I had some kind of a lung infection, a viral type that was causing me minor chest pain. I went into the emerg feb 28 got an xray, saw a doc and they told me that it was non cardiac, my heart checked out fine and that it was viral and in the lungs and should clear up on it's own. Well, it scared the hell out of me so I immediately started to cut back and quit within a short while. My very last cigarette was about 3 weeks ago but within about a week I started having trouble breathing, feeling my chest constricted at times and the excercising I had immediately began went from being able to jog a couple blocks before I had to walk, to 1 and now less. It's scaring the hell out of me. I went back to the doc and he assures me my lungs are fine. I'm even having a hard time doing my job which is at a warehouse and quite physical. My abilities until just a couple months back were very good for a 48 year old man, I could do as much work as any of the 25 year old kids. Has anyone had any experience with this?? I didn't start smoking at all until I was 27 years old and didn't really smoke full time till about 12 years ago at which time I smoked about a pack a day.
I've quit smoking, now I'm having trouble br... - Quit Support
I've quit smoking, now I'm having trouble breathing and I'm scared.

Hi zigzzagz, It sounds more like anxiety thats bothering you. But I am no expert, perhaps breathing exercises would help you. I will let Emjay our advisor know you need advice , she will probably help you.

Hi Zigzzagz,
Welcome aboard to our Quit Support stop smoking community I'm sorry to hear that you are having a bit of a worrying time
First things first though, stopping smoking is the single most important thing that you can do for your health. So, until we get to the bottom of what is actually going on for you it really is important for you to know that you are already doing the first thing that any health care professional would advise to help yourself
During the early days of quitting smoking, it is not unusual for people to feel a bit tight chested. However, if it does seem a bit to the extreme then it is worth getting it checked out. Having already done so twice, please don't feel that you cannot go back and express your concern. It is better for you to be able to put your concerns to one side. You know yourself and how you are feeling better than anyone and I'm sure your Dr will recognise that you are genuinely concerned.
I was wondering whether you have been diagnosed with any other conditions such as COPD? This is a common disease amongst smokers and initially when stopping smoking, it is common to feel even more breathless. This soon gets better though
By stopping smoking, I am sure that will lead you to a life back to where you will probably be fitter again than a lot of heavy smoking 20-30 odd year old smokers that we don't get to see as they are not ready to see what damage they could be doing to themselves
Pop that call in to the Dr again and keep us posted on how you get on.It could be that your body is just adjusting to the new smokefree lifestyle that you have introduced it too
As I said, stopping smoking is the best thing that you can be doing in the meantime and you are most certainly already helping yourself to help your health.
No copd based on xray my doc and er doc says and based on my ablilities just a short time ago I expect not since it's a slow progressing disease. I've been hanging around their site a bit though since my regular family doc misread the information that gets routinely sent to them. The first xray when my lungs were inflamed showed air trapped in an area of the lung, most likely due to swelling of an airway or a plug of phlegm, this was gone in my second xray when my lungs were much better and less swollen or inflamed whatever you prefer to call it. My family doctor misread this tidbit of info as being the trapped air shown when lung bulliae are destroyed in copd/emphysema, called me into his office and told me I had copd emphysema but was wrong and after the second xray a month later backtracked on it, and the ER doc explained how that error would occur to me. This is what originally got me so wound up about this. Can you imagine going around for a full month thinking you have emphysema?? No wonder I'm so wound up about my lungs still. It is not all day though that breathing is troublesome. It is periodic, and the dustiness at work doesn't help a danged bit. I tell you though, I'm so ANGRY at my doctor for saying that when he hadn't even seen the xray.

Hi Zig
well done for choosing to stop smoking, it is probably the biggest gift we can give ourselves
Emjay seems to have covered all the bases, but i too had a tight chest for a week or so.
Keep in touch and let us know how you get on x

