I really want to stop drinking and smoking
How do I stay off smoking and drinking? - Quit Support
How do I stay off smoking and drinking?

Once you stop smoking you would be well advised to stop drinking as alcohol will impede your resistance to remain smoke free.

Hi Beaded123, Well done for your decision to quit👏
Welcome to Quit Support.💙
It’s never easy to quit but it’s easier with a little support.💪
As Catmad suggests, quitting both smoking and alcohol go hand in hand. If you stop drinking at the same time it'll be easier for you to stay quit.
Here's a link to get you thinking..........
Please read the pinned posts,📌 there is lots of information there. You will find the posts to the right or at the bottom of your screen depending which device you are using.
May I suggest you drink plenty of water💧💦 to flush out the toxins and keep yourself hydrated.
If you feel you need any more help please don’t hesitate to ask. There is always someone here.
Keep us informed when you begin your quitting journey,so that we can assign you a winners badge ,and update our database.
May I remind you not to post any personal information. If in doubt, leave it out!
Good luck with your quit.🍀🚭xx

Hello Beaded, and welcome to Quit Support.
Well done on deciding to quit smoking. Its not easy, however it
Is achievable ,and we will help and support you all the way on your quit Journey.
We have a lot of information in the pinned posts and topics sections.
If you cant find what you require , just shout and we will be here , ready to support you.
Smoking and alchohol tend to go together. I would advise you have a really good read through the pinned posts,plan a quit date and stick to it. Make sure you drink lots of water to help get rid of the toxins. Buy some nicotine replacement product to help you through the cravings.
We do remind new members NOT to give any personal details out i.e. email addresses,
Phone numbers, or personal pictures. (If in doubt leave it out).
Look forward to supporting you. 😊

Hi Beaded when I stopped smoking, I had to stop drinking for a while to break the association. After a while I was able to drink but then realised drinking had replaced smoking so I gave up alcohol 19 months ago and smoking 30 months ago.
Quitting both smoking and alcohol are something I am extremely proud of as I thought life would be boring without them and its actually the opposite, I am so much happier.
I would advise not to commit to giving up both at the same time, but just say to yourself I won't drink until I lose the link with smoking if you can.

Hi Beaded and welcome to Quit Support
Lots of good advice already so I’ll just say stay close to this terrific community and we will help you.
Half the battle is really wanting to stop and you do👍🏼
Good luck and we look forward to supporting you on your journey😀xx

Dear Beaded, good for you for wanting a better quality of life😁 i would definantly Reccomend one quit at a time. I know drinking and smoking sometimes go hand in hand....so maybe quit drinking first? Or maybe both? Get it over with faster? Personally, i would do both at once❗ whatever route you choose, we are here to cheer you on and support you❗😀🌷