Day 15 and going strong. Yesterday was hell. Had an awful nights sleep and woke up stressed. Was absolutely awful . Grumpy tetchy and wanting a cigarette. Did not succumb. Had another awful night last night but woke this morning feeling good. Talk about a journey of emotions and stress but will not give in. NOPE X
Staying strong: Day 15 and going strong... - Quit Support
Staying strong

Hi Chr1stine, love the trick with the name very cool. Well done on getting to day 15 second week over and heading towards your first month. Yes it is a roller coaster which people experience in different ways with different symptoms. Hopefully your second week is better than your first and in the same way your second month will be better than your first. Stay strong you're doing amazingly well and it is worth the struggle. It is a massive change you are making for the better 😎👀😂

Hi Chr1stine, a big warm welcome to our lovely quit support community
and Wayyyy Hayyyy 15 days quit now then gal
I just cant fault you one little bit Christine you flippin got through that awful tough time yesterday with flying colours gal and am soooooo PROUD of ya
Yes, I'm afraid all the symptoms you had yesterday are the norm we seem to get good days and bad days
I think its all to do with our mind set and like you said, you had a bad nights sleep which does not help eh
If you look to the right of this post, you will see ''Pinned Posts'' please have a look through them cos there is a very good breathing exercise which slows a busy mind down before you go to bed just try practising it
cos it helped me
Christine, if you could please let me know your quit date, then I can update your Winners badge as you go along your quit journey

Thank u so much. Yep it was hell. One day at a time. My quit day was the 10th January . Thanks for the support. This site is brilliant and when I'm feeling vulnerable I have a read x
Thank you Christine, I now have you well and truly logged into our data base, so we can keep your Winners badges up to date
Christine please feel free to ask any questions or if you need any help or advice, then you just fire away gal and we will try to help you

Congratulations on your quit, 15 days is fantastic, so well done to you💐
Some days are really tougher than others but your determination is shining through.
Be very proud of yourself and kick mr nic out the door, coz you don't need him anymore. It can be very stressful at times but it's certainly worth it so hang on tight and you can do it😊

Amen to what the folks above have posted! You are doing really well Chr1stine!
Thanku. Feel good tonight. Actually feel that I'm ok but I have a sneeky suspicion that I just might not feel the same tomorrow or maybe the next day. 😂😨😱still I ll keep going x
Christine, please have no doubt in your mind, cos you flippin CAN and WILL do this
Be PROUD of yourself
Believe in yourself and your capabilities
and you will get through
if you have any doubts, then that is when that flippin mr nic will strike, hard a fast
Soooo, never ever doubt yourself cos you are doing just flippin great gal
and am just loving it
You hold your head up high and be PROUD of yourself, cos I tell ya, am dead PROUD of ya Christine
Now then, go and treat yourself to something really nice tomorrow
cos this does help on the mental side of things
as in your mind will get used to these treats
ermmm, if you dont smoke that is
Your mind will gradually find out, that not smoking will give you a treat
if you see what I mean
Take care now Christine and hopefully see ya tomorrow with a lovely wide smile

It's hard and you are doing amazing! Keep it up! Once you start sleeping soundly again, you'll be so glad that you got passed this stage. This was the worse side effect for me. Not sleeping and then the vivid dreams. I'm over 3 months quit and it's passed. Hang in there!