Hi again Zigzzag,
just off the back of what JillyGirl has posted suggesting anxiety - have a look through some of the posts that another one of our members, Morriemoo (Ian) felt when he was quitting;
I love what Al (Pinkiezoom) says, choosing to stop smoking is probably the biggest gift we can give ourselves

yeah, I've got to say anxiety definately is a factor, paricularly while I wrote this post, but it certainly feels like an asthmatic response. I managed to search the internet on this issue since my post and saw there other people who had the same issue lasting from a few weeks to a few months. Now that I'm thinking straight and not wound up I expect my lungs probably are not even cleared out from the lung infection yet. I've got a referral to a clinic on the subject though both my doctor and the ER doc expect I'm fine. I tell you though, the stuff that runs through your head after a difficult day at work which would have been a breeze 6 weeks ago........I mean that stuff can get on top of you pretty danged quick.
I feel same way. Quit 5 days ago and I feel like I’m going to suffocate. I take anxiety meds so I know it’s not that. Is a horrible feeling.
Dose it ever go away im the same now
I’m having the same issue. I have quit before and only relief I got was thru an inhaler.
I'm almost four months in from quitting smoking after smoking for 12 years and I have acute asthma but this is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It just randomly pops up and I'm gasping for air. Only when I excersie I actually feel the best. With the virus going around I haven't been able to get an inhaler, but that is the only thing that seems to help.
You're not the only one! It seems like a lot of people go through this.
Same here its about 2 weeks from now since i quit from smoking. Having this kind of symptoms during this pandemic really freaking me out. 😵
I quit 2 weeks ago and I’m having trouble sleeping and breathing throughout the day I can take deeper breaths but it feels like That first breath from holding it in a while. You experiencing anything similar?
Hello bro, I too quit before 3 weeks, its 27th day today, as of in mine case, i wasnt a chainsmoker, but yes smoked 8-9 cigs per day for like around 1.5 years. I too feel the same, Can take long breaths like after some time I need to take deep breath and so on. Even Im so scared that this might be symptom of the fuckinn virus outbreaked now.
Actually, moreover quitting has similar simptoms as of the virus, so you will feel anxiety at an dual higher level, I dont know what should I do, even a GP is not available so a very crucial time. I think we need to give our body time and not take hipertension and i think it would be good.
Still be in touch, as sharing will easy the stress. Hope you understand and feel better.
Reading all this comment makes me feel better. I think we are all anxious with all this viruses that are going on yeah you would think it is a symptoms, but I would like tl congrats everyone we are doing it. I have stopped smoking for 25 days now. One week after I quitted, I had trouble getting sleep, got headaches few days and on the 2nd week thats when I felt I am gasping for air sometimes.
Its good to here that you quitted this habit,Congratulations for that. I still get anxious very often, like you wont even know that it hitted you. Its just the time right now why we are dealing such worse anxiety and symptoms. Its now day 30 without a single puff and I do really feel good. Just stay strong and everything will be fine.
Same issue. I quit 35 days ago after smoking for 20 years, about a pack a day. I've quit before and after about a week I'd feel a noticeable change for the better in my breathing, This time my breathing seems worse. I've been a light to moderate snorer for years, but since I quit this time, I snore so deeply that I know I have sleep apnea. My husband recorded me and I stopped breathing a few times. My mouth is so dry at night I wake up and its glued shut. I have what feels like a blockage in the back of my throat. I now have to sleep sitting straight up, if I lay down even slightly the sleep apnea kicks in. My inhaler helps sometimes, but I have anxiety problems and panic attacks too. It's about 1 in the morning right now and I'm in the bathroom crying because this is really debilitating. It's a little helpful knowing I'm not alone.
Hi Zigzzagz,
How you feeling?
Firstly I would not search the internet. If you are feeling anxious, this is the worse possible thing you can do I found.
Now I can relate to a lot of what you are experiencing, in fact reading your post brings back a lot of memories. Although I can't offer any medical advice I can tell you that I felt really rough, coughing, chest hurting, out of breath even when I tried to rake some leaves up in the garden! I'm only 39 years old!
