quit then lit: I have smoked for 42 years I... - Quit Support

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quit then lit

jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER
13 Replies

I have smoked for 42 years I quit on feb 2nd I lasted 34 days on the patch without a puff Then my life had so much stress I lit up on march 8th continued for 6 days got chest infection coughing all the time no sleep So I am back on the patch March 14th Felt good to have a smoke but all the sickness was not worth it So I am determined to stay quit :)

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jazzjazz profile image
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13 Replies
Briarwood profile image

Hiya Jazz, well done for getting back on your quit 😃

Don't worry, we're only human and we make mistakes but you can do it this time coz you know now that it's just not worth it. Stay determined and you can win the battle and when things get tough, come on here and have a rant, shout, moan or whatever ya like to stop you having a cig. Believe me that works as there's always someone around to have a chat to. Good luck 😃 x

jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER in reply to Briarwood

Thank you :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Jazz, its lovely to see you and thank you for being sooo honest :) :) and a massive great big well done to you for getting back onto your quit journey so soon :) :) Just think of it as being a practice run to the real thing :)

Jazz, try to think WHY you succumbed to mr nic :o what was all this stress about :o and how you could perhaps over come it next time :)

Soo, your a week into your new quit already, thats just ACE gal :) look Jazz, if you need help, or want to vent, or just need a chat, then come on here and give us a chance to help you :) :)

Jazz, if you need help any time, just come and flippin shout, cos thats what this community is all about, helping each other to become smokefree :)

Take care now :)

jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER in reply to monky

Thank You :)

glolin profile image

Hi jazz, A huge congratulations for having the determination to quit. You have done the practice run and now starting the real one🌺

If you haven't read Allen Carr easy way to quit smoking, it may be worth a read, as it really challenge your thinking about smoking and is available as a PDFs free to download.

I read it about a month or so after I quit and although it is not a well written book, It helped me put smoking into prospective, in terms of the reality that smoking doesn't fix anything we only perceive it too.

The power of the cravings is like that👿 👿 but with a strong will and determination you will succeed.😊 ☺️

As briar said come on here ant rant, anything rather than reaching for a cigarette, This forum has helped me immensely,as we all are on that same journey😊 😊

All the very best

jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER in reply to glolin

I read the book and that little nicotine monster is not getting me back he can take a flying heap thank you :)

gautama5 profile image
gautama54 MONTH WINNER

Felt good enough to smoke. You have to get to the point where your thoughts like that make you laugh with a paradox of silly thoughts. The addiction and yor ego will do the a lot.

It takes a lot of time for the neuron pathways to die down. Your brain has wired up three times the Dopomin receptors you really need just to try and get more nocotine.

Nocotine is a poison and the brain is smar enough to build only s many extra receptors otherwise I think we would all kill ourselves a lot faster than we already do by smoking.

Read more about the physical and mental addiction.

NOPE not one puff ever

Search for Joel and quit smart on Google and read his book and watch his videos on YouTube. All free. Study your addictions!

pugs profile image
pugs14 Month Winner

Hang in there. We are human and habits are hard to break. You can do it. Especially with everyone here with you on your side. This site is the best and every day you are doing the best you can. Stay positive

monky profile image
monkyAdministratorCake sniffer outer in reply to pugs

Just love it Pugs :) :) :)

Thank you :) :)

jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER in reply to pugs


jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER in reply to pugs

Thanks :)

If you still struggle with the psychological impact of being without cigarettes, hypnotherapy may be a good way forward.

Your conscious mind is the logical part of your mind, but it is the innerpart of the mind that drives the habit and is far more powerful that conscious thoughts.

So, logically, you want to remain a non smoker; but you still have the habit up and running. So, as this part is trying to maintain your habit this results in a battle! Hypnotherapy works WITH that part - your subconscious mind, so ends any conflict.

This may help explain to understand your habit-

Best of luck,


jazzjazz profile image
jazzjazz1 YEAR WINNER in reply to


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