Ho hum!: Feeling melancholy & depressed today... - Quit Support

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Ho hum!

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend
27 Replies

Feeling melancholy & depressed today. I could have very easily succumb if a cigarette was offered. I need a hug.....& before you offer Monky, I mean a real, physical personal hug. Cigarettes make very poor companions but in the absence of anything else they can be better than nothing.

I'm hanging in there but it isn't one of my better days.

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roneo profile image
The legend
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27 Replies
droopyJ profile image

Oh roneo sorry your feeling a bit blue 😞 if I could hun I would get on a plane and give ya a big personal hug 😊

Look you have come so far in your quit and doing really well so please keep this in the forefront of your mind 😊

Maybe try making and wearing a badge that says "get your free hug here, just stop me and ask" hey who knows what could happen 😊 if nothing else it might put a smile on your gorgeous face 😊😊

Hang in there hun it will pass 😊

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to droopyJ

Sounds like a plan droopy. Although the way I'm feeling at present, rather than getting hugged, someone would misread the sign & I'd get mugged.

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

Lmao .... I reckon we should all fly out and have a group hug 😊😊😊 and all stay with roneo😊😊

Mmm NOPE... Not one plane ever 😂😄😄😄

glolin profile image

Hi ya Roneo,

If I was closer to Sydney I would hunt you down and give you that hug. A 9 hour drive is a massive road trip then I gotta do the drive back.

Hang in their buddy, you are doing brilliantly. Just get through the night and I am sure things will look brighter in the morning😀😀

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to glolin

Linda, if you made that 9 hr trip, I may not let go of you for the trip back.

You are right, it's morning & things do look brighter.

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to roneo

That is awesome to hear 😀😀😀😀

Briarwood profile image


Hang in there Ron, you can make it through, I know you can😘😘xx

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend

Thank you beautiful ladies for your concern & support. I'm not going to fall today, but I do feel lower than a snake's belly.

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

Hello my lovely roneo 😊😍

Hope your doing ok and not feeling so blue today 😊

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to droopyJ

Hi droopy. Thanks for your concern. It has been a tough week. I have had vigorous debates with myself as to why cigarettes will/won't relieve the blues or loneliness. The may have been a poor companion but a companion nevertheless. Anyway, though I'm certainly not FEELING like I have won any battles, I haven't conceded defeat either.

droopyJ profile image
droopyJ in reply to roneo

Well I'm certainly glad you haven't succumbed but I'm sorry your having a tough week hun 😒

It's strange what our minds will make us believe if we are having any other thoughts outside of contentment or elation.

In my family we comfort eat if we are blue or anxious...which makes you feel great at the time but then adds to it , (as well as guilt) as you put on even more weight. It doesn't matter what you do to try and combat those feelings there is always a price to pay.......its a flippin vicious circle😒

. I suppose if you can keep your life and emotions fair to middling (the eternal optimist) then we won't need these emotional crutches in our lives....(this is what insomnia at 4am does to me )

Well I hope that things turn around for you today and my ramblings haven't made you feel worse 😊

Don't think of it as a battle, try thinking of it as empowering yourself on behalf of your gorgeous body's health 😜😍xxoo

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to droopyJ

Yeah mate, Abstaining from comfort food or alcohol is yet another form of self deprivation that can leave you groping for the benefits to such deprivation.

Thanks for sharing how you feel. I've experienced a fair amount of melancholy before quiting but now, at 4 wks., it's the "pits.

When I gave up another addiction a few yrs ago it was like losing a constant companion ... and now tobacco. "Friends" that were killing me.

"This too will pass, Ron ... perhaps small comfort but true. Thankfully, there are kind folks here!

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to

Thanks Willc, Even though I'm well over the nicotine addiction, there remains that niggling thought in the back of my brain that jumps up & reminds me what a comforting "friend" I could turn to when things got tough.

in reply to roneo

Hi Ron, I hope this finds you having as peaceful day. I'm now at 9+ weeks - and tho' physically healthy -- still experiencing a decline in mental health -- especially anxiety -- which hasn't been that common a problem before, despite a decades long history of recurring depression ( managed fairly well with SSRI's or SNRI's). Of course both anxiety and depression can come hand in hand... so it goes. (The 'melancholy" run s in the family, if you know what I mean)

I am not a big proponent of taking medications -- but found I can get in serious trouble w/o some treatment. I was a heavy smoker for decades and now w/o the nicotine (and whatever else) I'm pretty sure that my "brain chemistry" has changed -- and consequently my current meds are not working well at all!

