I have copd need to stop smoking would anyone... - Quit Support

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I have copd need to stop smoking would anyone recommend ecig over just cold turkey. My copd is quite bad . I'm just finding it so hard

Dalesebub profile image
19 Replies

Tried patches 25mg they made my chest tight and breathlessness worse. I know continuing to smoke is stupid. Don't want to go to doctors because I think it will effect any medical outcome. Silly as it seems the first cig helps clear mucus then it's a vicious circle.. I feel disgusted with my self for not been able to stop even though they are making my condition worse.

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Dalesebub profile image
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19 Replies
jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Hi Dalesbub, I am no expert but I too have copd and I used the inhalator, which is similar to the e.cig. Dont forget when you first stop you do have a lot of mucus for the first few weeks. I will ask Emjay for her advice for you. Meanwhile have a browse and I will see if I can find any information that may help. :)

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee

Breathing Exercise (2) How to cough up what's not supposed to be there...

When you first stop smoking, you may feel that you have more phlegm and mucus on your chest. This may cause you to feel a bit rattly and as though you need to 'cough something up'... Doesn't sound very nice, I know but this is a good sign.

At the end of the day, you are only coughing up what is not supposed to be there!

1. Stand up with your legs your shoulder width apart.

2. Put you hands on your hips.

3. Take a long, deep breath in through your nose - Very slowly.

4. When you feel like you have taken your fill of air in, take another little bit more.

5. Keeping your hands on your hips, slowly bend over forward. As you do, blow your breath out slowly through your mouth. Making a blowing noise as you do.

6. When you have pushed out that final bit of breath, stand up and give a gentle cough.

Dalesebub profile image
Dalesebub in reply tojillygirl

I do the huff breathing exercise now plus saline nebs salbutamol etc. My lungs are that bad now small amounts of mucus can be distressing. I've already had lung surgery and like a fool started smoking again.. I feel if I don't stop and stop soon I won't have long left

EmJay profile image
EmJayPartner in reply toDalesebub

We'll help you all we can Dalesbub xx

EmJay profile image

Hi Dalebub,

welcome to Quit Support, our stop smoking family :-)

You've come to the right place for help and support and we'll do all we can to encourage and help you to where you want to be, living a smokefree lifestyle :D

COPD can be such a debilitating disease and by stopping smoking you can slow down the process. However, during the early stages of quitting, some people with COPD may feel that their breathing becomes more difficult. This is only because cigarette smoke has certain chemicals in it that numb and widen their smokers airways - allowing more smoke to travel down into their lungs. This feeling of a tight chest or worsened breathlessness may seem frightening at first but it will become easier, I promise. Once the body starts to repair itself, this will become less of a problem.

I would expect that you would feel this regardless of whatever nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) you use. Please trust in what I say though, given time it will get easier and you will be able to breathe more easily.

With regards to using the e-cigarette - this product is still under review, there are quite a few of our members who have already stopped smoking through using one of the many different types of e-cigarettes.

Personally, I think that it has to be safer to use an e-cigarette than it is to smoke cigarettes and the sooner that a decision is made as to whether we can recommend the safe use of these products the better. However, until we know this, then I can only continue to provide you with the information as I find it and am not able to recommend it as a safe-to-use-product just yet.

I would also ask you to consider whether or not you are wanting to use the e-garette to eventually stop smoking, to help you to cut down the amount you smoke or use it just to replace smoking?

Quit Support tries to support all our members in their efforts to quit or reduce their nicotine intake. We do not support, advertise or encourage the use of specific products and would always encourage our members to eventually become free of nicotine use completely.

We can support you on your journey and have other members with COPD who may be able to share their experiences with you.

Please try not to feel disgusted in yourself, the tobacco industry should be doing thatbas it is they that have kidded you all the way down this path. You're getting the help you need now :-)

By stopping smoking, you will stop your disease from progressing and it will also help to improve your lung function. You will also prevent any exacerbations and even hospital visits. Really, stopping smoking is the best things for you.

If you don't mind my asking, what are the medical outcomes that you believe will be affected? Whoever it is that is taking care of your diagnosis (hospital, respiratory nurse etc) will be more than happy to refer you into your local stop smoking service should you wish. I can even refer you on if you would prefer?

Your local stop smoking service will give you that extra bit of support needed and can also provide you with the therapy of your choice, either for free (if on free prescriptions) or at the cost of a prescription. If you would like more information, just let me know and I'll send you a private message :-)

You may have a bit of a roller- coaster of a ride to begin with, but with all the help and support you can get - you will get there.

