I think what makes it hard when you give up smoking you think you will feel better and healthier straight away but you don't you have to give it time I'm struggling because at the moment I don't feel any different I stll feel the same as I did when I smoked in fact in some ways I feel worse so tired no energy I'm just hoping things will get better but I want it to be soon otherwise I'm afraid I might give in after 3 weeks help
Immediate: I think what makes it hard when you... - Quit Support

Hi donesmokin,
They say anything worthwhile is Worth waiting for. This too goes with quitting smoking.
As smokers, we would give our bodies a dose of 4000 chemicals every time we lit up and most of them toxic. Our bodies have readjusted to protect us and actually keep us alive.
When we quit, again, now bodies don't know how to react, hence why we all experience different symptoms of recovery. It is not possible to fix that overnight.
If you write down the pros and cons of smoking and see if this will help you stay focused.👍👍
You have done brilliantly to get to where you are now, please stay strong🙂🙂
You can do this - think of all the money you save 🙂🙂
Seriously - you need to really want to be smoke free to be successful - and be prepared for a roller coaster ride of recovery.🙂🙂
We are all here support you along your journey 😀😀😀
Oh donesmokin... Hang in there. It's been 9 weeks or so for me and I feel tired and out of breath still climbing stairs. I quit because of fear. Women in my family have strokes who smoke. Our future really depends on our health Please don't light up. Eventually we'll feel better xx
Hi DoneSmokin; Even as I approach the 4 month mark; I still have times when I "feel" like it doesn't make any difference; no kidding. Let's face it, at times, nicotine withdrawal takes an emotional toll. It's sneaky that way. ("Don't you miss me?"; Don't you feel like crap without me?, .. and so on)
LOGICALLY , when i think it through, I KNOW I am doing, and have done a great thing for my health -- and that going back to smoking has no positive value whatsoever! NONE.
Like others have said -- you really have to want to be smoke free -- we really have to use our heads and not listen to our feelings when it comes to this ADDICTIVE KILLER.
You are off to a great start -- hang in there and keep in touch!
Thank you you are all a great inspiration and you all keep me on the straight and narrow
Then u won't be able to call yourself donesmokin any more!
U can't give up now ur on two weeks like me there's no way I'm going back.
You ARE better off already u just feel down sometimes because something is missing. We just need to get past that.
So far things that have got better for me are:
No coughing
Better sense of smell
Food tastes better
Have realised I love kitkats
I feel more confident and self assured
Feel like I can achieve something worthwhile
I have £50 in my spending account which would have gone up in smoke.
Not to mention everything that is recovering inside that we can't see.
I'm not giving in never going back if u do u will regret it. I think u just feeling down and need to get over it and crack on! (Meant in the nicest possible way)
And finally u won't like losing ur 2 week badge and monky will be fuming with you!
Stick with it the two week quitters need to stick together this is as hard as it will get and can only get better.
I can't be the only 2weekwinner person when everyone else is 20 months, 50 years, 6 months!
Liking kit kats?...... That's a bit random Andrew 😊😂
Does this mean that you dont like kitkats then Droopy
Not soooo random... Realised how much I love kitkats because they taste so much better now not smoking. Also currently 3 four finger kitkats for £1 in local shop! Lol 😬😬
Lol..... Are they in date 😂😂
Have you tried the new ones??? They look yuck 🙁😱

Hiya done smoking, I know how ya feel as its sooooo hard at the beginning waiting to feel better and sometimes feeling worse before it gets better😩 But it will get better so please hang in there and give yourself time to feel the benefits💐😊x
Ooooh donesmoking, good things come to those that wait 😊
Don't give up giving up..... Otherwise your ankles will be sore coz you will be kicking them.... Repeatedly!!!
Your doing great, do ya really want to go through this again ????
Keep on truckin donesmoking😊

Hi Donesmokin I see you've had some flippin great reply's
I dont know how long you have been smoking for it maybe a bit over 2 weeks eh
sooooo please please give it time gal
and it will gradually come good for you
Can I suggest something to you please Do you exercise at all
if not, just give it a try please, even a brisk walk around the block
or chuck a CD on and give your hips some flippin swinging gal
Your mind and body are going through a vast change Donesmokin so try to help it recover
Donesmokin, your doing ever so well and am soooo proud of ya
NOPE, Not One Puff Ever

Hey donesmoking aren't these people lovely, you don't want to leave us to go and stand in the winter cold choking yourself with fumes...you aren't going to either because the fact you haven't just given in tells me you've got this mate x
Thank you everyone no body has ever said they are proud of me before you made me cry but in a good way I know what I am doing is the right thing and today I have got my 3 weeks winner badge way to go but I will get there

hi i am into my 6weeks i was a smoker for 50 years i forgot to take my tablet one morning last week told the pharmacist he said thats good WHAT that means you are not thinking about smoking as every smoker knows there's always that thought at the back of the head now i can walk my dog without feeling out of breath
Great work! I smoked 47 yrs .. we can do it!