I had all the tests, clear x-ray etc, but I worried and worried, I didn't understand what was happening to me, and well I just had a really bad time.
Even now at 6 months, I still cough up tar.
What I did is keep reminding myself that all that smoke, tar and other toxins I have been putting into my lungs over all those years is not going to come out over night. The human body is remarkable in it's ability to heal itself, but you have to give it time.
Help yourself by looking after yourself. Drink plenty of water, exercise as much as you can, even if it's 30 mins of light/mod exercise, and plenty of rest.
Although you may not feel like it now, stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. Although I still have a cough and still bring up tar, you would not believe how much my breathing has improved. Taking big deep breaths of clean fresh air!
actually a bit better all in all. I had some vac days floating around so I took them. My lungs actually feel considerable better today and are moving pretty freely this morning. I might have been a might dehydrated the last couple days since every time I turn around my room mate is putting a cup of tea in front of me and I usually drink a coffee on 2 of the 3 breaks at work. I started drinking just non diuretic drinks yesterday, for a while anyways. I know what you mean about searching the net for anything to do with your health. It's actually funny from this mornings point of view but pretty near any symptom you can think of from cough to itchy skin between your toes has at list one dire illness on it's list of possible causes.
Actually I'm not coughing all that much. Not an unproductive one anyways. If I go for a brisk walk come back and drink something hot I'll get some reward for my work.
when you say, still coughing up tar you don't mean actual black stuff do you.? I mean I cough up some marbled brown green stuff with little speckles in it once in a while and I guess the brown stuff is somewhat the color of the tar in a cig filter.....odd really, never made the connection before just never thought of it as tar from smoking.
Its gross. It's like clear goblets with speckled brown/yellow bits of tar. I did however cough up a lump about 3/4 inch long of sticky brown crap. That was really gross...
Lol....I know, the speckled crud sort of blows my mind. Glad to hear I'm not the only coughing up speckled stuff. To go gross for gross, after a chest cold a couple years back, about a week or two after it was over I coughed up something that I guess was mucous when I had the cold but now was like a piece of rubber and it had the perfect impression of a small section of my lung on it. Egad.
Haha.. that is gross! Probably a lump of tar that had been sitting there for years. I still can't believe how long it takes to get rid of this stuff. Over 6 months for me so far and it's normally at least once a day a lump of crud will fly out....yuk.
Hey there . I like your post very much i am 26 years old and been 7 weeks dealing with withdrawal and ever since i caught my first symptom(and i caught all of them ) the most 2 i'm stuck with right now is shortness of breath and a bit of anxiety but i am a truck driver , so being out on the road and grabbing fresh air really helps a lot . And i have to quote what you said this process is long but is damn worth it . With every symptom i had motivated me even more to ever smoking again and i am so proud of myself and to say that i quit cold turkey and i have the will power to plow trough because my health comes first . I see my life so clear now and is a brand new me! I hope i can share my concerns and thoughts with other people and help in anyway i can . My email is
Edited by Monky.
Glad to hear that.
I found exercise (bike ride) really sped up the recovery of my lungs. I always coughed loads of rubbish up after a bike ride.
Its scary to think what condition my lungs were in, judging by the colour of my fingers not good I would say.
Again, glad your feeling better. I'm always mooching around on here if you have any questions or anything...
I've never had trouble breathing all the time i was smoking, stopped now for 33 days i think i'm gonna die can't breathe especially at night!
Hi kym, I'm the same, I'm on 5 weeks and last night I was wheezing and ratterling like an old steamtrain, still am this morning, it doesn't help it's winter time with all these virus's hanging around!! My cough isn't productive, which is annoying as I feel I want to cough up something and then feel better instead I feel like my head will explode with all the jolting around lol

