So this is how I was finally able to motivate myself in to quitting after around 7 years of procrastinating (Yes, I decided to quit 7 years ago!) At the beginning of October I told all 7 people in my office that if I was not completely free from nicotine by the end of November that I would take them all and their partners out for dinner with free drinks included. It took this sort of commitment from me to finally get serious because there was no way I was going to stump up for a bill like that
The benefits as I see them is that it got everyone behind me every working day, I'm the only smoker (was!) but not the only one who has ever smoked so I got a lot of support and along with that it was actually fun with a lot of friendly banter. The fact that everyone knew what I was doing helped a lot as well. Something like this might not be for everyone but it was the final push that I needed to get started and quit.