Hello my names Amy
I'd like to share my experience as I'm really struggling at the moment and do not know what to do and I'm also worried I contracted some dreaded illness in the process of quitting not just nicotine but marijuana also and going completely cold turkey since 8th April 2016.
The last ten years of my life I have smoked and also smoked Marijuana heavily at times. I decided after other numerous attempts to kick it to really put both habits to bed a couple weeks back and have not looked back since to be honest I'm so pissed off with what both have done to my life I've not had one single craving or thought about doing either, not ONCE!
Now since quitting I'd like to talk about what seems to be the withdrawals and why are the physical withdrawls not subsiding? During the few days i felt OK but on the fourth day i experienced sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches and other bizarre symptoms which are similar to flu but without the fever and so on. This gradually got better and i actually started to feel great. I was out running and so on and apart from the insomnia, weird dreams and night sweats that were i felt in a good place.
That was until a few days ago when i used a shower directly after someone else in the household who i believe may have health issues and possibly Hepatitis from all the drug activities they have participated in over the past few years. Three to four hours after using the shower i began to get cracked lips, sores inside my mouth which is bizarre i never have had sores before. I also started getting muscle pains and deep aches in my limbs especially my calf's and legs which i just did not have prior to this event and also began to get back ache and pain around liver and stomach area with intense body wide itching all over. The person who used the shower before also has been experiencing backache and fatigue for a long time now which just adds to my worry and messes with me trying to give up my additions. Its not getting any better either, in fact worse and my guts are completely out of wack. Today ive had diarrhoea when i normally have healthy stools. Im confused which is now making me anxious about this whole event and i dont know whether is from withdrawals or something else.
I would like some help on this and its very concerning it feels like i was taking great steps forward and now im taking 1,000 steps backwards i just dont know what to do.
I feel i also need to point out i still have dry cracked lips today which ive had since this incident on Tuesday and these deep muscle aches and weakness which dont get any better and backache which I've never had. I'm also still itching at times in different areas of my body.
Is this withdrawals or something else. I'm not experiencing any fever so what the hell is going on I'm going out my mind here and its not helping me quit smoking in all honesty i don't know what to do.