I don't cough much, just feel like someones stealing my air, trouble breathing, no wheezing, just once in a while i have mucus
Hi ya Kym, its lovely to see you and all the way from Canada too a big warm welcome to you
If you could let me know your quit date please, then I can put you on the wall of Winners and get you a Winners badge sorted out for you
There are quit a few of our members on here that get shortness of breath when they first quit Our bodies are all different, so they react in different ways
I would suggest to you to try and do some exercising like a brisk walk and perhaps that will help your lungs to clear themselves out
You have to get rid of all that gunge/mucus out of your lungs, I know its not very nice Kym but once you've got rid of it, I'm sure your breathing will become a lot easier
Maybe go see your GP just to be on the safe side
I'm perhaps one of the lucky ones, as I got rid of all that gunge the first week or so of quitting but there again, I've got a rowing machine that I jump on when I get home from work and give it some hammer
but it got rid of all that junk, cos those first few days, gosh did I cough up some
but now when I get off it, there's no coughing
ok, I'm a bit puffed out, but I feel on top of the World Kym, I really do
Also, please try to drink plenty of water as this helps to clean your body out too
Take care now Kym and I hope to see you soon
That's exactly how I have been feeling. I quit September 25, so almost a month. I've quit before, but I don't remember it being this bad.
Hang in there Bostongirl😊👍
All these troublesome withdrawal symptoms pass . For me after 6 weeks , my physical symptoms subsided but I still struggle with cravings grrrr
I have to think of clearing the black sticky tar out of my lungs so I can breath better to keep myself motivated. I’ve watched some videos on what smoking does to our bodies and it scared me but keeps me from lighting up .
Hope you have a good weekend 😊
I am in the same spot. I am not going to pick up a cig ever again but dang this dry cough and tight chest, it doesn't help that my anxiety flares up because of it either. I am so miserable, my brain feels like it's going to explode with every cough, and it feels like I have an elephant just hanging out sitting on my chest. I use my inhaler but some days it just doesn't keep up.
If you are still having trouble see if you can get a nebulizer and a prescription for some albuterol. These inhalers don't get deep.
Poor dear, I'm right there with you. I have agoraphobia, severe anxiety, I'm bi-polar and have copd. I have all the symptoms as you. I had my last cigarette 3 weeks ago. I just wanted to let you know your not alone. Also, I second the nebulizer idea. I have one for my copd, and it really helps with both the breathing, AND the panic.
Well wishes
Still very chesty today, going back to gp Wednesday if wheezing gets any worse, night time I'm struggling to breath and coughing which is now making me irritable as tired
Aup Sharon
Ermmmm, look gal, this is only a thought but Years ago when I was a kid, if I had a cough, my mam always rubbed some Vick onto my chest and it really helped
and I still use it now if I get a cough
Obviously I rub it onto my chest now, cos am a big boy seeee
Like I say, its just a thought cos it really does warm your chest up and helps you to breath
Hiya Monky just wondering if we had the same Mum coz she always used Vicks and I swear by it too
It must be a family thing coz now my daughter uses it on her kids too x
Hiya Monky just wondering if we had the same Mum coz she always used Vicks on us and now my daughter uses it on her kids
Yeah, my 3 sisters still use it as well
But it does help
How are you today Monky, I'm having problems coz my posts won't send this evening, so if I don't reply to ya, you'll know why
Very frustrating when this happens
x x x
Thank you Monky and briar I an gonna invest in a little tub of vic, not nic!!!! Vic!!! Oh he's always there lurking in the depths of my brain lol!!!! Luckily I havnt had a craving whatsoever the past few days but this is probably because I'm not well and chesty, can't even smoke my ecig either so just got me patches, think the nurse is reducing down my patches tomorrow, will let u no how I'm getting on xx
My colleague at work smokes and is the only one, wow how've can smell it on her, also the nurse at my work I'm sure is a smoker which I find strange as she is about to go on a smoking cessation course for work so she can help people quit???? Might be wrong and maybe a family member of hers smoke but you know we ex smokers are like sniffer dogs and we can sniff out a smoker miles away lol! I no the nurse wasn't keen to do the course!!!!! X
Does anyone know how to get phlegm to come up my lungs are achy and tight I have come down to one cig a day from y former 3 packs a day when I was in hospital diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning! My lungs are weak enough to not expel the smoke I did not even see that it was going in but not coming out due to intense stress. Now after 3 days of one a day I feel weak, hurting, no appetite, dizzy, and it scares me. Can anyone help I have three awesome kids, not yet ready to die.Want to give kids better life!Sincerely Stefanie
Hiya Stella and welcome to quit support 😃
If you go to hints and tips on the right, you'll see a post about how to cough up what's not suppose to be there. Hope this helps you. I think you're having nicotine withdrawal symptoms but it might be best to get checked out by your Doctor as you've suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning. The first few days are very tough and i can understand how frightening it is. Sending you some good vibes to help you through and it will get easier 😃x
Hello guys,
Its completely normal to feel tight at the chest i felt the same, after a week or so i was okay. I quit smoking with the help of running, i run every alternate day 5 to 6k
Maybe that helped me get over tightness at the chest quickly.
I would suggest the same to everyone buy running shoes hit the tracks and forget that you ever were a smoker.
Best of luck guys.
I quit smoking 10 days ago and having same problems. I cannot take a deep breath feels like asthma, I guess because I never had asthma. I had to leave work today because of it. Almost passed out in the car was gonna go to ER but really hate going so went home and got control of my breathing. Taking shallow breathes. Seems to be the worst after having coffee. I'm digging my way through it. But yes there is another person out there experiencing what you have
Welcome DJ 💐
Since quitting I have new found allergies.... I too can't seem to get a deep breath either.... I'm always stuffed up.... I've been taking antihistamines which helps but last night was hard.... I've never been allergic to animals and now I'm allergic to my animals.... This is very upsetting but I'll take the antihistamines and I also am going to buy a humidifier for the house since where I'm from in western Canada, the air is so dry! I'm really struggling this morning to breath clearly.... But I listen to the senior quit people.... They are awesome and reassuring....
Glad you joined us!
Our mantra is Not One Puff and I add .....no matter how I feel ..
Arizona xx

