Hi all it my 7th day no smokeing any tips how to get thro the next couple days pepole have told me second week get harder
Give up smokeing: Hi all it my 7th day no... - Quit Support
Give up smokeing

Hiya Sarah and a big warm welcome to quit support😊
Congratulations on 7 days quit, brilliant👍
Everyone is different and some side effects you may or may not get. The best way is to take each day at a time and keep busy. Drink lots of water and use some of the breathing excercises on the right of this page. Distract yourself from any cravings you get by getting up and moving around. Lots of friendly people here to help you which really is fantastic. Just wondering if you are using any nicotine replacement or are you cold turkey? The good thing is any side effects will pass and it really will all be worth it. Stay positive and you can do it😊x

Hi Sarah and a big warm welcome to quit support
Congratulations on your first week smoke free - that is a great effort. Take a read of some of the information under the topics heading to the right of the page as there is lots of information on getting through those first weeks.
The breathing exercises seem to be very popular
Have a read of other peoples journeys as this may just give you some more encouragement.
We have a great quit community here who have all been exactly where you are now and fully understand. We will encourage you and support you any way we can
Let us know your quit date so i can add you to our wall of winners
We us a little mantra to remind us NOPE = Not One Puff Ever
Welcome to this great site with lots of lovely people on it 😁
Well firstly congratulations on reaching a week, that's fantastic😁 yes the second week can be difficult but it's different for everyone, you may sail through it 😃 how are you giving up? Cold turkey, patches? Ecig??? Let us know as the more info we have the better we can help you with.....and we are a right nosey bunch on here😃😃😃
Some people say that drinking lots of water helps or going for a walk when you get a craving.... look on the previous posts and tips, it will help you 😁😁
Whatever, make sure you keep this site close by as there is always someone about to help you 😁😁
Good luck stay strong and keep the faith 😃😃

Hi Sarah020476, thats just fantastic you've made it to your 7th day quit
and a big warm welcome to our lovely community
I see you've had loads of help and support from some of our lovely members already
and all I can add to that is, you say the second week will be harder
but, perhaps it is for some cos you tend to drop your guard a little bit eh
then, WHAM, mr nic is at you
So please Sarah, try to keep focused and positive and flippin hold your head up high and be PROUD of yourself
You come a shouting if you need anything
Just keep positive and think how well you have alraedy done.

Well done on getting to 1 week👍. Like people have said everyone is different and week 2 can be trying😕.
But saying that for me it got me to rethink how I was going to approach my quit. I am only losing 1 thing and that's those horrid little white sticks😠 but I am gaining so much in return😆😊😁
Take care and pop on anytime for anything there is always someone around Debby xx

Hi Sarah, well done on making the fab decision to quit you've done really well getting through the first seven days but yes there will be tricky days to come. I got through these by keeping a list on my phone of exactly why I was quitting. Every time I felt tempted I looked at the list and weighed up which I wanted more, my reasons for stopping or a ciggy. That coupled with the amazing support on this site has got me this far and I'm sure we can get you through too
good luck and stay strong x