I'm a 105hours smoke free. I cannot belive it I never thought it was something I could do cold turkey .. Just goes to show with support and determination anything is possible xxxx <3 thank you all so much wee almond smoothi to celebrate
I'm a 105hours smoke free. I cannot belive it I never thought it was something I could do cold turkey .. Just goes to show with support and determination anything is possible xxxx <3 thank you all so much wee almond smoothi to celebrate
Brilliant and 100 hours turns into 100 days and then 100 months and in all that time you will not have been enslaved to a little white tube that gives you a little buzz before craving the next one an hour later.
Its all about getting your life back, not having to stand outside, not stinking of smoke not panicking at 10.00pm because you've only got 2 left.
Smoking did nothing for me except keep my nicotine level top up, oh, and of course put 1,000s of toxic chemicals into my body. And I paid for that privilege £50 per week.
Keep going it will get al lot easier as time goes by and the cravings disappear.
Jim x
FANTASTIC👍 one awesome lady you............you are doing it👏😀x
Great going icky toots 👍👍
It does get easier and like Jim said think of the money 💰💰 you're not spending 😃😃
Well done
I'm enjoying it haven't had bad cravings yet wee bit of sore tummy sometimes but nothing that would make me light up again. It's this app soon as I'm board I jump on hear and feel better <3
you are going great guns icky
Keep up the great quit ..NOPE!!!!!!...will get ya through