I used to have a great doctor but he's retired and the current folks I'm talking to don't seem to have a clue -- so I'm going to try another soon.

I am not writing this to get advice -- but mainly to ask if I am making any sense.!!! ??????????????? I would like to find a resource or resources on brain chemistry changes after smoking cessation.

Thanks for your contributions, I'll read them again.

And all the best to you! -WILL

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to

G'day Will,

I share your concerns. On the one hand I would rather not be on medication which, to work, needs to be taken regularly, even though the incidence of anxiety or depression ebb & flow. I bought a ebook called "Beyond Cynical" by Loretta Breuning who helped me to establish new neural pathways & reactions to adversity. Unfortunately, it's not foolproof as the old pathways are still there (lurking). Unfortunately, the wrong combination of circumstances can still bring me down on occasions but it's a useful strategy to consider.

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to roneo

Hiya Romeo my friend, how lovely to hear from you👍🏼

How are ya doing😘X

roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to Briarwood

Owyagoin' Briar, good to hear from you.

I'm riding the crest at the moment. I have managed to drag myself through a couple of tough situations over the last few weeks & I'm still not smoking. I know I can't rest on my laurels but so far, so good.

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to roneo

Good on ya Ron👍🏼👍🏼keep riding that crest coz unfortunately tough situations keep us on our toes. I don't think any of us can sit on our laurels, I know I can't anyway😩 Brilliant to see you at 6 months and don't be a stranger coz I'll be checking up on ya👀 There's just no getting away from me😉😘x

in reply to roneo

Thanks Jim .. I might take a look at that ebook .. interesting. I also saw links to related titles on Amazon when I looked it up.

There's a very old saying (Bible and elsewhere): "As a man thinks, so he is.." .. 'tho I suspect that: "He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee..." an ideal way to go.

All the Best, WILL

Kas100 profile image

Hi Roneo, sorry to hear you've got the black dog. Hopefully it will pass in a few days.

it's strange how feeling down makes you want to grab for a cigarettes even after five months.

That's my weakness too - it's so hard to resist at times like this.

Sorry I can only offer a virtual hug but I'll be thinking about you.



roneo profile image
roneoThe legend in reply to Kas100

The jury is out on the link between depression & cigarettes. They could be a contributor to depression or a means of self medicating to relieve the effects of depression. No.one knows for sure & our health "experts" are hardly going to come out & advocate tobacco as a treatment for depression even if it were found to be beneficial. Our "sin tax" has just jumped another 12 1/2 % so the cost of buying cigarettes in Australia would make one even MORE depressed.

glolin profile image
glolinLONG TERM WINNER in reply to roneo

I am sure glad I am not buying them. They took a price hike the week after I quit- I was paying 22-50 for a packet of Peter Jackson 30's. Hate to think what they cost now.

I have almost not spent 10 k😳😱

Ickytoots1 profile image

Big hug from me xx

19OJO80 profile image

Hello my dear Ronoe you need to decide if your thoughts rule you or you rule your thoughts. ...what I mean is for one to progress in any thing you need to leave something. ....behind. ... so stand on your ground .....good luck ..

in reply to 19OJO80

Hi 190j080

Woa....I have to think for awhile what you just said...... Very smart....... Very deep and very true.............attainable????? I sure as hell hope so....... Thanks for your post


Ps. I battle to rule my negative thoughts

iris8 profile image

I hear you roneo. It can be hellish in that place. What can you do for yourself right now that serves your higher self. Could be real simple like a have a good ole' soak in the bath, or take a walk, maybe taking a route you haven't before. Shifting the energy my friend even when everything inside tells us not to, or our head telling us; that won't work, or how is that going to improve things Or that's not a hug! I'm digging deeper than I ever have to, to put loving actions towards myself into action. It's hard (understatement!!) Programmed as I am to look for something externally. But why set ourselves up for this? Needing something that's not available to us right now only adds to the burden. I'd be alright if this, that, other. Looking within is the hardest road, I don't say that lightly I promise you and I've been brought to it kicking and screaming (would like to say otherwise but that's the truth of it). It's all that was left as nothing else I'd tried had worked or provided long-term solution of living life on life's terms, successfully. I have to be prepared to get out my comfort zone and try things I would never have imagined doing so-this was the start of me genuinely finding out what's going on for me and without sounding trite beginning to know who I really am and working with that, lovingly. Stay close, good to see your post! Not sure if you'll say the same thing :O)

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