DAILY CHAT / WEDNESDAY / 30 /4/14: Good morning... - Quit Support

Quit Support

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jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee
91 Replies

Good morning everyone, Misty in Yorkshire but hopefully turn to sunshine later.

Well we are near the end of the month and another milestone for some of you quitters.

Remember stay positive and you will get through those nasty cravings.

Just come on here and shout for help.

Have a super Wednesday.

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jillygirl profile image
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91 Replies
James_Morgan profile image
James_Morgan5 MONTH WINNER

Good Morning Jillygirl. Good Morning All. Hope you all had a good evening and have a great day today. Day six in the cold turkey household. Brrrrrrr!

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


Well done on day 6 . Nearly 1 whole week Yeah!

James_Morgan profile image
James_Morgan5 MONTH WINNER in reply tojillygirl

My new passport photo! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good morning Jillygirl, James and everyone

Betts profile image

Morning Jillygirl, James and Pete

Just a quick check-in before I go out for a walk, and get my lungs going. It's so good to walk and feel the benefit of quitting. I get very puffed out - there are a couple of steep bits tho' - but my chest feels free-er, much less tight, so that's just brilliant. Yesterday was a really hard day for me, and I have been giving the e-cig a bit of a hammering this morning. I am sure a good walk will help.

James, what a star! Hat off to you, you are doing just great!

And Vikki, if you are on the chat, hang on in there, we are all with you, it is Hard, but we can do it!

Time to get my boots on - the longest distance is from this chair to that door!! :)

Have a good smoke free day all!

andi22 profile image

Good afternoon all. It started out very foggy this morning but the sun's out now for a bit. :)

Nice to meet you James - cold turkey day 6, eh? a man after my own heart - that's the way I quit nearly 2 years ago. Sounds like you're doing so well - the first couple of weeks are really tough, just grit your teeth, sit on your hands and shout and swear a lot - you'll make it! ;-)

Enjoy your walk Betts, sounds like a big one if you've got to wear walking boots. :)

I'd better go and get changed as I've got an appointment this afternoon with my pt. :o

Waves to everyone else. :)

Betts profile image

Back again!

Sometimes quitting is so easy :). The last 2 hours were really easy - great walk, lots of bluebells, blossoms, buzzing and birdsong, bunnies, boots and, best of all, Breathing, lovely fresh air :) Ahhhhhhhhh :)

EmJay profile image

Good Afternoon All,

I didn't make it on here last night after I got home, I kept on getting some sort of message saying "The specified condition was not met for 'Session'.! I couldn't even view hidden posts, even though I was logged in...

Apart from those who managed to post last night, did anybody else have any trouble?

Anywhose, there was lots that I wanted to comment on and now I'll have to just have a whizz through and re-read everything again :-/

James, lovely to see that you are cracking on :-) Grab a cardy, you're doing well mister :D

JillyGirl, love the picture for James :-) What happened to April, somebody stole it me thinks! :-/

Andi, Have fun at your session this afternoon :-) I am going to join Slimming World and start yoga (again) :-/ I need to do something. Lets see how long this stint lasts eh?! :-/

Sue Betts, do you have a dog to take with you on your walks? I love it when out with my pup :-) Glad to hear that you are enjoying your stopping smoking, making it sound like a breeze in the park ;-)

Hey Pete, I hope you are enjoying your day off :-)

Right, I am away to get in touch with HealthUnlocked again....

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toEmJay

No dog Andi, but meet a fair few on the way :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toBetts

I meant a big walk, not big dog - it was Emjay mentioned the dog. ;-)

Not smoking must be doing you good cos I think you may be down to one brain cell like quite a lot of us. :o :D :D

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toandi22

Am searching for the 1 braincell :(

Anybody seen it anywhere ???


Happy tho, that's a blessing :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toEmJay

I'm thinking slimming world again, but I might just try getting the recipe books and manual out and just see how i get on on my own, I just need to make sure I do a good shop with all the right ingredients and remind myself of the rules! I'm going to put a ban on chocolates and biscuits in the office I think - or at least keep it hidden - it's just too tempting and that is my downfall, the rest of the time I'm pretty healthy!!!

