Hello hope I can get some help here. I've quit smoking 4 days now. I'm having some breathing issue like I can't take a deep breath and when I focus I get more worried. Help anyone. Also I now have a could??😧😧 can I get any help please. Thanks
4 days no smoking : Hello hope I can get some... - Quit Support
4 days no smoking

green eyes u need to talk to wendy and LeeLee look at their posts. U r all at the beginning of your quit and can be so helpful to eachother, bitch at eachother, scream, talk about how u r feeling and r they feeling it too. As I have been told no 2 quits are the same. We all get different or similar side effects and they tend to change as u go along, depending on how long u smoked or how many. R u using NRT or cold turkey? Your lungs are getting rid of crap so u might have trouble breathing your doc can give u a puffer to help u thru. If u need to cough up shit do so get it all out.
Alot of people on here had breathing issues. I did not. I got and still have constant headaches, no sleep, sweats and anxiety not that u will. U might get somethings totally different or be lucky and get FA.
Talk to Wendy and LeeLee they are just as lost as you and u guys can comfort one another. If u need me Im here. just drop a line. U r on the journey of your life. remember that. Mr Nicotine is not a nice person in fact I think he enjoys r suffering just dont let him win. Where do u live?
I already answered u but I have a ? How do I get emicons lots of people have them but me r they free or do u pay? is it a special toolbar? Can u help me out please
if your using and ipad tablet extra you get really cool ones..when your using a pc or laptop there are a few you can make. smiley face is : ) I have put a space between otherwise it would make the smiley face.. if you do the same using : ( this makes a sad face : O makes
i will hunt out the others or if someone reading this has them can you please share ..thanks
glolin thankyou for the smiley tutorial I doubt I will retain all the dots and curves. I must say sorry if I offended anyone with my bleep language, I never spelled a whole word, I saw others doing it so I thought it was acceptable. I will tone it down promise. I guess Im a tough love kind of person I want to know the obstacles ahead of me so Im prepared. To me there is nothing worse than being candy coated straight into hell which is what we all go thru until it finally stops. I will try to be more sensative, I would never want to scare someone back to smoking however if Im asked a direction ? I must answer honestly. Good or bad
Hi bandit!!
Ok.. Emoticons... Here's what you do. It's free...
For smiley face, you just use your keyboard... First you type : then )..
No spaces,
A winky face, ; and )
No spaces
A frowny face, : and (
No spaces,
A crying face : plus ' plus (
No spaces,
Ok, hope that helped.

OMG im an oldie how do u remember all those dots and dashes, here I thought there was a tool bar silly me. Best of luck and congrats on your 8 weeks, its not easy is it?
No dots. I have a bad habit of over using the ellipsis, ....
Your friend face did show up!
Also, no. It wasn't hard to quit this time. I was ready and I guess my body sort of chose for me. I suffer anxiety disorder and smoking made it worse, so that was that. I've smoked since I was 16.... That's a long time. The only thing about quitting that was difficult was getting through the withdrawal side effects for the first month, but that wasn't even so bad.
I still can't believe I've finally done it, without any problems. I definitely feel very strong and happy about the decision to quit!!

I tried to do a smiley face :).. nothing happens it stayed like that see. Ok I will do a frown nothing how come nothing shows for me GRRRRR
You're in the toughest part of quitting!! Congrats, and please be strong!! You can do this! In fact, the first 2 days were the hardest, and you made it through!!
Your body is adjusting to the awful effects of nicotine usage. It's very common to have a cold, as your body is ridding itself of ick from your lungs. My breathing was weird too. Everyone has different side effects. I went to my Dr and explained my symptoms and was told everything I was going through was normal. I got bad sinus congestion, but I wasn't actually 'sick'... So I relieved that symptom with menthol cough drops, and that helped too.
I am so happy for you to have made such an important choice to quit something that was so awful for you!!
You can get through this, I.promise.
If you are worried about anything , definitely make an appointment with your Dr to put your mind at ease, and know that you always have support on here. These people are AMAZING and so helpful!!
Welcome greeneyes82
And congrats for making this huge decision to stop smoking👏🎉🎉
My physical withdrawals subsided in a months time...... I was worried but the helpful members on this site reassured me they would pass and they did ..... There are pinned posts on this site for breathing exercises... Have a browse around...
Our mantra we use on this site is Nope Not One Puff Ever
Arizona x

Hiya green eyes and welcome to our lovely quit family😊
Congratulations on 4 days, well done👍🏼
What you're feeling at the moment is very normal side effects unfortunately. There are some great breathing techniques on the right under pinned posts which will help. Try to relax as this will help your breathing.
Good news is all these side effects will pass and you are doing great, so be proud of yourself.
Good luck and NOPE not one puff ever🚭

Welcome and all the best as you continue through this crucial time! Arizona and Briar have offered some gtreat advice (above) -- hang in there!