Is anyone feeling just wiped out?? I have about 0 energy--and so lethargic--Apt a mess and just no energy to clean or do shit--I was hoping for some kind of reward to come my way..Well,I can breathe but this other stuff is awful and Im hoping for a better day soon--
Tired,lethargic: Is anyone feeling just wiped... - Quit Support

Hi Madame,
Lovin' your posts!!!!!
I had total exhaustion the first month and believe it or not I work out less now that I quit smoking..... I just don't have the energy ..... But..... It's common!!!! Sounds so backwards π€

well Im in 2nd month and im more tired now than I was 3 wks ago--Do you think we are going to stay like this?? My god I will be obese and living in bed--yikes!!!!!!!
Hahaha ... Well the senior quit people on site say our energy comes back but it can take months..... On that note.... I'm going on my treadmill for abit...... I can't let myself go just because I'm not smoking aaaah Talk soon Madame xx
oh I feel so guilty=--I should do the same--ugga bugga==let me kno how it went xx
Madame I hope u r sitting down. I just got word from Droopy that side effects can last 4-5 friggin months not 3 GRRRR!!!!! Im so pissed I thought I was at the end and now f_ck how am going to put up with no sleep headaches sweating and god knows what else is to come. My anxiety is now through the roof. I thought u were getting 15 hrs of sleep how r u tired, Im tired 3-4 hrs of sleep a day Im going to drop I just can feel it. I will tell u what I told Droopy Im going to pout. I dont have smiley faces or anything on my laptop sorry or I would put a crying face lol My place is a mess too and I dont give a u know what. It is what it is let the dust begin lmao
we all quit differently and experience different things...but i tend to agree with Droopy that 6 months would be around the norm...some things come and go and only last a couple weeks, but some take a lot longer..
I had smoked 30 a day for 40 years, so i expected to suffer and suffer i did .. Sadly - there is no quick fix is so worth all these hard yards.
I am 18 months of the ciggies now...and i am so glad i did all those hard yards and did not given in....It is so worth it....I never even think about a cigarette....cant stand the smell of them......stay can do this
I kno what you mean--Im praying this passes--I cant live the rest of my life draggin ass--About the 15 hrs--that's the irony --I have periods of sleeping my butt off but still I have no energy--It is so disheartening. Im not surprised about the 4-5 months ==I don't kno if I would have signed on for this had I known---People think Im ok cuz I quit--and I don't want to discourage them and tell the truth or they will never quit--My mantra is " I can breath--Slide over Debbie so I can get up on that pity pot with you.. This sucks
I tell u madame if I dont relief soon, smoking will be back on the table. My body cannot go on like this sleep deprived and constant nagging pain in my head, popping Advil like candy. I would love to sleep like u energy or not at least u get close your eyes and drift off. I close mine and bing they are open, I try to close them aand deep breathe but my eyelids are fluttering trying to open and open they do.
There is no way I would have quit had I known what u go through NFW.
Did u read about David Bowie, see like I said we all have Cancer. He smoked for years. Did he get lung cancer no!!!! he got liver cancer and from what I can tell he didnt do any chemo at least I couldnt find anything that he did. My hats off to the guy he had 18 months of some what quality of life hell he made an album didnt he?
U r welcome to my pitty poy anytime but only if I can borrow yours lol
4-5 months I dont know if I can make it to that. 3 months ya and Im being honest if I dont get some relief I think I will cave just out of desperation for pain relief and sleep not that I want to nic back into me but it never hurt like this does.
God does that desperation suck--but now listen--you know it will pass......and you get tired enuff you will sleep--I don't know that I would have done this either knowing what I do now--why is this such a secret?? I went to dr today just to make sure there isn't something wrong with me im so jacked up--she didn't even understand all this shit Im going thru--Im kinda havin little mini panic attacks--when I go out---now wtf is that??? I wont live with that crap--Get yourself an e cigarette00I rarely use mine but it helps knowing I have it--Did you see I had no headache today--1st time in weeks--so they can just leave--we are at same place in our quit--The best thing about it for me is I can breath and blood pressure normal--I got to keep goin even if I do e cigs forever--priceless to breath--Maybe get something from dr for sleep--If I didn't have something Id never sleep with or without smokes. If you get some sleep and escape time your outlook will improve--not a lot but some--xxx
They did give some pills Zopicone was 1 it didnt work and then a shrink suggested Effexor(PMS Mirtzapine) thats the fancy word for it lol and it made me hungrier than I already am so no to that and Im a recovering Bulemic so I dont want to go down that road again cause I was a fat bulemic not a skinny one. I know this is gross but I didnt puke up all the food and then Id binge bad and puke again sometimes 10-15 x a day maybe more. Is vaping an e-cig cause I tried to vape bought the fancy ciggie things put in vanilla I luv Vanilla took a few draws and burned my lip from the thing u draw on. The e-cig took away your pain? Thats nicotine tho right why not just smoke a real cig lol.
People told me because I smoked native cigs which are not approved by the manufacturer that there was more crap in them. I couldnt afford real ciggies too expensive for me but the bags were 10.00 for 200 smokes not 24 lol.
Tell me more about the e-cig and will it prolong your withdrawl, hell now they say 6 months not 3 will the e-cig make it even longer cause if not I'll try anything. What do they taste like are there flavors? Do u inhale. Im very curious about these things, think I'll sleep and have no pain? Its 10:49 pm here what is yoyr time
E cigs are not smoke--the ones I use called VUSE have minimal chemicals in them--like 3 and nicotine--so you are avoiding lots of chemicals and most of all the dam smoke-I don't sit around and smoke it--just if it gets real bad for me--take a hit--Research is saying 95% better than smokey ass ciagarettes--well If Im on theses once in a while Ive still come away up from the tobacco--I bought roll your own tobacco a few years ago and I really went downhill with my lungs so back to tailor mades--Last year I got 10 cartons for 20 bucks a carton--you know it did something to me--having all them --for one I didn't have that constand running out to get them and money drain--I had more time to concentrate on what I was doing not how to get them--it made a difference--and I thought jokingly when these are gone I quit--and when they were gone I didnt want to spend money on them or run out and gettem--and I had cutway down because wanted them to last so the day didn't come but come it did and here I am--I made those cartons last t6 months==isn't that strange???--sometimes its the chase and the continual buying and rewarding we are partially hooked on--Once I had a butload I didn't want--you kno that saying"how does it feel to want?" well feels good to want--I guess---so that's my story--Look up vuse e cigs--and you will c what im doing--So far I have Vitamin B12 deficiency and high hemoglobin but all tests aren't back--no frickin wonder I feel so out of it
Wow 20.00 a carton that is so cheap, a carton here is like 60-70.00 and 1 pack is over 10.00. Where is it u live? So u think if I I have a hit here and there the headache will go away? Like yours did. Did your headaches stAY GONE or are they back?
Im trying accupressure
Squeeze upward on your nose by your eyes with other hand massage in a kneading syle just under the back of your scalp for 2 min continue to massage doing deep breathing in the nose out the mouth. Tip your head back a little more each time and side to side, Contine til u feel relief then lie down and close your eyes for 10 min or so. it helped a little.
This guy sends me accupressure videos
If u r interested I need your email
oh the cigarette thing--I got a deal on them--they aren't that cheap here--just that one time--Yes I think and e-cig may help but bear in mind it is nicotine without the smoke and far less chemicals--so if you want to kick nicotine totally stay where you are--I rarely take a hit--but its here if I do--Im fine with that--costs about 6 bucks every 2 weeks or less--I am in south Dakota --My email is fell free to email me but put its Debbie in subject line so I don't delete and think its spam