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Afternoon all, late check in for me today, been busy, getting some personal nonsense sorted!

Oooh day 6 cold turkey well done :)

Its been misty and sunny here, and i got a cuddle from a rather gorgeous soldier so all is well in the Al camp :)

He heard me going postal on my ex in the car park and thought i needed saving.....lol.....how little he knows me, this princess can save herself :) x

EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply toPinkiezoom

A true winner Al ;-)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toEmJay

I am at 3 months now :)

James_Morgan profile image
James_Morgan5 MONTH WINNER in reply toPinkiezoom

Congratulations on the three months!

Supertramp56 profile image

Well done James Keep the Faith

ChrissieG profile image

Good Morning Everyone (ha ha ha) sorry I'm late, I'm afraid that once again I slept in this morning, this is mainly due to the fact that I forgot to set my alarm last night! I'm definitely now a paid up member of the freshair club :) :)

I hope everyone is feeling great and enjoying their smoke free lives - I'm feeling happy after another trip to my e-ciggy shop where the lovely Jason always looks after me so well (:) ) - I've now invested in the level 1.2mg of the triple flavour liquids which tastes better even though it's the lower nicotine level and I've gone fruity - something I never expected to do - Strawberry Dreams and Super Juicy Peach - yum yum. I'm afraid that they didn't have the red milk flavour but I did suggest they look into that for me.

So I hope you all have a lovely evening :) xx

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toChrissieG

Hey Chrissie, well done for dropping down to 1.2 :) probably just as well they didn't have the red milk flavour or you'd never get up in the morning :D :D x

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toChrissieG

Thats great stuff, down to 1.2. And flavours getting more important than nic maybe?

Chrissie yum! Strawberry Dreams! Guess might wean myself away from the tobacco flavours too in a while

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toBetts

Hi Betts, sorry I didn't get back last night - I was whacked!!! The lovely young man in the e-cig told me that it wasn't that the liquid was tasteless, it was that I was becoming so used to it that I didn't notice it anymore - which reminded me of one of those plug-in air fresheners where once you've walked into the room and noticed it, as the evening wears on, you just don't notice it anymore!

Anyway it made sense to me so he talked to me about trying different flavours and we tested a few - let's just say that if it had been alcohol I would have walked out of the shop tiddly!!!

How are you today? :) :) xx

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toChrissieG

everybody will be wanting them got alcohol and nicotine!it wasn't too bad today as i was in meetings at work i'm a pretty intense

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toBetts

sorry chrissy. Just trying out my voice recognition because my typing is so crap on this telephone and for some reason i accidentally hit the reply key 27.

it is easier when you are busy, but boy did i want something when the meeting that finished. Amazing. My ee 6 save the day.

Voice recognition not much worthworth that my typing .

Not much better idea ida eda.

Good luck understanding this!!! Facebook undo :-)

Laugh out loudmiley face

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toChrissieG

the short answer is nuts!!

Miley face :-)

Briarwood profile image

Good evening all, lovin ur pic Jillygirl :D James, wow 6 days - only 1 more to go and that'll be the first week over, well done :) Princess Pinkie, lucky you got a cuddle :O Betts, glad you enjoyed your walk :) Andi hope ur pt went well:). Had a lovely day with my grandchildren, busy painting with them and havin fun. Hope you all enjoy ur evening and have a good one :) x

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toBriarwood

What a great spend a day Briar! And all smoke free :) What did you paint?

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toBetts

I'm gonna give up trying to type a sensible message now, enough showing up for 1 night. Autocorrect my a***

Now where's that red milk??


Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toBetts

Well Betts we painted beautiful pictures - the table, several chairs, the floor and if the cat hadn't kept moving, he would have been painted as well :D and yes all smoke free but I seem to be puffin on the old ecig now ha ha! How are you doing? X

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toBriarwood

Puffing mightily - I'm with you :D

andi22 profile image

Evening all. :)

Briar, hope you didn't get toooooo much paint over yourself. :o

Chrissie, you are lucky being able to sleep so well - all that red juice of yours I suppose. ;-)

My pt worked me really hard today. Wasn't sure how it would go because I gave away an armful of blood yesterday but this didn't seem to affect me too much. I then went along and had my legs mashed by my sports massage therapist so they're feeling all light-weight now. Running tomorrow evening might be interesting though. :o I got told off for eating cake (it was my turn for coffee morning this week). I took a piece each to my attenders which left 1 left so I ate it this afternoon with a cup of tea. Probably won't have any more cake for a few weeks again now. :( Good news is that I have lost a bit of weight this week but not sure exactly how much yet but it's started going the right way. :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toandi22

Ooooh, not on a school night Andi - and I'm very impressed re the pt - my friend got addicted to hers and you could really see the difference!

I'm with EmJay and thinking of heading back to Slimming World - I'm about 1/2 a stone overweight so it might be good just to get back in control of that now - actually like the SW menus, they are very satisfying and don't really feel like a diet :)

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toChrissieG

I've never believed in dieting or wasting my money on things like SW, WW or the like. I suppose if it helps to keep you on track that might be good. A chap I know lost over 3 stone with SW a couple of years ago and was singing their praises so I was quite shocked when I last saw him a few weeks ago to be almost back to his old shape and size. I'm sure his biggest downfall is the booze.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Oy Andi, there's note wrong with booze gal :P :P :D :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Oh, hello.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

And hello to you young Lady, ermmm, do you come here often then :o :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Get you! :o

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

What ave a said wrong nowwwww :o :D :D

Hey, where's your skiing pic gone tooooo :o

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

The season's have now changed so I'm back to my spring/summer avatar. :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toandi22

Lookin good :)

in reply toandi22

I lost 3 1/2 stones with weightwatchers online in 2010. Went from size 16 down to a 12. Am still size 12. I don't drink gallons of beer tho. 2 glasses of red wine a week max. It does work providing you don't go back to your old ways.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

How BIG are these glasses then Sinfree :P :P :D :D :D

in reply tomonky

er just this big? drvino.com/wp-content/uploa...

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

Ha Ha Ha! Love it :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

:D :D :D

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to

Yes PLEASE :) x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBriarwood

Yeahhhhhh, I thought you would come a rushing :o :D :D

in reply toBriarwood

haha, it's a bit more ladylike than just drinking it out of the bottle.

Betts profile image
Betts in reply to

That should do the trick :D

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toandi22

This sounds like the real biz! You are amazing!

Like the sound of the pt

Keep on reaxk

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBetts

Aup Betts, hows it going with you gal ? I hope your kicking mr nic up the you know what when he appears :) :)

Betts profile image
Betts in reply tomonky

Aw thanks Pete. It's OK. Lost marbles now tho ;)

Ecig working well for me, No smoking but still some nic.

Hope all's good with you :). Love that badge!! Want one :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBetts

How much :o :D :D

Betts profile image
Betts in reply tomonky

You selling???


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBetts

Tell ya what Betts, I will gladly give it you for nothing gal, but there's a catch, you have to be quit for 2 months :) :)

Betts profile image
Betts in reply tomonky

Saving up already !

Gonna get one this time!


Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomonky

Yeah I'm still chasing ur tail monky x :D

Betts profile image

I'll never get the hang of this bloody phone's touchpad!

Keep on trucking Andi:),!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply toBetts

Ha! I wondered what you were on then - thought it was some of Chrissie's falling down juice. :o :D :D

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toandi22

Now that might do a bit of good :D :D

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toBetts

I think it possibly would Miss Betts! I'll send a bottle over asap! :) x

Betts profile image
Betts in reply toChrissieG

Very welcome :D

Thank you!

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Hi Chrissie, ermmmmm, just wondering if you had 2 cups of calamine lotion last night :o :D :D :D

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Nope :) :) and I actually woke up at 6.15 but I have to be out by 7.15 so I didn't have time to chat! Can't believe I forgot to set the alarm though - made it to work for 8.30 though - I'm going to book a whole week off soon because I'm a bit fed up of it all at the moment (work I mean) :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Yeah, know what you mean about work, thats why I've booked next week off :)

Theyve been messing around with the new computer system again today, well, I wont say what happened, but if I hadnt stepped in when I did, there could have been a lot of very poorly chickens eh :o

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Ah poor chicks! Well done you for saving them!!! I'm heading for a soak in the bath soon, feeling tired tonight and I think it might have something to do with my cutting down on caffeine which is going quite well actually.