exercise and take breathing treatments...Works...WONDERS...
Coffee (stay with decaf) is a natural expectorant. Between that and the heat it actually loosens the mucus which then gets in your airway and makes you feel like you cannot breathe. If you have a way to kick out the mucus like with using a nebulizer, the coffee really helps if your like me and cannot count on exercise as my lung capacity is so limited right now. I also make sure to drink a lot of water to thin and help stay hydrated since coffee is a diuretic you don't want things to get thicker on you.
Hiya Dj and welcome to quit support 😊
Congratulations on 10 days smokefree and what you're experiencing is a very common side effect. Please have a look at the breathing techniques on the right under pinned posts as they are very helpful. It can be scary and getting anxious unfortunately makes it worse. If you have access to a steam room at your local gym, this can be very beneficial and if not, try inhaling over a bowl of steam to moisten your airways. Hang in there and this usually passes but obviously if things don't improve, it's worth getting checked out to put your mind at rest. Good luck, stay close to this site and hope you're feeling better soon💐😊
Does anyone know know of sponsors for quitting smoking, like the sponsors people in AA have when they feel weak about drinking? This would be very helpful, as I am dying from cigs, and having trouble letting go.Stella42
Hi Stella, welcome back😊
I don't know about sponsors for quitting but I think our quit support family could help you. You can write a post or if you prefer to talk privately, there's the option of Private Message to our admin team. Please don't think you have to go through this on your own, we are always willing to listen💐
I feel for you Stella .. we're here for you every step of the way🌹xx
Also, I am very proud of you all!,,,
You may be anaemic! It makes you really breathless! I smoke aswell but everytime time my haemoglobin levels go down I become less active, breathless and very tired!
Good to know. I sometimes wonder if I may have low iron- thanks for sharing Hanaaax 😊
I'm quitting tomorrow guys. Struggling to breathe and I'm having chest pains. 21 year old male. Been smoking for 6 years. From South Africa. I know it's off topic but the struggle to breathe or grasping for some precious air made me decide. Note I've tried before but this stuff that's happening in my body is freaking me out.
Hi Tris, welcome to quit support and you're not off topic at all. You have made the best decision for your health and being so young, with breathing issues you so need to do this.
Are you planning to use NRT or quit cold turkey? You have already chosen your quit date so have a read of the pinned posts as there is lots of useful information to help you on your journey.
Quitting isn't easy but it is doable and does get easier over time so you will need to be strong and determined and you will succeed.
Good luck and do shout out if you need anything 😄
Hi Tris and welcome to quit support😊
You're doing the very best thing for your health by quitting, well done. Good luck with your last exam tomorrow and good luck with your quit journey. Lots of great members here to support you through it🍀
We say NOPE not one puff ever🚭😊
Aup Tris, its great to see you here and a big warm welcome to our quit support community
Tris, your a very young man, so nows the time to QUIT cos I tell you, I wished I'd quit when I was 21
You say you've smoked for 6 years, sooo, lets hope there has been no damage done eh
I see you have met some of our lovely members already and they have given you excellent advice
and for as long as your here, they will carry on giving you advice and help
I'm not sure about the time phase between South Africa and the UK, but will google it and find out when you will be on here
Good luck for tomorrow / today
Hey Tris😊
Welcome. You're not off topic at all... Our health is # 1
Keep your reason close for why you want to quit and not one puff ever no matter how you feel ( and that's for all of us)👍🏻
Talk soon!
Hi Tris it's good you are stopping but please see your GP about the chest pains All chest pain should bee checked out let us know how you get on

