cigs can dhydrate u and make my headache worse so I dont know WTF to do anymore. Im so sorry I started all this crap. Did u get the rest of your results back from the dr yet?
I am b-12 and d deficient--have celiac--so far plus my myriad of other crap_-you would have to smoke one helluva lot of e-cigs to get dehydrated
what is Celiac? Is it bad, ur vit difficiency is just take pills or get shots no biggie. What is the myriad of crap. Did u find out other stuff?
I have to research e-cigs before I decide to put nicotine back in my body. Im scared
celiac is a gluten sensitivitiy--that causes malabsorption of food and nutrients and that's why I may be vitamin deficient in which case id have shots for god knows how long-Yeah don't do e cigs if you are afraid of getting back on the badass ones--
so now u have to go on a gluten free diet yuk. I hate health food when I open a bottle of health food pills it makes me gag and the pills are so freaken big. I feel for you. Is that the last test result u wanted to know about. We made it 11 weeks 1 more to go hopefully and my headaches and nosleep will have lightened up a bit.
I didnt even answer anyone yesterday I was in too much pain and sulking all over the house. Having another pitty pot party as u would say.
How are u doing otherwise, how are your withdrawls going?
wondered where you were.. As I said in other post I was having a crap day--It was like 30 below zero here--and had blankets over patio window and blinds closed so was very cavelike--and I didn't feel good and wanted to smoke so bad--I spent a lot of the day on here--I just have to hold onto this site and write and hope I hear back from someone --if I don't I just start reading so it serves its purpose--I would never have made it this far if I didn have this site--I don't have all my tests back yet--They come up on clinic site so I know rightaway--then I have to wait for Dr to contact me and tell me what to do next--This b-12 deficiency is making me feel awful--I have all the symptoms which I wont list here but it is uncomfortable- Boy this will be a year to remember-if I can get all straightened out--I have avoided drs for over 3 yrs so its catch up time--have to face ALL my fears--Keep in touch Debbie--I think of you and wonder how you are xxx
I dont understand why are u not starting the injections or pills, what is the hold up. wow 30 below thats friggin cold, where do u live? (Alaska lol) I thought -15-20 was bad. It was so cold yesterday they had issued a cold weather warning. I stayed in my bed except to let my dog outside and even he wouldnt go off the porch he peed where ever he wanted to lol
Haha love love your post Madame 😂
Awesome your headaches have gone and the nightmares...... I remember that stage all too well.... You're doing awesome👏

I believe I am getting free--I don't want to be a slave--wishing you well xx