You take care now Mr Chick Hero!!! :) :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Hey Chrissie, I'm sorry gal, cos I meant to ask you how you were doing on the caffeine front, sorry :( :(

Enjoy your soak in the bath gal, and just give us a shout when you want your back massaging eh ;) :D :D

in reply tomonky

Was it a virus then? :D

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to

Ha ha :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

No, we make the feed for them, and the formula's got a bit ermmm, lets say mixed up :o

in reply tomonky

It was a joke - computer virus - poorly chickens. No matter, wasn't a very good joke :D I wasn't laughing at the poorly chickens, I love chickens :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

I'm sorry Sinfree, just had a flippin day of it thats all gal :(

My flippin 1 brain cells gone !! so if you know anybody who's got 1 spare, I want one see :D :D

in reply tomonky

haha. I know, sometimes work would be a lot easier without computers meddling. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hi ya Emjay, thats if your not noddin gal :o :D :D

I've been at work today :( but was just trying my new phone out, as in the comment this morning, buuuuuuuut, I wrote the comment out on my phone, posted it, and :o :o only a bit of it appeared !!

Hmmmm, are them flippin gremlins back !!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

I thought you had the day off when I saw your post this morning Pete. So, you've got one of them new-fangled phones toooooo now, have you? :o

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Yep, it does everything but wash the flippin potts ;) :D :D

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Ooo - so it makes lumpy gravy then? :|

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Well, alright then, cos only I can make lumpy gravy :o but, I will try it Sunday morning, and see what happens eh :o :D :D

Talking about lumpy, have you managed to get rid of your tummy yet :o :D :D :D me thinks its time for me to get outa here !!

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply tomonky

Still got my twin pack. :D :D

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toandi22

Ha ha Andi :D

EmJay profile image

Evening All, I'm on my iPad giving the chrome app a go... It is slightly better but lets see how it goes! :-/

Pete, I'm almost nodding... I've already had two cups of chamomile.... Why would you have nearly had poorly chickens?

Chrissie, I'm going to join SW tomorrow and aim to go for at least 8 weeks, that will take me up to my jollies.

Andi, I went to a 'pudding club' after work yesterday (treat for my step daughter and future daughter in-law) It consisted of 5 puddings and 5 different teas to accompany each one.... :o and you were told off for eating one :o

Briarwood, sounds like a lovely day :-)

Betts, I keep having the same trouble with autocorrect as well as letters keep being missed out?! :-/ Have to double check everything George I post!

in reply toEmJay

Who's George :D haha, that's why I stick to my laptop now. Autocorrect is nightmare. My phone corrects virtually every word - incorrectly.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

Hear hear Sinfree :D :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toEmJay

Emjay, am sorry for keeping you awake gal, I do deeply apologise :P :P :D :D :D

in reply tomonky

Well I'm going now. Need to look for a printer cartridge before I go to bed. Night Pete, I hope your computer is playing nice and getting its sums right for you tomorrow. Night everyone.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

Nite nite Sinfree, sweet dreams gal, and am sending you some feet hugging warmers to keep your Tutsis warm tonight :)

Take care gal :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomonky


Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply to

Nite sin :) x

andi22 profile image
andi22 in reply to

Nite nite Sin, sleep well. :)

Briarwood profile image

I'm trying the. Chrome app as well thanks sin, not sure if it's any quicker but like Emjay, I'll see how it goes :)

andi22 profile image

My American friend just phoned. I'm not planning any more holidays now until skiing in December. She just threw Madagascar in the autumn into the mix! :o

Eyes drooping now so I'll say nite nite to you all. Sleep well. :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toandi22

Sorry I missed you Andi, just been replying to LadyB on questions :)

Nite nite gal, hmmmm, Madagascar eh, well, I dont need to send you any sweet dreams tonight then ;) I hope you have a lovely nights kip Andi :) :) and get up fighting fit for another day of exercise :) :)

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