Giving up in 4 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes, and ... - Quit Support

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Giving up in 4 days, 3 hours, 4 minutes, and 30 seconds!

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER
19 Replies

Hi all, i am relatively new to this. I started smoking at about 17, became a regular smoker pretty quickly. I am now nearly 24 and am going to give up in 4 days time. I have an appointment at the doctors for 15th, to get some NRT, and as soon as i walk out of there i plan not to have a cigarette for the rest of my life.

I am absolutely terrified though. Every time i think about it i keep thinking of silly reasons why i shouldn't go and why i should carry on smoking.

I currently smoke tobacco, although i much prefer cigarettes but cant justify spending the money i was on them. I have been smoking roll-ups for about a year now.

Im not sure. I feel nervous, scared, apprehensive. It also doesnt help that my partner smokes and he wont be giving up with me, so im going it alone. And every day after work im going to have to come home to a house that smells of cigarettes.

Its gonna be tough. Am i right to be scared though? I feel really silly. Thanks in advance for your help.




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jessrudd12 profile image
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19 Replies
Briarwood profile image

Hiya Jess and welcome to quit support😊

No need to feel silly hun coz we all have been where you are now and yes it's a little bit scary, I agree. Lots and lots of help here for you so please don't worry. My hubby still smokes so i understand exactly how you feel. You are going to do fantastic coz you're young (lucky you)😂 and now is the time to do it before you cause any long term damage.

Be very proud that you have decided to quit and your partner may be inspired by you and perhaps join in at a later stage.

Our mantra is NOPE not one puff ever🚭

Just jump on here and shout coz there's always someone around to help.

Good luck and let us know how ya get on🍀

NgaireM profile image
NgaireM in reply to Briarwood

So true Briar. Please, please Jessrudd, stick to your guns and quit. You will achieve maximum benefit from your quitting now, health wise AND financially. (I left it too late and will pay the price, but am still pleased to have defeated that demon nicotine.)

Good luck and remember you are not alone.

Ngaire xx

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER in reply to Briarwood

Hi both, thank you very much for your support, it really is nice to know I have people rooting for me :)

In regards to my other half, he doesn't smoke a huge amount anyway, maybe 3-4 in the evening, but I still think it might be difficult. I have said many times that I am going to quit, so I think maybe he doesn't realise this time im serious lol. :P

I will keep you all updated, thanks! :) xx

droopyJ profile image

Well done Jess, giving up is the very best thing you can do for your health 😀 no more standing outside in all sorts of weather inhaling 4000+ toxins 😝

Re your partner..... Hit him where it hurts (not literally) and remind him smoking can cause impotence 😈😀😀😀

Good luck with your quit 🍀🍀🍀🍀

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

Hi, thanks for your nice words! And yes I am very much looking forward to not having to stand out in the rain/snow all for a cigarette!

And about my partner, hehe, that sounds like a good idea! Maybe I will tell him over dinner tonight :P

thanks xxxx

Andrew-S profile image
Andrew-S in reply to droopyJ

and feather loss disorder...

dunn profile image
dunn15 Month Winner

Great decision! It is really something to look forward to rather than be nervous about. Just be sure to voice any concerns to your doctor,make a plan and stick to the plan. Lots of really useful info on this website in the "pinned posts" -- be sure to check them out. You also have the big advantage of being young! Come back here and let us know how it goes! All the best!

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER in reply to dunn

Thank you for your support, I will definitely let my doctor know all of my concerns. I am willing to try anything at the minute and tried before but with no NRT and it was HARD.

I will definitely keep you updated :) I really like the support on here, im quite overwhelmed really, so will definitely be back :) thanks again!

glolin profile image

Hi Jess, and well done on your decision to quit smoking :) :) ...The going may get a little tough over the first few weeks...but it so worth it....

Being so young - you are mostly likely to have no long term impacts from smoking....Dont stop...and you may not be so lucky. :)

Be strong - Be sportive towards your quit....if you only give 50% effort..that is probably the same result too :)

Read the pinned posts so that you can arm yourself with knowledge on what to expect....definitely make a list of your reasons to quit and keep them close...use this list for strength if you have a rough day with cravings in the early days.

You can do have made the decision :) :) ....Make the commitment and as NIKE says...Just Do It :) :)

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER in reply to glolin

Hi, thank you for your kind words, it really means a lot! :) It was really nice to wake up to such lovely messages from you and everyone else today :)

I will be making a list of triggers, and ways to get around them. For example, I always have a cigarette break at work, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. I am going to still take that break, but go and get a coffee instead. I don't want to set foot outside though as that may tempt me too much.

