Well my quit date is fast approaching, and it seems to have taken ages to get here lol. I originally planned the 1st of Feb as I had enough cigarettes in my cupboard to last me ( at 20 a day ) 30 days which landed on the 1st. However since taking up the ecig, my real smoking had dropped to 3-5 a day, so instead of having only 60 smokes left in my cupboard, i have 160!!! and then on friday i thought i would just try, but with no real pressure or stress, just to see how long i could last, and I havent really been that chatty about it, but i havent actually had a real smoke since last thursday night
.Still keeping my quit date the 1st though, so if i do have one, its no big issue. But i am secretly amazed, and to be honest i think without this site i would have had a couple. What i have done is some real prep this time. I have bought myself a cute pink ecig and wrapped it up as a present for myself on the 1st...( my current practice ecig is a bit industrial looking lol ) I have taken everyones advice on here, well apart from the "throwing my dishes out the window" Monky lol!!!, and changed a few habits that have broken or at least distracted me from my usual smoking routine. Also when i have felt the urge to have one i have come on line and read through the old posts, or commented etc, and by the time i have finished usually an hour or so has passed and i no longer have that niggling urge :)...so thank you, you gorgeous lot, i feel you have given me a head start on my path, now i just have to bide my time until Saturday then i can give Emjay my official quit date, and i can become a true member of the club
Love Al x