OK so iv smoked since i was 13 .. disgrace i know my mom would have disowned me had she known.. I am 24 now and pregnant I am on day 2 and it is so hard but i literally cannot smoke again.. i feel sick since i stopped like dizzy and nauseous .. and a feeling like im missing something. iv gone cold turkey and it hasnt bothered me craving wise just the feeling of a missing piece..
2 days: OK so iv smoked since i was 1... - Quit Support
2 days

Hiya Osh and welcome to quit support
Congratulations on your quit, yep it's very hard alright coz your body is missing the nicotine and it's making you feel sick but this will pass over the next few days. You are doing the very best thing for your health and your baby, so well done. You feel as though you're missing a piece which is quite normal in the early days of quitting. Hang in there coz honestly it will get easier although it doesn't feel like it at the moment. You can download for free a PDF version of Alan Carrs easy way to stop smoking and it's worth a look at. Take a good look around this site as there's lots of hints and tips to help. Stay strong and focused in your quit and you will get there
thank you it is hard but its one of them things i have no choice now

Hi ya Oshsmom and a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support site
Am just loving that your on day 2 now
and I bow down to you for going it cold turkey, cos I know I couldnt have
Your symptoms are pretty normal at this stage, but if you have any worries, please nip and see your doc.
As Briarwood has said, these feelings should pass in a few days and if you think of it, that mr nic, has ruled your life for all these Years
he became a friend to you
but, who needs friends like him, so make new fiends with your body and baby
Congratulations 2 fold Oshsmom, 1 for you being pregnant and 2 for ditching mr nic
Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your baby and yourself
Hope to see you soon, Pete

Hi Oshsmom and welcome to quit support
Like the other have said, it will get better and you are doing the very best thing possible for your own health and for the health of your baby.
Briar suggested to take a read of the Allen Carr book, I too think this would be benificial to you as it really does put smoking into prospective.
All the very best of luck and stay strong,,you owe this to yourself and unborn child.

Hi Oshsmom,
Don't be surprised if the next 2-3 days are tougher than the first 2. I'm not trying to discourage you, but forewarned is forearmed. When quitting cold turkey, there is residual nicotine in your system which peters out over a couple of days. It pays to keep both mentally & physically as active as possible, particularly in the first couple of weeks. Withdrawal is uncomfortable at its worst but that discomfort can be amplified in your mind if you dwell on it. Lots of sloooow, deeeep breaths will help with the dizziness & nausea. Imagine it as smoking without the cigarette. I think it's the long deep breath when we smoked that had us believing that smoking was a stress reliever. Quitting cold turkey isn't easy, but it's likely to be more beneficial for your baby than NRT. I guess your GP could advise you better in that regard. Good luck with quitting.

Just an update, I failed at this quit but 2 months later tried again and can happily say now that I had my last smoke on April 21st 2015 .. Nearly a year on I have quit and had a happy healthy baby thanks for all the help and advice
Congratulations on your great quit and lovely new baby as well, fantastic news👏👏👏👏 Nearly a year now woo hoo🎈🎊🎉 delighted for ya💐 thanks for sharing your good news👍😊