know that feeling (i went to all the doctors as well for each of the withdrawll scared to death) and I'm soory but it will be worst before go better, but you will be better and beleive its worth it . know I can see that I didn see 25 years of smoking , smoke was a mistake...hopefully I correct this mistake without health problems

Thank you so much guys! Yup I definitely have that feeling of "damn I made a mistake!" but anyway my mother has some medical expertise she told me it's anxiety because during the day I'm fine. I believe there's a two hour difference between SA and UK giving you guys use daylight savings time. We are two hours ahead. Started my morning well. No coffee just juice. Like I'm changing some routines.

Hi Tris, it's a great idea to change your routine around👍🏼
Try making smoothies coz it's a great way to get lots of health benefits in a drink🍐🍓🍍🍏🍌 also lots of water to flush out the toxins.
Good luck, you can do it🚭😊

One of the doctor I have visit during the withdrawll - cardio . told me to reduce caffeine. I did know that then but nicotine reduce the affect of cafeine so I use to drink alot of coffes(love it as well) but when I reduce it I was feeling pretty well so . maybe you have to try that as well.

Hey guys! It's been little over 24 hours. I did drink lots of water and juice and had my morning coffee. Got a nice headache going on and it feels as if my blood is really boiling (it's summer 😂). Getting angry real quick but I'll push through and try some breathing techniques.

It's been 6 days! Really craving a cigarette now especially when I'm around my friends who smoke. Or family members. How do you guys deal with that? (my friends know I've quit)
Been reading about the stuff you lot have been coughing up and ended up laughing so hard ended up coughing for ages ive just quit after 30 years and i cant breath scared ive got something progressive and terminal started smoking about 12 year old, the damage i must have done anyway thanks for the well needed/rackingcough laugh pls god let me get away with 30 years of idiocy and ill be the best person shuffling, its only been two week, got flu which hit my chest scary as hell instant smokiing cure, but now i cant breath and god fobid i laugh out loud, ill wait and see, keep it up dont know why im doing this the day after i wrote into cyberspace a kind of log i suppose, icant breath today and i know in my deepestst of hearts i want my never to return health back and that ill never smoke again, then theres that part of my mind the swine thats just quietly but loudly enough, youve said that before. And i have this isnt the first time ive quit thinkinging back ive stopped every damn time ive had flu but never been so breathless and scared,goverment should have a duty to protect their citizens coz i know its legal to smoke at 16 speaking from personal experiance i hadnt the first idea about what i should or shouldnt be doing as a a lad just the vaguest of ideas like i i murder a particular person whos bugging me ill be in deep so we should be protected from our own inherent self evident glaring stupidity, right now ive sorted the world out time for a brew. Same goes for drinking sod it we should all be held in institutions untill we can behave responsibly

Omg!! Looks like I'm 3 years late to your post but in the same boat you were in and it sucks so much, and scares me too! Been a smoker since I was bout 14 years old on and off (39 now) and varying amounts, though in those time my later teen had 2 pregnancies so quit temp before starting again a bit after (and of course always went outside to smoke and never around kids) I'd say the last 10 years or so we're serious smoking, up to pack a day n the last couple years got down to bout every two days and then a pack every 4-5 days and then I got down to 2 cigs a day the last couple months and the week I quit I was staring to feel tight chested and at first sign of it, I quit immediately! But man 4 weeks later after quiting and I'm miserable, tight heavy chest, short of breath, the first week was much more tighter n heavy on my chest, started feeling a bit better n normal but nope it's still here, just wondering if anyone has any advice, how are you all feeling now, does it get better, or is this miserable way of living my new existance!! Really regretting my stupidity and ever picking up a cigarette to look cool as a teen lol but really, why, why ,why! Guess we all got to learn the hard way huh, it's not like I never read the side of box about lung cancer, but you just don't think it will be you I guess, or have any idea the misery it actually includes...., anyhow this is where I am at right now , mentally kicking my own ass for smoking, lots of anxiety, fear and just want to breathe normal again!! Praying to God that I quit before any serious complications to my health, and that it gets better soon, real soon.........
I quit November 29th 2016. 10 months ago and shortness of breath happens to me all the time. My cardiologist said it was normal but says give it some time. Well there are times when I just have to stop what I am doing because I can't breathe.
Same here. Gasping for air. I'm scared It's my heart but Dr says heart sounds normal. It happens on and off throughout the day. I quit 2 months ago. Cheated a few times. Right now it's 3:30am and it's really bad and making me dizzy.

