I just want to tell everyone that I've managed 30 days no smoking. I have had my ecig though. What else in a cigarette makes you still not satisfied with Nic replacement?? I have still not found it easy with my ecig!!! I think I've had a bad day. Can you tell by my negativity
30 days today no smoking!!!!: I just want to... - Quit Support
30 days today no smoking!!!!

Hello naughtynan, well done on your 30 days. I know exactly what you mean, I'm always totally amazed that people stop smoking using just an e-cig because they just don't hit the spot do they. I read this somewhere ages ago, I wish I'd saved it because I can't remember the detail properly but here goes. There is a by-product of some of the chemicals in cigarettes that when they burn it produces a type of sugar, the same type that alcohol produces. It was found when given to rats that they couldn't get enough of it and it is more addictive than nicotine. So they pack the first bit of a cigarette with this product that creates the real kick so that it goes straight to your brain and gives you a real lift and also makes sure you keep coming back for more. It's bad isn't it, I hate the tobacco companies for that, I think its pure evil to get people so hooked.
That's sinfree there now with some knowledge for you naughtynan. As sinfree is a one year winner she knows a lot more than me, isn't that right sin?
Nooo, I just read a lot when I first started on my road to Damascus, and this stuck in my mind because it incensed me. Grrrrr. When I was opening the post at work a few months ago, I came across two share certificates in a tobacco company. I wanted to tell the owner of these shares that they had blood on their hands. Obviously I didn't, don't know who they belonged to anyway.
Oh yeah I like that DAMASCUS! It's a blooming long road to Damascus isn't it?
It certainly is, it's like riding my bike uphill all the way there
Thanks Sinfree. OMG they dont tell you that do they. I have spent the last few days fighting constantly with the urge to have a REAL one. I;m proud to say I havent but not finding it easy.
Hi naughtynan. Hey that's good, so it's 44 days now. You'll have to ask EmJay for your 4 week winners badge, although you're way past the 4 weeks now. Some days are bad but others are OK, you just have to think of your good days when things are not going well.

Hi naughtynan, well done for 30 days not smoking, that's brilliant. I'm on ecig as well but don't know the answer, I'm pretty sure someone will. So stay tuned and we'll see what turns up. Yes I have good days and bad days as well but I think we might have about 4000 chemicals less with the ecig, so that might be it! X

HEY, Naughtynan, a flippin massive well done to you gal for reaching 30 days quit
EMJAY'' this young Lady needs a brand spanking new badge please
Nan, I have found that a lot of smoking is to do with habit !! Perhaps try to change your life style a bit eh When you get that urge to smoke, just think WHY !! then at that time of the day, try to do something different
soooooo, it cuts the habit bit out eh
Hey Nan, you are doing so so well you are
You keep flippin focused on your quit, keep reminding yourself WHY you are quitting, and THE benefits you will get from quitting
Speak soon, Pete xx
I have to say Naughtynan has hit the nail right on the head. I've got 24mg nicotine in my e-cig and I start on the thing practically as soon as I get up in a morning. And I know that if I got up tomorrow morning and had a cigarette and dragged on it the way I do my e-cig, it would blow my head off after 12 months without a ciggie, my eyes would be spinning like a cartoon character, There is much more in a cigarette that gives the feel good factor than just nicotine and habit. My habit of smoking has totally gone now, but that feel good factor is still sadly missing.
Thank you Pete. I have my answer now from Sinfree. Allan Carr said we are just nicotine addicts but I knew there had to be something else. I have an ecig, I am getting the Nicotine and I have the action of more or less smoking, that should be enough but it isnt. I thought this got easier not harder. If I wasnt surrounded by people who would be disappointed with me I am almost sure I would have given in. Thanks again for been Cheery
Hi naughtynan, well done for getting that first month under your belt, keep going - you will amaze yourself.
Well done naughtynan! I've been having a bad day too - think we may just have to get used to them and hopefully they will lessen as time goes on.

Well done, I am on the Ecig too, and yes i do still crave a real one, or at least i think i do, but pretty sure if someone offered me one i would refuse!, Think it would make me sick!
I just have to tell myself I am getting the nicotine i need, even if i am not getting the "hit" xx

I realize I'm a bit late here but congrats on the 1 month! I'm on the e-cig as well and have to agree with others, those 4000 chemicals leaving the body don't do so without a fight. sinfree is correct, tobacco contains sugar that is essentially freebased when we smoke which further enhances the feel-good sensation that you get when you light up. I would suggest having something sugary nearby (I've been having the same issues and that did the trick tonight!).

Thank you everyone for your support. I think you are all amazing xx

Well done naughty nan you're doing amazing, stick to it xx