Stopping smoking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health :-)

Dalesebub profile image
Dalesebub in reply toEmJay

Hi em jay

I'm going through assessment for lung transplant I want and need to stop smoking.. At 43 I am practically house bound. Last exacerbation nearly killed me. Time has come to stop and stop for good. I'm going to try an ecig. Starting tomorrow. It's got to be better than ciggerettes. My aim is nicotine free in 6 weeks. Any and all help will be greatly received.

jillygirl profile image
jillygirlAdministratorQueen Bee


monky profile image
monkyAdministrator45 MonthsCake sniffer outer

Aup Dalesbub, a big warm welcome to this lovely quit support site :) :)

Our lovely quit support adviser Emjay, has said it all I think :) so please take head eh :)

Ermmm, I have just wrote a post about planning for your quit day, just have a look at it :)

You say that you are quitting tomorrow, Welllllll, maybe just start practising with your e-cig this weekend :o and this will give you time to make a quit plan of your own :) Maybe have a ciggie, then the next time have a puff of your e-cig, this will help you get used to it :)

Chrissie, Louby and Joolz have set Monday as their quit day, sooooooo, why dont you set Monday as your quit date tooo, this way, there will be at least 4 of you quitting on the same day, and you know what they say, STRENGTH IN NUMBERS :) :) Just give it a thought Bub, cos I also think their quitting using the e-cig too, so you will be able to compare notes with them eh :)

Bub, there's loads of help and support on this site, so you stick with us eh, and we will get you smoke free for flippin gooooooooood this time :)

Take care now, Pete :)

surrendertowin profile image

Been on ecig for22weeks(vaping ) today.co2 levels down from 17 to 0. Lung capacity up to 80% from 72% in 3 weeks.Tried everything else and this way works for me.

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner

Hey there. I am stopping on the ecig but have no idea if they are safe if you copd! I would recommend it but you then have to look at quitting as a 2 stage thing. I am smoke free now, but not nicotine free. I have started reducing the level of nicotine in my liquid but think it is going to take me a while to get down to zero. But at least I am not getting all the other poisons. Def worth checking into x

mrssunnyside profile image

Hi Dalesbub, I too am using an e-cig, reduced nic level to 10 after about 5 months, and am used to that now, next level I need to reduce to is 6, and then eventually I will be nic free.

My brother has copd, he too uses the e-cig.

Take care, :-)

Dalesebub profile image

Thanks to all for words of support.

I've purchase ecig, spare battery, strawberry and blackcurrant liquids. No ciggerettes in house. Feeling a little apprehensive but this has to be done.

I'll keep you all posted.



ChrissieG profile image

Hi Dave - it's going to be fantastic, don't be apprehensive because this is a brilliant thing to do in respect of your health so lets go for it!

Having said all that, as we are stopping at the same time, I might actually turn into bonkers woman so please don't hesitate to tell me when I've gone into meltdown and remind me that this is what I want to do!

Between all of us I'm sure we'll get through it and be happier as a result!

best wishes



yellowsnowdrop profile image

I think nic free in 6 weeks is a bit ambitious but I guess it depends on how many you smoke at the moment.You absolutely KNOW that if you're on a,waiting list for a lung transplant that you absolutely and totally HAVE to stop.I had to give up to get some surgery done on my back & I honestly think that that helped me to stop,just knowing I had absolutely NO other option.I had my op in January & made one of the fastest recoveries ever,didn't need oxygen post op and healed really quickly (I have an 8 inch scar up my back!!) I just didn't want to go back to smoking after my op

& have been nicotine free since 13 th Jan. Just think how you would feel if you were refused surgery because you could' t stop smoking,this is your chance of a whole new life,please please just grab it with both hands and give up the cigs.Stay close to this site,always someone here who can help you thru any cravings.GOID LUCK.H x

Dalesebub profile image


Bought titan ecig started yesterday at 4pm. Not had a cig since. Using 1.8% solution. I'm not using it too often hourly or so. I cannot believe the difference in my breathing after just 24hrs.instead of waking up gasping and full of mucus I awoke to mild breathlessness that slowly went with a good cough and a cup of tea. If anything this has only made me more determined to stay tobacco free. I'll use the ecig to eventually get nicotine free.

Thank you all for your support and replies.

Pinkiezoom profile image
Pinkiezoom26 Months Winner in reply toDalesebub

Wooohooo thats amazing, I wish i had tried Ecig years ago lol x

yellowsnowdrop profile image

I'm really really pleased for you,see,not as bad as you thought was it.Well done for taking the first steps into your new life. H x

ausshine profile image

I don't see the the point of the point of an electronic cigarette. You need to get the nicotine out of your body or you will always have horrible nicotine withdrawal . Champix worked for me and the side effects are not as scary as copd !!! I love smoking and champix made what I love unloveable so I could see it for the true collection of petrochemical tar it is. (: if I were you id get on it...Fast)

djo35 profile image

E-cigs seem are definitely a better alternative. There are many harmful chemicals in cigs. Keep at it!

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