Its my 3rd without a smoke but I am coughing alot. Please tell me how to control it
No smoking: Its my 3rd without a smoke but I... - Quit Support
No smoking

Hi John
This was posted yesterday by monky
EmJay Quit Support Advisor 2 years ago
Wondering why you have that awful dry cough? Or why you are couphing up all that horrible 'stuff'?
Here's a reason why it may be;
Smoking paralyses the tiny hairs, or cilia, which line your windpipe and helps to clear dirt and mucus out of your lungs. When you stop smoking, the cilia start to work properly again and so you may experience more coughing and phlegm If you can imagine all those hairs laying flat for so long and now that you've stopped they kind of say "right lads, let's get back to work again" and as they start to move it causes a dry tickle... This is a positive sign of recovery, showing that your body is getting rid of the tar and toxins which smoking has left in your lungs.
These symptoms may last a while but can be soothed by drinking plenty of water or using sugar-free boiled sweets to help keep your throat moist.
Remembering that you are only coughing up what is not supposed to be there in the first place
However, if you're coughing persists and you become worried, please make an appointment to see your GP.
Hope this helps you and well done for 3 days quit.... if you need anything just holler

Aup John a big warm welcome to our lovely quit site pal
Soooo, your on your 3rd day of quit then, yep, this coughing is the norm john just try to drink plenty of water, fluids
What it is John, is your lungs clearing all that crap out, from when you were smoking dont get alarmed about it
But I will ask you one thing pal, if you have any phlegm then please spit it out into a napkin or something, I know its not very nice, but you have to get rid of it
You will soon start to feel better and cough less
John, you dont say how you are quitting are you using any NRT nicotine replacement therapy at all ??
John you are doing sooo well, you stick at it we will help you to get through it
No , I am not using any nrt kind of products. And by the way thanx for the support . Are there any other precaution which I can take care of ? And what at most I can do to reduce this cough.
Hi John, welcome to quit support and well done on quitting
I find that honey is very helpful and if you have use of a gym where there is a steam room, that really helps
If not you can use a bowl of water with a few drops of olbas oil in and put a towel over your head. Vicks is also great for rubbing in and both are cheap and easy to get
Hope some of this will help you feel better
Hang in there as it is definitely worth it x

Well john everybody is different, it's impossible to predict but I can tell you that whatever happens, it is POSSIBLE to quit
Try NOT to think of what might happen, just focus on each day
This quitting is like life, you don't know what's going to happen next
If you have any hurdles, just shout and someone on here will help you out
Stay strong and focused John and you will fine x
Hey johncena, I'm the Rock so you do as I say cos I'm the people's champion.
Seriously johncena as briar says everyone is different when they quit, I never had much of a cough and still don't but I am bothered more with stomach issues,weight gain and bloating. I also still find it difficult to sleep but I guess I have always been a bit like that due to my shifts at work.
Just drink sips of water, suck throat pastilles and if it continues see your doc.
If you persevere I'm sure you will be fine in the words of your namesake NEVER GIVE UP !!!!
AHA I new it, I knew it your the ROCK.....whoohoo a real live star (I nearly said superstar then....)
How you diddling Shantimar??
Hi droopy I'm fine, just tired got long shifts this weekend. Hate doing lates then early but needs must. plus back tomoorow again
How are you doing after your op??????????
Be off to bed soon, what a way to spend a Saturday night xx
Shifts...poor you, what a killer
Am doing ok thanks.... getting there, if its any consolation i'll be going back to bed soon too.....
That's good your doing well, I'm away to have a soak in the bath and then off to bed.
Hopefully I will have a better sleep than the last few nights.
Will catch up with you during the week
when I'm feeling more myself
Nice one Shanty, love it gal
Yeah I know what you mean about sleeping and different shifts eh
me tooo gal
yes and weight gain too
but am not sure about the bloating gal
Hmmm, I will have to look into that one for you, cos all I have felt is an emptiness
You've given John some great advice there Shanty, thank you
Hello Mr Monky,
Hows things with you hope your behaving youself
I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tired hate doing the weekend shifts so draining if anything going to happen it's at the weekend.
Maybe the bloating is a female thing but let me know if you find out anything about it.
Well early night tonight and back on duty tomorrow
Catch you later xxx ;-D
Nite nite Shanty am sending you loads a sweet dreaming, warm cuddly, enjoyment when you finish your shift huggggggs gal
Speak sooooooon
Enjoy your sleep Shan
Hi again Shan
I've found this about bloating, Emjay posted it a few months back
During the initial stages of quitting, your body can feel like it is taking quite a bit of a battering. This can affect your digestive system too and so this may be why you have this bloating feeling. Without asking for too much information, are you going to the toilet okay? It is quite common to become constipated but your body will adjust eventually. If this is the case, maybe try having some fresh fruit or fruit juice.
Not sure it will help you or not Shan

If you're coughing a lot, then that's one big reason for you to forget smoking and quit it for good. And try at least to see a doctor regarding the health condition you're feeling right now and before your cough get worst, you must see a good doctor so you can get the proper health advice for your health.