I had a couple of days where I just wanted to cry I was missing them so much. I'm afraid Allan Carrs words can not have sunk in. But I'm proud to say it is 2 weeks today since I was a smoker xxx
Hi Everyone It's 2 weeks now without a cigar... - Quit Support
Hi Everyone It's 2 weeks now without a cigarette.

Ahhh....well done....can't wait to get to two weeks like u...I too have had tears!! Really really missed them!! But pushing my way thought it!! Keep going.xx
Well done on your two weeks before you know it it will be four. You have a cry, shout, moan anything as long as it's not a cig. It's not an easy thing to do this stopping smoking lark but the longer you go the easier it gets (well generally). Def what helped m e (apart from chocolate) was spending my fag money each weeks on treats like getting my nails done, purchasing some games for my ipad etc Xx
Hi Naughtynan - it is so good to see you and even better to meet you!
2 weeks ago today I came on to this site for the first time and one of the first posts I read was yours from 2 weeks before that, when you had just joined the site - so I followed the posts and you were introducing yourself and setting a stop date (15 March I believe?) - so then I just had to find you 2 weeks later so see if you did it and you did! You had been stopped 1 day and you were finding it hard after eating a meal I think, and I was like Wow, she actually did it!
That was when I had to join up and I have to tell you that I've been waiting to meet you everyday since then!
Massive congratulations on your success naughtynan, you have done so so well and I for one am very pleased to hear it as you were actually my very first inspiration to do this as well!
ps I promise you , I'm not a stalker or anything like that! ha ha ha

Aup Naughtynan or is it ( Naughtyman ), as some called you when you first joined us
Its just great to hear that your still with us and 2 weeks quit toooooo
As for reading Allan Carrs book, your not alone, cos it didnt do anything for me either
You feel proud of yourself, cos I tell ya, its a great achievement to quit the smokes gal
Take care now and see you soon, Pete

Hi Naughtynan, I remember I was tearful the first two weeks of quitting, but it does get better believe me. 2 weeks is fantastic.
Could have had a fag today. Dunno why thou guess its the miss of doing. Didnt thou. Tomorrow a new day. Not doing well at at the mo
Struggled today.awful bring on new day so tempted. Hint leave yr purse at home

Don't know if this helps but I went to the shop every day and bought myself something little that was a treat, i.e. an ice cream, nice shampoo less than a pack but little things I wouldn't normally allow myself, daft as it might seem I really missed my daily going to the shop routine! Well done all of you, You are gonna have badges before you know it and guess what? I still miss smoking but I no longer crave it, think it is a bit like losing an old friend. But it does get better I promise, and cry away, it's good for you and should help you sleep better when youv'e dona bit of tension busting. Love and Good Luck. XX

Hi ChrissieG
This is the first time in my life I have been an inspiration to anyone, Thank you. How are you managing? Are you using any NRT or cold turkey? We can do it
Love and Luck

Thank you to everyone just for been there. It is sooo helpful to read other peoples experiences xxx