How long will it go on......
And I feel full of snot( sorry)
Probably just a cold on top? Hopefully
How long will it go on......
And I feel full of snot( sorry)
Probably just a cold on top? Hopefully
Hope you feel better soon!
Hi Dans, sorry you not feeling too good, have to say there's a lot of coughs and colds going round at the moment as I'm suffering myself as well
Try Vicks on the chest for the cough and Lemsip might help you feel a bit better
Other than that, I think it just has to run it's course, hope you feel better soon
I am putting this post on which Emjay put on a while ago. Hopefully help.
Wondering why you have that awful dry cough? Or why you are couphing up all that horrible 'stuff'?
Here's a reason why it may be;
Smoking paralyses the tiny hairs, or cilia, which line your windpipe and helps to clear dirt and mucus out of your lungs. When you stop smoking, the cilia start to work properly again and so you may experience more coughing and phlegm. If you can imagine all those hairs laying flat for so long and now that you've stopped they kind of say "right lads, let's get back to work again" and as they start to move it causes a dry tickle... This is a positive sign of recovery, showing that your body is getting rid of the tar and toxins which smoking has left in your lungs.
These symptoms may last a while but can be soothed by drinking plenty of water or using sugar-free boiled sweets to help keep your throat moist.
Remembering that you are only coughing up what is not supposed to be there in the first place
However, if you're coughing persists and you become worried, please make an appointment to see your GP.
I was coughing for about 3 weeks after stopping. Almost drove me bananas. 78 days of no smoking today suggests tolerating the cough was all worth it, if only to shift the chap out of the lungs
Good luck
I coughed for around 9 months, no joke. It took ages for my lungs to clear and some of the rubbish I coughed up was almost black!
Seeing and going though that was more than enough to make sure I never smoke again.