Don't worry coz your reward will come and it'll be freedom but in the meantime while your body is healing, hang on tight coz it's a roller coaster of a ride and you'll get there to where ya want to be beπ

Bless you!
It's the trick of the quit. It's a constant battle. I'm 3 months in and do feel so much better - you are getting there! Keep up the good work!
Do try to be active, that will help too.
Your post is funny, and it's real! Plus, for me, I had a horrible time sleeping for three weeks, I was ill as a hornet and just exhausted from the quit and lack of sleep.
Keep up the quit!
iM so so thankful for you lovely people--bless you all--I am going swimming today--and TRY to do some stuff around here--It is hard to work the mind over matter thing sometimes but going to try or eat myself sick and lay around XXXX
Wow, that's all I need! I have been extremely tired with not an ounce of energy since last May and I just quit smoking 3 weeks am I going to get worse? I don't think I can get any worse...My house is a totaled wreck, I can't even force myself to do anything or to go anywhere. I feel so helpless and the doctor told me he gave me all the tests he could think of and a Vitamin B-12 shot, and he can't do anymore. So, I'm on my own with this. I could sleep 24/7 but force myself to stay awake. I have been going to Rehab in hopes my energy would pick up. I have gone off the oxygen therapy which is good, but I have to figure what to do to get energy and increase my metabolism. It is horrible. I take all the vitamins a person can take every day. Nothing I have done has made even a bit of difference. I really need help and since my doctors cannot do anything for me, I am lost for a solution. I can't sleep my life away but that is what I have been doing since May. I don't know what happened to me but it was almost like an overnight thing, plus my hair started to fall out at the same time. My hair seems ok now though. And, I didn't start on any new medications to cause it? I have been trying to eat better. Just no difference in my energy.

