Breathless Concerns: Hi to All, Stumbled onto... - Quit Support

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Breathless Concerns

ken2389 profile image
14 Replies

Hi to All,

Stumbled onto this site after googling to see if any body else who had quit smoking for any length of time had become breathless.

At 69 and having smoked for 56 years, roll ups for the last 20, you begin to wonder if there is any point in giving up the weed, especially if you have never had any obvious related health issues. Anyway after reading Alan Car's stop smoking book, just over four months ago, I have not had a smoke of any description. Probably my biggest reason for giving up was smelly ashtrays, ash on the floor of my car, ash on my computer desk, ash down the front of my clothes, you probably have the picture.

The last three or four weeks I am noticeably out of breath just climbing the stairs, I have never had a problem with my breathing before and could run up and down the stairs prior to packing up smoking.

My daughter has said that she has heard that a lot of people who have smoked for a great number of years have fallen ill very soon after stopping smoking. It makes you wonder if you are doing the right thing after your body must have coped, or adapted, to your long term smoking habit. Definitely considering having a reduced number of cigarettes to see if the breathing will in fact improve. I would love to hear from anybody else who may have had a similar experience.

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ken2389 profile image
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14 Replies
Briarwood profile image

Hiya Ken and welcome to quit support😊

Well done on being over 4 months quit👍🏼

Yes you most definitely are doing the best thing for your health by quitting and sometimes smoking only masks other health problems. To put your mind at rest I'd suggest you visit your G.P.

You have done soooo well and often this process throws up unwanted side effects. I understand your daughters concern and sometimes things get a little worse before they get a lot better. Have a chat with your Doc and in the meantime have a good look around the site as this has happened to other members as well, good luck🍀

Good morning Ken from Canada ☕️☕️

Your are definitely NOT alone...... Lots of people go through what you're going through when they quit.... I thought I would be full of energy when I quit hahaha ..... Just the opposite...... Extreme exhaustion, headaches and aching teeth etc etc.... I never thought I could stop smoking but fear stopped me.... My reason being..... Young women in my family who smoke have strokes...... I don't want to be disabled by a stroke.... The fear is strong enough to stop me from lighting'll get to know the people on this site...... They've stopped me from lighting up many many times in the last 3 1/2 months........ Our saying on this site is Nope Not One Puff Ever..... Keep this site close

Arizona x

Polly-PV profile image

Hi Ken. My story is very similar. I'm 58 & smoked since I was 15 so you can work that one out! Smoked roll ups for about last 5 years of my smoking career then I had a medical scare back in May last year after, ironically, stopping smoking 3 weeks previously. All fine at first-even started running & was feeeeeeling good! Then about a couple of months in I noticed I was getting short of breath carrying heavy shopping bags, at top of the stairs etc. Long story short & after loadsa blood tests etc I was diagnosed with COPD last week. I've been given a Spiriva inhaler which is really helping but just contracted a stinking cold. I, however, feel ok-no wheezing even though it's now gone down onto my chest, no overwhelming lethargy etc etc which would be the usual case with my annual winter cold. Upshot is, even though I've got COPD, I feel better than when I smoked so therein lies the paradox. I really didn't expect to get away with smoking all those years without some adverse effect. So, maybe get yourself checked out? If only to get some answers plus peace of mind. I'm glad I did. Much love Poll

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to Polly-PV

Hiya Polly and welcome to quit support😊

You've done really well with your quit and its great to see you offering good advice too. This really is encouraging to others, so thankyou. If you let us know your quit date, our lovely admin will be happy to award you a badge and hope you'll pop in again😊

Polly-PV profile image
Polly-PVLONG TERM WINNER in reply to Briarwood

Why thank you Briarwood! I stopped on the Sunday of the last bank hol in May 2015-I really can't remember the actual date tho you would think it's a date you'd never forget huh? I've been a Quit Support stalker for quite a few weeks now & have found it really helpful & informative so will pop in from time to time. Much love, Poll x

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to Polly-PV

Well done polly 8 months is fantastic 😊😊

Don't be a stalker be a talker and come on and post whenever the urge takes you 😊😊😊

Andrew-S profile image

Hi Ken congratulations on four months quit that's brilliant. I can't really comment on breathing problems other than to say it's more likely from smoking all those years than not smoking four months. I don't personally believe that smoking helps your breathing and if u were still smoking it may be worse.

