I just cant get enough to eat--I did find out I have 2 vitamin deficiencies and am hoping when they are fixed this gets better--In the meantime--Id like to know if this is common after 2 mos
Starvin: I just cant get enough to eat--I did... - Quit Support

I always eat loads when I stop smoking it seems to go hand in hand it will stop after a while when your body gets use to it

yeah ill be a fatass by then--lol

Hum... yep, I can relate to that. I have always enjoyed eating but now, one month in, I feel like eating at least twice as much. My plan to work with that is to reinforce the healthy eating - for instance, lunch today was a fresh made lentil soup. Don't go 'yuck' just yet: it's delicious. And super filling, it satiated me for hours - and 3 of those were spent in a dance workshop, so, yay to vegetable protein.
i am a big soup fan...I make up a bone broth every week..the goodness in it is just awesome.. and suppresses appetite.
When I started my quit, i found i wanted to eat non stop,,i think it was hand mouth thing..Best thing i dd was buy a pedometer..I kept challenging myself and now dont settle for less than 10,000 steps a day..Which is easier said than done when you have a desk job
I managed to lose weigh as part of my quit journey..Things went pear shaped about 6 months ago and a little weight crept back on, but getting diagnosed with hypothyroidism explained it all :).. Now i adjust again and now have a very low carb and high fat diet which is goes totally against everything i have ever learned but it does support hypothyroidism and the weight has gone
I feel its a bit like quitting - there is no one size fixes all - we just have to find out what works for ourselves
I still haven't stopped eating so I'm no longer a fatass but a lardass 🙀🙀🙀🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰
It's not that I eat all the time, it's just I eat the wrong things.
I used to be quite slim size 8/10 (4/6 us or 36/38) now I'm I'm heading towards a size 12 or 14. It's horrible, I'm quite small so feel I'm carrying far too much weight☹️ just another thing I need to conquer although in my defence my shift pattern doesn't help 🤔
😩😫😖 I've not even looked at holidays this year as if I went sunbathing I think I might be harpooned 😎😳😖
At least I don't smoke 👍😀
yeah I hear ya--same for me--always a tiny thing--another milestone to conquer--and I think this will be tough
you know I crave the garbage--and the good stuff im hungry 5 minutes later--I sorta find myself grazin till Ive eaten a whole bag of chips--and a cup full of chocolate raisons--and all chased down with pineapple Fanta soda--I was s over this crap--Its a journey alright
I'm feeling your pain I was a size 8 and I'm now in 12😵or 14!! Nearly half my body weight I've put on sitting at 12 stone and holiday in just over 2 weeks but as you said I'm a non smoker now too xx
same same exactly here--I remember when my mom(God rest her soul) was a 14--My god I thought she was huge--lol and I was a teeny 8--I gradually weaned to get where I am on my quit journey I stepped down overa 6 month period or longer--I smoked like half a pack a day for a long time --and so I was busy putting on weight for a while now--some weeks I did real good with food and would even lose a few lbs--but others Id just say screw it and hit those carbs runnin--Im waiting for some medical issues to be solved and then Im going to swim and walk--I don't wanna smoke but don't wanna dread running into people I haven't seen for a while because Ive gotten --lets just say a tad chunky --Think I should throw my size 8s out?? Bad as given up smoking--Ill tell you its a new life on many levels
Hi Madame, love the picture.
In the first few weeks I wanted to constantly stuff my face. I could eat and eat but still feel hungry but then the hunger was for cigarettes not food so I could eat until I felt sick but it didn't stop the 'hunger'.
More recently I have gone back to my usual eating and don't really get that anymore©™👀

I think most people put on weight initially but if excercise is increased it'll balance out
I was watching a programme about Katie Hopkins who was a marathon runner and set out to prove her theory that eat less and move more is the only way to lose weight. She's quite controversial in her opinions about obesity costing the NHS a fortune but individuals vary and a friend of mine excercises as much as I do and she can't lose weight so I also think metabolism comes into as well. We make up for the hand to mouth action of smoking when quitting but it's better to have a little extra weight than black lungs😫
I can understand your issue. For the longest time I was a uk size 14/16. However since being prescribed steroids for the last 2 years plus, I am now size 18/20. It feels horrible carrying all the extra weight around. The increase only happened since taking the steroids. What I have noticed is that since i'm being 'weaned' off it, the weight has stabilised ( I put on 2st +). Its my middle area that is the problem because I like my behind as I don't have to pay for padding as some people do lol.
I love soups, but I find they dont keep me filled. I hardly eat bread, which is nice with soup but that makes me feel even more bloated.
I cook and keep healthy stuff and hardly buy crisps and biscuits etc. I dont do cheese as that makes me more 'phlegmmy' although I am only human I do at times.
I have found out that I am allergic to nearly everything to do with the environment, trees, grass, dust, smoke, cats, dogs, pollen yakkety yak. Where does fruit, veg and milk come from.....
I don't know if i will shift the excess stones, until I am completely off the steroids.
Oh well....onwards and upwards I go!
I have a friend who is on steroids and he was told it would be hard to lose weight--but is there hope you will be weaned off the steroids-???-if so that will be good--I know how to lose--I just have played with addictive foods--sugar and carbs are like drugs--there is no one bite for me--I have to stay off anything white,bread,sugar,crackers,etc-- eat high protein- and -vegetables--and a little fruit--soups are good--no crackers or bread of course--you can eat all the protein you want--eggs,cheeses(not processed-like cheese whiz or velveeta) and meat--I don't eat beef or pork so I eat a lot of chicken and fish--I had 3 eggs this am--lovem --I don't know how you smoked with all those allergies but im glad you have quit--well I gotta get disciplined with this weight thing again--I look at my clothes and think my god,do those fit me? Im sure you know what I mean--Hang in there and keep in touch