THURSDAY - DAILY CHAT - 24/04/2014: Good... - Quit Support

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THURSDAY - DAILY CHAT - 24/04/2014

ChrissieG profile image
61 Replies

Good Morning Everyone and Happy Thursday

Sorry I've been a bit quiet this week, I will be back but I've got a lot on my mind regarding work at the moment so I need to take a little bit of time out from here in the evenings just to think about things and absorb it all! I also need to plan for the massive increase of pressure I'm going to face at work so that I will be able to cope, I just haven't worked out how I'm going to do that yet!

Apart from that all is good. My reduction in nicotine hasn't been stressful so far which I'm happy about and it has been lovely having Danielle around as a pleasurable distraction from it all.

I hope everybody is coping with their stop and if they are struggling they have the strength to stay positive - this really is a fantastic thing to do!

So take care and stay strong - it really is so worth it! :) :) :)

Wow, just checked and this wasn't online - thought oh no, I haven't got time to do it again........then found I hadn't submitted it yet! (Doh!!!) xx :) :)

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ChrissieG profile image
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61 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Good morning Chrissie, Lovely to see you open up the daily chat. Hope you get things sorted out. Glad your quit regime is working. Have a good day. xxxx

Briarwood profile image

Good Morning, Chrissie, jillygirl and everyone. Can't believe it's Thursday already!

Good morning Chrissie, Jillygirl and Briarwood. Thanks for the coffee, no I can't believe its Thursday either, nor can I believe its 9.30 already and I haven't done anything yet :(

Sorry to hear you're having a challenging time at work Chrissie. If you need any help, I'm your woman Friday - audio typist extraordinaire, can even type with me eyes closed if that's any use to you :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

Ha Ha Ha - well I need you to actually read the e-mails and react to them, so please can you do that with your eyes open, but I swear any help will be greatly appreciated!!! :D :D :D xxx

in reply toChrissieG

OK, I'll come in with my eyes wide open. I can read the emails and respond to them, after all we get plenty of practice on here :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply to

When you get upppppppp :P :D :D

in reply tomonky

Oi, I can get up when I want to :p

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply to

Perfect! Consider yourself employed :) :) :) xxx

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply toChrissieG

Me too I work for the chief executive of a mental health trust as her exec PA so sure I can help you too just shout my friend x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Good morning, Chrissie, Jillygirl, Briarwood, Sinfree and everybody, I hope you all had a lovely nights sleep :) :)

I'm off work today, cos got a bit of trouble with my van see :o :( so, got to get that sorted out :)

Chrissie, am sending you some '' help at work '' huggs gal, there on there way to you now :) you take care now and hopefully speak later :) xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Hey Monky - thank you so much, and a big thank you for the help at work "huggs", I'm afraid they are going to have to keep coming for months and months I think! The really bad time hasn't even started yet! :(

But hey, I will work it out somehow and it'll be fine :) :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Hi Chrissie, your very welcome to the huggs gal :) :) I've got buckets full of em, so your very welcome to them, I will send you some each day, until you get fed up of em eh :o :D :D

You take care now Chrissie, HEY, its flippin Friday tomorrow, sooooooo, you've only got a day to get through, then its the weeeeeeeeeekendddddddddd :) :D :D xx

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply tomonky

Can I have some too please Monky struggling at the moment x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKaprin

Aup kaprin, its lovely to see you gal :)

Of course you will have some :) cos am just sending you a bucket full of de - struggling hugggggs now, by first class post see :) sooooo, you shall have them sooooon :) :)

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply tomonky

Got them thank you my friend will help a lot I think x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toKaprin

I hope they do Kaprin, :) :) Nite nite Gal, got to go to bed now, got work tomorrow :P soooo need some kip, see's ya soon gal :) :) xx

Kaprin profile image
Kaprin in reply tomonky

Got work myself tomorrow Pete thanks taking all those to work with me thank you again x x x

Briarwood profile image

Oh looks like a busy day, have to call into Chrissie at work to help out and then it's off to monkys with my spanner, never a spare moment, don't panic I'm on my way guys :)

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toBriarwood

Hi Briarwood

I absolutely love this comment - it made me laugh out loud! Thank you so much for your help :) :) :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toChrissieG

You're very welcome any time hun :) I'll be back tomorrow, is it pay day on Friday? No cheques please :D. : D x

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBriarwood

huh, does this mean you want cash then ? :P

I was going to pay you - bob down, and bob a week :o ok ok 2 bob a week then gal :) :D :D

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomonky

Do ya think I'm CHEEP or what just coz I got a few feathers, huh! You can take your 2 bob and bob off with it :P

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toBriarwood

You look a classy chick to me! :) :) :) xx

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toChrissieG

Thanks Chrissie, it takes one to know one :)

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Morning all, hope everyone is well, hopefully work will calm down soon Chrissie.

Dancing on Ice last night was amazing, seen it twice now, once in Manchester and last night in London, Torville and Dean doing the bolaro was amazing.