I'm so happy I found this forum! I quit smoking 9 days ago. The past week, I've been short of breath and my pulse is pounding. It feels like anxiety, but I need to get a check up. Love all the answers here and I hope you're feeling better!
Hi. I quit June 15th, 2018, two weeks ago today. I did it because of a mild upper respiratory infection (tonsillitis) that turned into mild pneumonia. However, the shortness of breath started on the same day that I learned of the pneumonia. So, I quit smoking altogether that day, cold turkey, and I'm now on an inhaler, use Singulair, and take herbal lung support supplements. The anxiety is the worst because the lack of deep breaths just causes more fear. My advice is to use skullcap tincture to relax, learn breathing techniques, get an inhaler for emergencies, use menthol rubs on your chest, back, and under your nose, and don't be angry with yourself. I'm miserable at least 75% of the time right now but I refuse to believe I won't improve. Good luck!

Ok I know I haven't lost it! I quit several times and never had anything like this! it comes and goes as the OP stated with me as well but feels like my nose and throat is congested and clogged! Scaring the hell out of me! Hanging in there as the instinct is to grab a cig to make this go away
Im having same problems !! Im 29 and stoped smoking due to sick of the cost for one but most of all coughing. Iv not stopped only been nearly 2 week but wow my chest is so tight and i gasp for air. Mornings and nights are so bad i panic im going to stop breathing . Horrible experiance tbh. Coughing and breathing issues at 29 i feel more like a 90 year old. 😏😏😏 Any sudestions thanks

Thanks for this site. I quit cold turkey 70 Days ago after 50 years of smoking a pack a day. Today is a high anxiety day and I too have had problems breathing normal. I had more of these days in the beginning than I do now. I know in time I am going to feel better and look forward to it. I was in the hospital overnight due to a severe asthma attack (first time) and wore a heart monitor the entire time and they said my heart is fine. Had a pulmonary function test and it showed mild to moderate COPD. I get so frightened and reading this has helped me calm down a lot today.
Think I'm late to the group, but 14 days off the cigarettes, but on the patch. The anxiety, tightness in chest, shallow breathing, light headedness, and lack of concentration is killing me! I'm so happy I found this forum because I thought I was dying AND wondered why I quit to put myself through this. I'm about to be 36 in a month and have been smoking since 16. My two kids and fiance are my huge support system. Glad to hear things get better and I will definitely try to relax a little bit now and take a lot of the advice I am reading on here.
Hi Smokeout, welcome to Quit Support and well done on being smokefree for 14 days and believe me quitting is the best thing you could ever do for you and your family.
Have a look at the pinned posts, there you will find lots of useful information and tips to help you in your quit.
Keep us close we are here to support and if you let us have your actual quit date we can assign you a winners badge next to your name.
Hey. Im 11 days in to quitting cold turkey. Ive been having the same symptoms. Feels like my breath is being stole. And it creates like a panic attack. Was so bad at work last week i got sent to hospital. Had ECG. Chest xray. Blood tests. All were normal. Visited my GP and hes testing me for Asthma but said it could also be anxiety. Its feeling a little better than it was last week. Coughing not much but getting some bits of mucous off my lungs. Hoping this doesnt last much longer. Its very sporatic. I can feel fine all day then all of a sudden its like a one second heart attack when i cant breath and my heart races. Then my chest will feel tight for 20/30 mins then i feel ok again. Weird. But is motivating me to keep off the cigarettes
Hi. I quit June 15th, 2018, two weeks ago today. I did it because of tonsillitis and sinusitis that turned into mild pneumonia. However, the shortness of breath started on the same day that I learned of the pneumonia. So, I quit smoking altogether that day, cold turkey, and I'm now on an inhaler, use Singulair, and take herbal lung support supplements. What you are feeling, I am finding online now, is common and probably normal. Don't you wish someone had told all of us that the quitting is the worst part, so never start??? This is not medical advice but my doctor says to stay on regular Mucinex (the one without a cough suppressant). We want to expel any mucus for sure. I think you have a good bit of anxiety like me. Stick to the quit. I'm rooting for myself and all of us!

