Anyone use the little mints and find they gave them a dry tickly cough. Seem to do this to me. Just wondered. Doesn't bother me too much and as they are helping keep me off the cig goes I'm sticking with them for now.
Lozenges make me cough: Anyone use the little... - Quit Support
Lozenges make me cough

Hiya tedious, it's great the mints are helping you, sorry didn't use them so can't comment on the cough but it also could be part of the healing process. Stick with it and you'll get there one day at a time. Well doneπx

Aup Ted, its great to see you again AND off the cigs tooo
Please let me know when you quit and I will sort a Winners badge out for you and add you to the Wall of Winners
For one thing Ted, try to drink plenty of water/fluids cos this may help with your dry tickly cough
Now then, lozenges these are an excellent form of NRT
but they are so many different types
PLUS, there are different strengths of nicotine too
When I first started using them, I got the 4mg ones, toooo flippin strong for me
and if I remember they gave me a bit of a cough too
Sooo, I went onto the 2mg ones, a lot better
and no flippin cough
then down to the 1mg ones and now dont have them at all
Stick at it Ted, cos your doing flippin great pal
PS, I tried them really minty ones and thought, I could quite easily get addicted to these soooo, I went a shopping at my local super store, erm, Dasa I think its called
and found that they make there own
tried them
spot on
plus flippin cheaper toooo
You take care now Ted and like our lovely Briarwood has said, stick with it and take every day as it comes Ted if you need any help, just you come on here and we will try to help you
Thanks Pete for a while I wondered who Ted was, thought it was some bloke then realised it was me as in tedious shortened! I am actually a female. I just picked tedious because the thought of quitting was. at the moment I signed up, quite tedious!! Feel free to continue with Ted though, now I've worked ou it's
Tedious, please forgive me, look gal, am a ole boy getting now, plus ave only got 1 brain cell see soooo, I dooo get things wrong
not very often though
hmmm, some may differ on that
Am just wandering, if I could call you Tedi then cos just trying to save my one typing finger

One week today since I had a cig so dies that make my quit date 4th Oct?
Teddi, as you can see, your now the very proud owner of a 1 WeeksWinners badge
I was saving it in my back pocket, cos I new you would come true gal
and I am just flippin loving it
I have your quit date well and truly logged in Now then Teddi, we have to keep you quit eh
Please, please come shouting if you need any help cos thats what were here for, to help you to LIVE again
to be FREE again, to help you become smokefree
I am so so proud of you Teddi, I really am

Cheers! One week winner motivates me to keep going.