Eat garlic. One of the best foods to consume when you are trying to cleanse your lungs post-smoking is garlic, either raw or in food. Garlic can help clear excessive mucus in the sinus cavities after the mucus has exited the lungs; mucus coming from the lungs is actually a positive as the mucus helps expel the toxins from smoking, but it can become a nuisance in the sinus cavities. Garlic also helps move poisons from smoking out your skin's pores. Other spices, such as horseradish and ginger, also can produce effects similar to garlic. However, garlic, spices and other natural medicines have not been scientifically proven to work and should not be treated as definitive methods for cleansing the lungs. I took two teaspoons of crushed garlic and honey every morning for 6 months, i didnt like it but it worked .
I know how hard it can be to go through cold ... - Quit Support
I know how hard it can be to go through cold turkey, but i wanted it bad . 17 months 12th june for me. if i can do it anyone can .

Well done to you for making it so far
I've not heard of these tips before, but glad to hear it's worked really well for you. I love garlic in my food and it really does help for a lot of things, health-wise - oh and keeping people away from you
Also, a 12 month Winner's Award badge should be on it's way to you in the next couple of minutes

I love garlic, so will give this a go, as i have never coughed up any rubbish, and would have expected to by now! x
WOW !! What a superstar you are going cold turkey and lasting 17 months. I've always been FULL of admiration for anyone who chooses the cold turkey route mainly because I know how hard it must be.Garlic is supposed to have antibiotic properties also I think and Manuka honey is the new wonder substance.I've never coughed much since I gave up but have had chest infections.Anyway,HUGE congrats on an awesome quit. Hugs Hx

Very interesting smokefree, thank you.

Hi Smokefree, a great tip pal, and thank you for taking the time to let us all know about it
Keep up the good work, your doing just fantastic pal
Hi Smoke free, Congrats on 17 months quit and to do it Cold Turkey, thanks for the health info, I love Garlic but hubby doesn't so I only have it as a treat sometimes, but I have started drinking Lemon and Ginger tea daily. You are a STAR.