I readed your story. I had kind of same.
How do you feel today?
I feel ok. Though I have had some extreme panic attacks since I wrote this post. I fully collapsed whilst at work again and got rushed to hospital. I could not breath at all and had the most intense crushing pain in my chest. It was horrifying. Had all the tests done and all was fine yet again. Ive been admitted to hospital 4 times in the last 5 weeks with the same symptoms of tight chest. Palpitations and pins and needles in my arms. Im being referred to a cardiologist and I have a CT angigram booked for August to see if I may have Angina!!! Im only 37!!! However Im more convinced this is severe anxiety and panic attacks that I am suffering from. Apart from quitting I have had a hell of a lot of stress the last 18 months. Divorce, custody battles in court, moving house, moving jobs, legal fees. So anxiety seems more likely. However I am still cigarette free and not even craving smoking anymore, which is great. I have just joined a gym and started swimming to combat the anxiety and get myself fitter and healthier. Also focussing on a much healthier diet which has me enjoying my cooking again.. (more distractions,, 😊)
Hoping everyone is doing well and feeling well during their quit journey.
I totally see.
I had experience anxiety and panic attacks after quitting smoking, and I smoke almost two years I am (23 year old).
Well, I suggest to think what will make you happy from now on and go for it, and speak with someone closer to your feelings: that could be a good friend, not necessarily a girlfriend. It gonna help you.
About panic attacks, your seems very hard, I happy that I never had to call ambulance or whatever. I think you should speak more with someone closer to who understand you completely, even a physician.
Be proud of you that you quit that bad habbit. Lots of love.

My last cigarette was 6 weeks ago and I can't hardly breathe every thing I read on Google scares the crap out of me
Hello Billearl, welcome to Quit Support and well done on 6 weeks quit. Shortness of Breath is a common withdrawal symptom and happens as a result of your body trying to rid itself of poisonous toxins caused by smoking.
Can I suggest that you have a look at the pinned posts which you will find either to the right or at the bottom of the screen. There you will find lots of useful information and tips to help you with your quit. I would also advise that you visit your doctor, to allay any concerns you may have.
Keep us close we are here to support and know what you are going through. If you could confirm your actual quit date, we can add you to our wall of winners and assign you a progress badge which you and others know how well you are doing.
Bye for now
Hi Billearl, Congratulations for quitting smokes. Welcome to quit support. Have a look at the pinned posts ,which are on the top right of the page or at the bottom,depending on which device you are using. You will find breathing exercises which should help.
Your body has got to get used to living without smoke. It takes time. If you continue having difficulty, I suggest you see your Doctor as there are several possibilities of medication.
If you let us know the exact date you quit , we can add you to the wall of winners.
Good luck Billearl.
Well the good news is that there is none. I also was shocked to find I had a serious breathing problem 2 weeks after quitting smoking. In the middle of the night I awoke with severe breathing limitations. I went to a quick care facility the next morning and was immediately placed on a Nebulizer, x-rayed and prescribed a Albuterol inhaler. It was the opinion of the attending that I was experiencing some sort of allergic reaction to the absence of tobacco smoke. I was referred to my primary Dr. who ordered breathing tests which confirmed a drastic reduction in exhale ability. Spiriva and Symbicort did little if anything to help. Trelegy made a major improvement when I started using it. Albuteral also provides good but short term improvement. My chest x-rays are still clear and I still spend 600 a month on Trelegy.
Two years now without a change and no explanations or hope in sight. I have never found anyone who has had there ability to breathe return.
I didnt smoke for just 2 days and now i feel like shortness of breath..
Hi..zigzzagz..ho r u now???i quit smoking cigarettes two months ago..n still feel like not getting enough air while breathing..
I'm going through the exact same thing. I googled it talk to others got the same response it's something we go through not everyone but many do.I just pray yours goes away as I pray for my until as well. This is probably the worst feeling through this whole process. I got a tube from the hospital after surgery they give it to you to blow into that's what I'm talking about it helps tremendously. Good luck to you if you find out something else please keep me posted.