wow Im so sorry--is your thryroid ok?/ do you happen to be on prednisone? that will make your hair fall out--My dr wants me to come in--I think its a dam waste of time--I have several medical conditions that could make me tired and do but this is ridiculous.. I to take vitamins everyday==Im just trying to get going here and clean house a little,try swimming--and now dr wants to see me--Just going to garage and getting car started and the whole thing in the cold sounds awful--You kno I got that prevair 13 pneumonia shot--and flu shot and another pneumonia shot but been blasted since that 1st one-and wonder sometimes what is in these so called necessary vaccines--When you cant figure it out you get a little paranoid,,,I have something that is making me have to much oxygen in my blood and causes it to thicken--and they think it is sleep related--go figure.. I have to go have a sleep study done because they said if you have apnea you are tired all day and makes blood thicken--So hows that for "out there"? I just want to crawl back in bed.. You might get more energy from quitting-but I would go see another Dr and get a 2nd opinion..Its all so hard when you are alone isn't it?? Im sorry-wish I could help but im here to talk anytime--
Wow, too much oxygen in the blood? That is weird. So what does it show when an oximeter is placed on your finger?
Yep, I had thyroid checked and it's good. Had the overnight sleep test done in August and no sleep apnea. ( And, wow that cost over $3,000 but insurance covers most). AND HAD TO WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER TO HAVE MY PULMONOLOGIST READ IT AND GIVE ME THE RESULTS! That's a crock.....
And, I can't take prednisone, so that isn't it.
My doctors are not on the ball. The pneumonia vaccine lasts 5 years and my last one was done 2009. I have to remember and schedule all these things!
Hell, the shingles vaccine was out for 5 years but my doctor never mentioned it. I got a slight case when I started Pul Rehab few years bacl! Now, the doctors try to tell me you cannot get it from using the equipment but I beg to differ from the coincidence of getting it 2-3 weeks after I started the Rehab and from the research I did. I went to Health Dept and got it right away and was told it would either ease the present symptoms and, or, prevent me from getting it again or I might get another mild case. Well, I never got it again. Thank God! It was a very mild case but the pain was excruciating and did not let up NO MATTER what you did. I try to warn people so they get the vaccine, but don't know of any that listened to me. Oh well....
Not many doctors to choose from where I'm at, either.
There's a whole herd or bugs and ailments out there trying to get us seniors!

yes you are right about a lotta bugs--I didn't find out much today other than my urine is clear from an excruciating uti--- I felt like I was dying with it for 2 months while they jacked around antibiotics that about killed me-- my hemoglobin and hemanocrit are high and have been for years---took about 9 tubes of blood so we will see--Im really alone way to much and it is such a hassle to get ready and go when you feel like shit, but if I am going to give up my cigarettes Im going to get my health the best that it can be--I kno easier said then done--I don't care how much is wrong with me just a little strength and stamina would be lovely. Ive got to change my diet because I have celiac and been eating gluten--so Ive kinda let a lot of things go--such crappy experiences with Drs--I don't know how I ever decided to quit smoking--it sure had nothing to do with them cuz I been out of the healthcare loop for years-they send you to 2 or 3 or 4 drs and your head is spinnin and you think you are on your way out--I just said screw it---till now--and I got me a good one I think--she is gonna get me in shape--well good f-in luck but I will try because I kno I been slackin--Its to bad you aren't closer --would be nice to have someone to NOT smoke with and exercise--swim,go for walks--you kno--anyway--I just got home and have to eat--tests will start comin back tmrrw--last time I was dehydrated and vitamin d right on border of being low--yawn--I hope you did ok today--don't worry--this crap with me may not all be from quittin the demon cigs--write you after I eat if you leave a reply
It is harder when you are alone to get ready and go to appointments and take care of what has to be taken care of before you go out the door and after you get out of the doctor's office and after you get home. And you don't dare rush with COPD or you will get out of breath.
Just getting the walk cleared of snow and getting the snow off the car and warming the car up so the windows can be clear enough to drive safely, are enough to poop me out before I even drive away to go anywhere. I'm sure you know what I mean.
I even find it harder to quit smoking by myself as there is nobody here to immediately talk me out of these damn cravings.
I got the TV and the PC and no energy and no one to talk immediately to but myself. Not much of a life. But I am looking to be out of the rut someday. This includes in a big part, having enough energy and money to pay for help getting my house in order because I cannot stand it when it is a mess. Luckily I have a dishwasher or I'd be eating off paperplates.
I have a young guy who rents the apartment I made part of my house into. A very nice young, but responsible guy and he has told me, if snow gets on the satellite dish, to just text him and he'll broom the snow off. That is so appreciated! I would have had to go without my friend, (my TV) all day couple days back it it wasn't for him cleaning the snow off before he went into work in the early afternoon, as I knew I wouldn't have made it through the 2-foot deep snow behind the house.
I still have hope and faith and keep looking for the best to happen but I am starting to see it is going to be a long way there since my doctors are not much help.

