iv just hit the 72 hour mark. I really feel like i'll never smoke again as long as it doesn't get any worse. I'm not going to lie, its been pretty easy quitting so far. I mean iv been snappy and getting very annoyed at stuff and get some really bad cravings but its nothing like if imagined. my worst moment was a few hours ago when i found a packet in a pair of jeans (part of me said bin them and another part said sit them down in case you give in) but i binned them Im going out tomorrow though and im probably going to be drinking. So, im worried about that.
fourth day with no smokes. : iv just hit the 7... - Quit Support
fourth day with no smokes.

Hi Euan, congrats on getting through the first few days. Drinking is always a tricky time though slightly easier now drinking in pubs is banned, I just stay inside now just make sure before you go out that you have a game plan in place to help you cope with the additional cravings, perhaps change what you drink (I now drinking copious amounts of real ale rather than lager)
Its probably also a good idea that you binned your stash too, no temptation when a little worse for wear 😁 good luck
Welcome Euan!!!! If you feel it's been relatively easy so far then count your blessings!!!!!!!!! (do I hear an Amen from the congregation?)
Seriously, glad to hear you're doing well! LilyMay has some good advice if you're tempted. Let us know how it's going ... All the best! Will

Hiya Euan and welcome to quit support 😊
Well done on your quit, great ya binned the stash too, always a good idea👍🏼
Our motto is NOPE not one puff ever and if ya remember that when you go out drinking, it'll really help. Good luck and non smokers have more fun😉x

Well done euan I'm not far behind u and finding it grand so far just be careful with drinking keep up the good work 👍😃

That's the test time. But look at pics and deny the nasty monster! Pulling for ya!

thanks everybody! this has been the worst day yet. i usually get the occasional craving but today its been constant. There hasn't been one point where i don't want a cigarette. Im not going to smoke, i know i don't need to but i just hate this feeling of withdrawal.

Simple never have nother puff again