I have ended up going back up on to the 2.4 nicotine in my ecig, but i have mixed it with the lower 1.6 in the hope that i am able to supress the urge to smoke real fags, if not i will just be back on the 2.4.

Brilliant post by Sin on the ecig, which has actually helped me loads, i recommend reading it.

Have a fantastic day. xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toPinkiezoom

My sister went to the show on Monday in Birmingham and she was absolutely delighted to see the Bolero as well - said she'd waited 30 years to see it live and it was so worth it!!! I think she would pay to go and see it again as well!

Good job on mixing the e-liquid, your reducing but at a gentler rate - not so much a shock to the system which is great :) :) :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Hi ya Chrissie :)

I dooooooo hope you had a better day gal :) :) and of course, kept calm, smoke free and sophisticated :) Hmmmmmm !!

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Yeh, I'm not sure I can be sophisticated in the process, I might even lose my calmness from time to time - but I'm flipping determined to remain smoke free!!!!!! :) :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

:) :) :)

OK talking of efficiency. I have some recommended reading for Health Unlocked now. It's an article on P70 of Webuser magazine issue 342, it's entitled Create a mobile-friendly website. Google have found that 62 percent of the total UK population owns a smartphone and that figure is expected to rise this year to 75%. So it would be incredibly good Health Unlocked if you had a read of it and had a bash at improving the mobile site of Health Unlocked. I have asked on so many occasions if you could sort those flaming buttons out. The reply button isn't useable on a mobile phone, it always clicks on the recommend button instead which means I either don't bother replying or I have to boot up my laptop just to put a reply, so I thought hey while I'm here I'll have a good old moan too.

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Well, I've just got the parts for my van :o sooooooo, it will have to wait until the weekend now, cos have got to go to work tomorrow :P :P and I will get it fixed then, ermmmmm, Briarwood, I've got the flippin spanners gal, but may need your help from time to time eh, as in giving me a kick up the you know where to keep me on track eh :o :D :D

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomonky

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBriarwood

ha ha ha ha nice one gal :D :D :D

Hey, how you doing today :o I trust your well and positively revitalized after your hard days ermmmmm work eh :| :) :)

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomonky

I'm doing mighty fine thanks for asking. Another week nearly under my belt so I'm very happy and enjoying the bit of banter on here! So you just remember I'm here to kick ass :P :) :D

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBriarwood

Hmmmmmm, I see I shell have to keep an eye open for you gal :o :D

Hey, you had your hair done or something ? cos you loooooook younger, plus your skin looks softer :) :D :D

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply tomonky

Oh I just fluffed up my feathers , thanks :P

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toBriarwood

Hmmmmm, I see you've got the ermmm, bum wiggle dance off to a tee gal :| ;) :D :D

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toBriarwood

Ooooh yes, it's your anniversary tomorrow isn't it! I love it when you have an anniversary because I'm not far behind you! I couldn't stop wondering today why 24th seemed important to me. Had I forgotten another birthday? It just kept bugging me, and then I remembered - it's one month today since I stopped smoking! 24th March, so I've officially stopped for a whole calendar month! What a great feeling!!! :) :) :)

Of course you will know that feeling as it would have happened to you on Monday! We are doing so well chick! :) :) :) xxx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toChrissieG

Ha Ha Ha - I've just realised what Monky was talking about - how appropriate that I called you chick! :D :D :D xxx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Chrissie, you just take your time gal, dont get tooooo exited eh :o :D :D :D xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Honestly I'm sitting here chuckling to myself ! I just hadn't noticed the pic yet and then I go and call B chick! That is surreal!!!! xx :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Hey, Chrissie Dearest, I hope your not ermmm, loooooosing it eh :P :D :D :D as in marbles !

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Gone! Completely lost the plot I think - hey never mind, I could never play marbles anyway :) :) :) xx

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toChrissieG

Anyone for Specsavers? :D

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply toBriarwood

Tee hee!!! Actually you've just reminded me, I've decided to take a day's annual leave on "D" Day (dentist day actually). the dreaded D is on the afternoon, so I thought I might make an opticians appt for the morning - that's long overdue as well!!! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Hmmmm, does this mean your getting your hair done too then :o cos all good things come in 3ssssss :) :) xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Now why would I get my hair done? It's not like I'm going out? xx :) :) :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Look, ermmm, Chrissie, its not that you need your hair doing, cos it looks fab to me gal :) :) erm, erm, erm, but I just thought it would be nice, and cheer you up :) :) cos all Ladies like to have their hair done eh :) :) xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Hey Chrissie Dearest, you sound more cheerful tonight gal :) :)

I hope your getting this new flippin job sorted out to gooooooo your way eh :) :) xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tomonky

Not a chance of that but I am going to put a slight spanner in the works in terms of my new job description - there are a couple of items on there which I do not agree should be on my jd so I'm going to have them removed, although I will be happy to assist with them in the short term - someone is trying to be sneaky and this little lady ain't having it! When I say short term, I'm talking possibly six months or longer :( Trying my best to feel happy again but it's not easy! xx