Fingers crossed and I will definitely be on here keeping you updated with my progress :)

Thank you!

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi Jessrudd12, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community :) :) and well done for making that vital decision to quit the smokes :) :)

I see you've had some great advice already from some of our lovely members :) and perhaps when your partner see's that your serious about quitting smoking, then he just may join you eh :) or perhaps smoke outside :) :)

My partner and her Brother both smoke in the house :P :P and when I used to get home from work, that was a killer to start with :o soooo, I started going into my garage where I had a rowing machine and gave that hell, I tell ya :D :D BUT, it did the trick, it got rid of mr nic :) then I would have a shower, eat my dins and get on here for a chat, so didnt have time for a smoke :) :)

If you let us know which NRT you are going to use, then we can perhaps give you some advice about them :)

Please feel free to join in with the chat, or if you have any questions, then just fire away and we will try to help :)

Hope to speak soon, Pete :)

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER

Hi pete, thanks for your reply! I am not sure as of yet what NRT to use. I have had a look at the pinned post and am still a bit overwhelmed by all of the choices.

I like the idea of the 16 hour patch, but I will definitely ask the nurses opinion on Monday when I go for my appointment.

What did you find worked well for you? Did you use NRT at all?

I am almost eager to get started now, just want to get through the weekend and it be Monday already :D

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to jessrudd12

Loving the positivity jess, I'm getting excited for you 😊👍

I gave up with patches. I smoked between 10/15 (over 30 years😕) A day and used 16 hr one. Take them off at least 30 mins before you go to bed coz they can give you really weird dreams. Choose a different side of the body and different place each day. Always carry a spare as you may forget to put one on!! You can supplement them with gum, mints or the mist... A few of us have been successful with patches😊

Whatever you choose there will be someone on here that knows about it😊

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER in reply to droopyJ

Brilliant thank you :) yes I will definitely keep you guys updated with what they say and how I am getting on. I think im going to need all the support. Im a pretty emotional person anyway, let alone without a cig!

I can do this! Thanks guys :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to jessrudd12

Hi Jess, ermmm, I've used all sorts of NRT, as I've had a few attempts to quit :D :D I finally ended up with the lozenges and an e-cig, the lozenges for work and e-cig for other times :)

I preferred the 16 hour patches cos you take them off when you go to bed and seem to get a better nights sleep :) With the patches, I also had the inhalator for those hard times :)

Your usually allowed 2 types of NRT :) :)

jessrudd12 profile image
jessrudd127 MONTH WINNER in reply to monky

Ahhh OK 2 types seems better. Im not sure what to go for, I have heard good things about the patch, so I think I will go for that. Then just another type to choose. I will have a think and chat to the doc and see how I get on! :)

Thanks again xxx

Andrew-S profile image

I thought you're name was Jesus at first when I saw your post! Anyway welcome. Definitely get two NRT's. I had three but then I tend to grind most people down til they give me what I want probably to get shot of me. I used the patches which are brilliant but left them on at night disregarding advice about weird dreams and they did give me weird dreams and I didn't make the connection for ages. Then as the second NRT I had chewing gum 4mg which is great if you are getting irritated you can chomp on it then put it on the side of your mouth and feel the nicotine arriving. Then to relax more I had the inhalator which is lovely as well. I'm still using the inhalator and gum and would recommend all three that I have tried. Then as time goes on you just use it less naturally.

Good luck with it all.

All your feelings are completely normal and understandable!! I just want to say that I think you're so smart and lucky to quit while you're still so young!!! Please trust all of us, you CAN do this and you'll be so happy when you do!!

I'm thinking this won't be as hard for you as you think. Also, would it be possible for you to ask your boyfriend to smoke outside instead of inside? You'll see soon enough that your sense of smell will come back strong and trust me, cigarettes smell so terrible!!

I'm sending you lots of positive energy and good luck on your quit!!



thenunn profile image

Hi Jess..'Im not sure. I feel nervous, scared, apprehensive''am I right to be scared ? ' ..I think every single person that has taken this step has felt all of those at the beginning would probably be not 'normal' to feel that way..BUT..turn those round,what other word could you use that's a bit more positive but feels the same ? how about 'excited' ..fear is what makes you see it as the words you've chosen ,but there is also fear in excitement ..should it stop us ..NO..the feelings/thoughts are just that ..they are not the reality.Fear is just a thought, You can do this ,sure it may have hard times,most things we do have hard times,but that's why they are worth doing, You can do this, have your plan,youve done your homework,..the next step is just to take one step at a time..cliché after cliché BUT they are proven facts..hour by hour day by day,YOU will Succeed in your goal ...sending best wishes and lots of positive thoughts your way :)

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