Day 5. With my daddy, had a few beers! I would eat a cig right now if I had one. I purposely didn't bring any. I'm good. I'm strong. I have a full weekend of this sh!t. Y'all help me!!!! Pretty please?!? All the niceties that should come. This is tough. Anyone out there?!? Sorry for the language. The struggle...
Drinking and wanting : Day 5. With my daddy... - Quit Support
Drinking and wanting

I am all but in a puddle of my own tears and now find it funny. Learn from me? The struggle is real. I'm still a non smoker. Bleh!

Honest. My daddy lives like two states alway from me in the US. He quit nasty mcnasty 10 yrs ago. So I'm here now wanting a ciggie. I'm going to just go to sleep and wake up to encouragements that I'm speaking with an accent. Y'all don't hate me. I'm drunk and trying?! I'm southern and charming for the most part. But yeah drunk. Cheers and Cheerio. Yeah I dunno. Please don't kick me off the site. I didn't smoke

you can get through this coco....believe in yourself....
No Body hates ya coco....
...I am down under in Australia....we have members from many countries in the world....and i have a soft spot for Americans as my oldest son lives in the USA
Thanks. I don't have any. So go on to bed. Lol
you stayed true to your be proud of yourself
There's no restarting my quit this time, I told daddy about my classmate. He's just happy no matter the reason. Just happy I took control. Thanks.

Hi Coco, you are so right saying you're strong and though it feels pretty crappy right now please keep in mind that what you are feeling will pass. If you do cave in all that will happen is that you'll have to start again from scratch and at the moment you are a day closer to the rubbish withdrawal symptoms going away.
Keep your strength, remember your reasons for quitting and believe in them as you can do this.
Someone else will be up and about on here soon and will be able to talk sense about possible nicotine replacement options etc. And there is loads of information on coping strategies on the site.
Good luck and stick with it!

I'm drinking saying this...thanks. Going to bed. A 5 day non smoker! Woohoo. Thanks all!

Hiya Coco, you're probably fast asleep by now as I was when you posted😊
Don't worry, be proud that ya didn't smoke. you got through it so well done to you for staying strong. It's the hardest thing to do and anyone that hasn't smoked doesn't realise this but we all do. It's a tough battle but you won👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 you survived to fight another day so good on ya👍🏼😊x

Hey Coco Good Morning from (a little bit) sunny Liverpool, England!
I've not been around here as much so haven't managed to say hello yet (big waves to you!) I just wanted to say how proud we are of you that you managed to overcome the urge to smoke at such a trying time - Drinking and smoking usually go hand in hand together, so well done to you for enjoying a smokefree night
I imagine that you'll feel over the moon when you wake up, knowing that you got yet another smokefree night under your belt
A true winner

My chest doesn't hurt! I don't feel like regret and bad decisions! Ha! Well, maybe the drinking rants, and a couple of beers too many...but I can live with that! I am now on day 6! Thanks everyone and my apologies for the rants last night. This site is simply the best!
Hi CoCo! The first few days / week can be especially tough ... and frankly, for me, they were very emotional... if not close to insane! So, don't give your "rant" (as you put it) a second thought. BTW... At the time, I sure could've used a drink! (but being a recovered alcoholic that's not an option any more. sigh)
Any way ,.. we're all glad to hear you're sticking with the quit and let us know how you're doing.
Hey Will. You're doing amazing!!! You're kicking 2 addictions. You're strong 🌷
Love your honesty