I would go to the gp and make an informed decision after that. It could be something that would be exacerbated by smoking again. Hope u find a good outcome 😀

droopyJ profile image

DON'T DO IT....... Ken you have done amazingly well, one puff will send you back to nicotine addiction..... yes one puff will do that for you 😮😢

I started having breathing issues 5 months in. Shortness of breath but not all the time, I could have it from just watching t.v., or walking up a hill.... no rhyme nor reason.

I saw my doc who gave me a blue inhaler, it did nothing. After having ultrasound on heart, spirometer tests, lung function and a shed load more, they have finally (last week) decided that sometimes you just forget how to breathe properly and it knocks your rhythm out. They are sending me to physio to get it sorted. Apparently when you smoke you breathe differently.... who knew??

Go to see your GP if only to put your mind at rest but please, please, please don't go back to smoking !!! Good luck and let us know how you get on 😊😊😊

Hi Ken Don't start smoking again see your GP. I have COPD not a nice thing I got it through smoking I have stopped smoking so that will slow down the progression. I would go and see your GP they can do some test you might be lucky and only need a inhaler to take when you feel breathless but don't start again or you might end up with COPD sorry if I sound harsh xx

glolin profile image

Hi Ken and welcome to Quit support

Well done on your 4 months quit..

It is very common for things to get worse before they get better..Like the others have said, see your GP just to make sure there is nothing going on and for your own peace of mind.

Can you let us know your quit date so we can add you to our wall of winners :) :)

ken2389 profile image
ken23895 MONTH WINNER in reply to glolin

Hello glolin, thank you for your welcome to the quit support.

A little bit overwhelmed by the number of people both finding the time and being so kind to offer the advice and support that they have.

My lovely wife of 47 years was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease some four years ago and so I don't get a great deal of time to spend on the computer.

Is there any way that I can leave a single message to tell all of these kind people how much I appreciated their concern?

As for the date I quit, it was the 15th of September last year, so not quite 4 months.

Kind regards,


droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to ken2389

Ahhhh Ken I'm sorry to hear about your wife, that must be terribly hard for you 😞 under the circumstances you have done amazingly well and I take my hat off to you. If you need us just come on here and we will give you every support, you are not alone 😃 good luck with your quit 😃😊🍀🍀🍀

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to ken2389

Hi ya Ken, a great big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community :) and a big Whooop Whooooop for reaching very nearly 4 months on your quit journey :) :) :)

I see you've had loads a great help and support already :) :) :) and all I can add to that is please please STAND YOUR GROUND :) :) You have been smoking for a looooooong time :( so please be patient and am sure all will come good :) :)

I'm so sorry to hear about your Wife :( :( and i expect looking after her is a 24/7 job eh :o but you love her so I know you will :) and I also know that she would do the same for you :) :)

My heart goes out to you and your dear Wife Ken :) and although you dont get much time on your PC, if you need any help what so ever, even if its not to do with quitting smoking, then you just come on here and shout out loud pal :) :) cos I tell ya, we got the most gorgeous load of members on here that ya never did node Ken :) :) :)

You and Mrs ken take care now :) :)

Pete :)

glolin profile image

Sorry to hear about your wife, you have done brilliantly to quit smoking while taking care of your wife 😀😀

If you want to leave a message, just click on write a post fro the home page. This is what we do, we are a group of people on on our own quit journey and we support each other 😀😀👍👍

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