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply toChrissieG

Chrissie, you stay strong gal :) and I mean with the quitting anddddd the flippin job gal, dont let them walk allover you, you stick to your guns :) :)

Am sending you loads a stick to your guns huggggggs Chrissie, just give it time eh :) :) xx

Briarwood profile image
BriarwoodAdministratorDucky in reply toChrissieG

naburn profile image
naburn27 Months Winner

Hi there, I don't really come on here now as I'm a busy girl so don't get much time but I do read the posts sometimes to keep me positive. Hi ChrissyG to you too. I'm 15 weeks smoke free today , never thought I could do it, if I can them anyone can xx

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tonaburn

Hi Naburn, it's really lovely to meet you and massive congratulations, you are doing so so well on your stop! :) How are you feeling in yourself? Have you noticed any improvements in your health now that many of the "phases" will have passed for you. Did you go cold turkey or did you have some NRT as back up? You sound happy anyway as well you should be - Wow I'll be so excited when I'm as far down the road as you are - be proud!!! :) :) :) xx

naburn profile image
naburn27 Months Winner in reply toChrissieG

Hya, I'm feeling great thanks. I never realised how much smokers smelt until I gave up, it's horrible :-( although I must admit, I do still like the fresh smell of smoke which is slightly worrying I suppose. I do feel a bit fitter ( I go on my treadmill now and again and don't get out of breath as quick) but I didn't really suffer with my health when i smoked. I just bit the bullet and went cold turkey, it was very difficult for the first couple of weeks I thought of nothing else although I didn't have any horrible side effects like some people do. It does get so much easier and now, I don't really think about it. I am keeping an eye on my weight though so I'm on a diet now too having put around 5 lb's on since I gave up. I know that doesn't sound a lot but I lost 3 stone 2 years ago in around 10 months with slimming world going down to a healthy 10 stone 2lb and put a stone back on + the 5lb making me 11-7 but I've just lost 4 pounds and I'm trying to stick at it as we go on holiday in 4 weeks. Sorry for the long story, I get carried away. You're doing great if you're 4 weeks down the road with it, very well done x

ChrissieG profile image
ChrissieG in reply tonaburn

Hi Naburn, I'm like you, I find the smell of a smoker worse than the actual smoke - what's that all about??? I know I must have smelt terrible to those around me, even though I always did my best to mask it (who was I kidding???/)

Well done you for going cold turkey - I'm afraid I didn't feel strong enough to attempt that again, I needed to be able to function whilst I was stopping the cigs so I use an e-cig which has been a lifesaver to me, although I do only use it in the early mornings and evenings - it just keeps me sane!

You read my mind re dieting - I've been thinking of going back to slimming world just to keep an eye on things, I would like to lose about 7 lbs, not that I've put all that on by stopping, but it will actually give me something else to think about and the options are wonderful - to me it's more of a healthy eating plan rather than a diet. Wow, amazingly I have just received a text this very moment from Slimming World talking about additional sessions on a Monday - now how spooky is that!!! It must be fate :) :) :)

Like you, I didn't have any problems with my health before I stopped, I could just feel that it was beginning to affect me though and stopping when I did just happened to be the perfect time for me so I went for it - there have been some tricky moments but I've never actually wanted a cigarette, but this site has really really helped me - I just love it!

Anyway there will be some others online soon so say hello and you'll soon get to know them, although I bet you know some of them better than I do! :)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tonaburn

Aup Naburn, its great to see you again gal, and doing soooooo well too :) :)

So, your 3 Months quit now and slimming too, thats just ace gal, it is :) hey and you keep using that treadmill of yours eh, cos I've got a rower to help me keep the weight off a bit eh :o Plus I find it helps when I get a craving too :) cos I just give it more hammer :D :D

As for you liking the smell of ermmmm, new smoke, I think there are quite a few of us that do, including me :o sooooo, your not alone on that one gal :)

Speak soon, Pete :)

naburn profile image
naburn27 Months Winner in reply tomonky

Hya Monky, I'm good thanks, nice to hear from you :-) glad to also hear that I'm not the only one who likes the fresh smoke :-) looking forward to my holiday 4 weeks on Thursday, can't wait, get me on that plane and at least I won't be craving a ciggie like the last time that I flew :-)

monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer in reply tonaburn

Hey Sue, I bet you've got plenty of extra money to spend on your hols, due to quitting the smokes eh :) :)

Erm, just wondering if you may need a luggage old boy to carry your bags on holiday for ya :o look, I might only have 1 brain cell, but I can lift heavy things see :o :D :D

You take care now gal :)

Fresher profile image

Hi Naburn, your comment so made me laugh, I hate the smell of someone when they've just had a cig to but have to admit the other day I was feeling a little desperate while out shopping and walked practically in between two people smoking to get a whiff lol. Well done, your doing amazing :)

naburn profile image
naburn27 Months Winner in reply toFresher

Thanks Fresher, that made me laugh too :-)

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