Ello ev 1 , am a new , here just wondering if any 1 is haveing the same problems as me , been quit smokeing 27 days and the catarrh is driving me nuts , Carnt shift it , how long does this last , and does it go away
Quit smokeing: Ello ev 1 , am a new , here just... - Quit Support
Quit smokeing

Congrats on 27 days👏🎉🎉🎉. What is a catarrh??

Hi ya Kimmie49, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
I hope your feeling very PROUD of yourself for reaching 27 days quit just flippin ACE Kimmie, loving it
If you could please let me know your actual quit date, then I can award you with a Winners Badge and add you to the Wall of Winners
As for the catarrh, this is common, maybe try exercising cos this may help to loosen it or some of our members have seen their GP and had a course of antibiotics to help loosen it
You could also try one of the breathing exercises, which if you have a look to the right, you will see Pinned Posts, have a try at that
Kimmie, we are all different so, please be patient
Good luck, Pete
Hi Kimmie 👏🎉🎉
I'm glad Pete was able to help answer your question. You're doing fantastic!!!!!!!
Our mantra/motto on this site is. NOPE NOT ONE PUFF EVER
Keep up your fantastic work💐

Hiya Kimmie and welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on 27 days smokefree, great achievement so well done👍🏼
Try inhaling steam in a bowl with olbas oil or Vicks and it might help to loosen it a bit. Also as Monky has mentioned the breathing techniques and perhaps a visit to your G.P. Good luck🍀x

Thank you briarwood , going to see gp to morrow as tried steam and Vicks also tablets and catarrh Medison , think it needs antibiotics , like a few post say it's just you body repairing it self , thank you for your info , at times like this it help if other give tips , love this page only found it today X thanks again ❤️
Congratulations on 4 weeks of freedom!
Bloody phlem !! It will get better try sucking boiled sweats or gum, this is something I still have but saying that it's no where near as bad as what it was in the beginning of my quit. Try drinking a lot of water that also helps to water it down . One Dr told me this can go on for ages as its all the dead cells sorting themselves out. Honestly it gets better over time

Thanks a lot angelina , makes me feel loads better , so greatfull for info X and thanks for all replys ❤️This idea is fab for tips and advice xx