Hi all. It's been ages since I was last on here. I have now not had a ciggy for 18months. At the end of September I went on a two week narrow boat holiday with my partner, beautiful dog and friends, one of which had just had his last chemo session. It all started so well but on the third day out beautiful Barney got sick and we rushed him to the vets. Sadly we ended up coming home alone. Heartbroken. He is my picture on here.
Very sad but staying strong: Hi all. It's been... - Quit Support
Very sad but staying strong

Oh love I am so sorry to hear about barney. Like you say they are all a big part of the family. He looks gogeous on the pic. Just remember the good times with him.
Take care. Xx

Hey BunnySue xx
Sorry to hear about your poor Barney dog, I remember you talking about him a while ago
You've managed to stay strong through a very trying time, losing a pet means losing a member of your family. As JillyGirl says, remember the good times that you spent together - I bet you have some crackin' memories both happy and scatty - I mean who wouldn't after being owned by a springer!
Although for a very sad reason, it is still lovely to hear from you

I'm so very sorry to hear your sad news about Barney, to lose a pet is heartbreaking.
We love them so much and I know how difficult it is, so my thoughts are with you, take care x
So very sorry about Barney,I know how hard it is.My love and thoughts are with you.He looks like he was an amazing pet,I guess as Jilly and EmJay have said the best way is just to remember the good times you shared and to try and be happy that you were chosen to share them with him. Hugs H x

Hi ya Sue, its lovely to see you gal and doing soooo well on your quit tooo
Am so so sorry to hear about Barney
and like the others have said, they are a part of our family and you will miss him
You just carry on thinking of the good times and I'm sure you've got loads of snaps of Bertey toooo
Sending you some loving comforting huggs to help you get through this hard time Take care now Sue
Pete xx

Aww, so sorry to hear of the loss of your loved pooch
As all pet owners know our pets are a big part of the family and we hurt whenever they hurt.
Like others have said, think of the good times
What helped me when i lost a very much loved poodle was to make a scrapbook with all the photos that i took of Monty and ones he just appeared in
i still have the scrapbook and he has been gone for about 15 years
Now have two dogs 11 and 9 and not looking forward to going through it again.
So sorry about Barney. I hope that the good memories help you. He was a lucky boy to be so loved xx
Awww so sorry to hear your sad news about your lovely dog Barney, I bet you have lots of great memories and pictures of you all together
Thinking of you -x-

Awwwwww that's brought a tear to my eye...I miss my dog sooooo much, miss walking & nature & fun & company but time is a great healer......