I understand--sometimes I wonder where Ill be a few years from now-Every year gets a little harder and I have to let a few more things go--unless someone just happens to stop by and I can say will you lift this or move that?? I hate asking for help but it is so appreciated when it is offered so thank god for that young man you are renting too--Id die without my tv. I watch it at least 8 hrs a day and I don't even have cable--oh dear would I love that--I kinda go back and forth between the tv and computer-Meanwhile things get to be a mess here--I have a few good days and kick butt and more bad ones and it all goes to hell again.. Im not complaining--this is just the way it is, as you know-Tomorrow im going down to the pool and stay at least a half hour--I could go on and on about this aging process it is so mind boggling--Noone could have told me and there are no books out there--so when you get here it is uncharted territory and if you arrive with poor health--lord have mercy.. ok Ive boo hooed enough.. My plan is to try to get it together and be the best I can be--but it isn't appearing to be an easy task "that which does not kill us makes us stronger? I hope that is true Another day and no cigarette--couple drags off an E
How true. I am seriously thinking of moving downstate near my oldest son where the winters are not as bad because each year seems to be worse for me to bear.
I also go between the TV and the PC and my house stays pretty much the same until I get that one in twenty days that I feel good enough to be able to get something physically done. And, right, inbetween the good days, the house and all goes to hell all over again.
Yep, nobody told me any of this would happen as you get older, or, I might have tried harder to "preserve" my good health for later years. Heck, who am I kidding?....I probably wouldn't have believed them back then. I mean, I try to warn my sons and I don't think they take it to heart. I tell them to go and enjoy your life NOW because you may not be able to when you are my age.
I did take puffs today from the Nicotrol Inhaler that I had prescribed months back which didn't work enough to quit with. I hate doing that because it is nicotine going back into my system. Not much, but enough and I feel guilty.
Maybe there will be no damn hard cravings tomorrow?

what part of country are you in? Im in northern plains--My youngest girl is in Oregon--Id like to move there closer to her but trying to be independent as long as I can=--- just getting groceries is getting to be a bitch--carrying them--cripples me next day--Don't feel guilty about the inhaler--so little compared to a cigarette--you are human afterall and its a journey ---I hate your circumstances but glad im not alone

another reply--the way they tell I have to much oxygen in blood is my hemoglobin is always high and that carries oxygen--makes your blood sticky and you get short of breath--odd I know but that what they told me--and sleep apnea will thicken blood too

This is the honest to god truth, withdrawl symptoms have no remedy they are just there to drive u nuts. No pill is going to help. I even tried hypnosis but the withdrawl is too strong at this point even the dr said that. Its either ride it out or put the nic back into your body to ease the symptoms. My friend Madame said e-cigs help. I want to know more about them before I try. The shingles vacine is very expensive here like 150.00 which I cannot afford. I get a disability cheque and my prescriptions are covered if they fall under government class.
I got my flu shot and pneumonia shot cause I get bronchitis bad.
Hell if a pill worked Id be so happy I could sleep and be pain free.
No such luck just my pitty party and u can jump in anytime u want to.
Im not going to lie to u other symptoms could pop up. I got pimples in my 9th week I think it was just imagine a 57 yr old gal breaking out how funny was that. Now that symptom did work with a hydrocortizone cream from the doc they are almost gone he said its the shit coming out of my body. The headaches and no sleep I have had the pleasure for the whole f-king 10 weeks.
I smoked a very long time 40yrs a pack a day or more and not brand name-native smokes very strong compared to brand name. How about u. Do u have a quit story I can read. Mine is in a post u could look at it. I found it helpful so people would understand where Im coming from. Keep on fighting Im trying too. Where do u live? I find alot of people are from the UK where in the UK I dont know they didnt get specific lol. Im from Canada, a city just north of Toronto Ontario called King City and we have about 4-5 inches of snow right now and -15 degrees BRRRRRRRR

NOPE -- remember??? Not one